Category Archives: P2


Good Morning Everyone.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I had a very busy time. It was my husband’s birthday so I made a special cake for him and we had a birthday picnic in the garden.   I also walked up to Beecraigs and saw hundreds of tadpoles in the pond there!

Well done for all your great work last week and hopefully you will enjoy the activities we have planned for this week.

Lots of you have been enjoying Sumdog so keep up the good work. We have now allocated activities on Heinemann Active Maths so if you log in you will find some learning games to play there. There is also another Primary 2 blog post today with resources to help you learn about 2D shape.

For Phonics this week we are learning the qu sound. You might want to watch this short clip to help you.

There is also a game called Buried Treasure which is another way to practise this sound. Here is the link.

To help you learn about houses and homes around the world I have added a powerpoint.

houses around the world

Which house would you like to live in? Maybe you could draw your favourite one and send it to us.

Remember if you are out for a walk today to keep a look out for any bears sitting in windows, as Miss McDermott will be reading lots of bear stories this week.

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Mills

P2A Monday, 11th May

Good morning, everyone!

I hope you are all well and had a lovely weekend.  What did you do this weekend?  I enjoyed spending time in my garden on Saturday.  I cut my grass and repotted some plants as they were too big for the pot they were in.  I also looked at my seeds which I had sown a couple of weeks ago.  I was really happy to see seedlings beginning to shoot up.  I wonder how your seeds are coming along as I know some of you planted seeds.  You could take photos or draw pictures of them and send them to me.  I went for a bike ride yesterday.  It was good fun and the sun was shining when I set off.  But the weather soon changed and all of a sudden hailstones began to fall.  I could hear them tapping on my helmet!  I was glad to get home and warm up with a hot cup of tea!

This week we are going to learn about 2D shapes.  You can do lots of fun things with shapes so I hope you enjoy our learning activities.  Here is a link to our Learning Grid for this week.  Please try to email me once a week to keep in touch.

Learning Grid week 6

Have a great day, everyone!

Mrs Herbison

2D Shape for P2/1, P2A & P2B 11.05.20

Good Morning, everyone!

Primary 2 children will be learning about 2D shapes this week.

Here are some short videos on the BBC Bitesize website which will help you learn about 2d shapes.

Below are links to some PowerPoints and a couple of information sheets which will also help you learn about 2D shapes.

Please use these to help you this week.

Have a look at the HAM site for some learning activities, too.

Have fun! 

Primary 2/1,  2A and 2B Teachers

Story Time from Home – Monday 11th May

Hello everyone and welcome to the Story Time from Home page.

I hope that you had a nice weekend and are looking forward to a week of new stories.  This week’s theme is “bears” and all of this week’s books are from my house collection rather than from those that I keep in school, so chances are you won’t have heard me reading any of these stories before.

Here is the link to Monday’s story which is called “Beware of the Bears” and has a very surprising ending indeed!

Miss McDermott

Good Morning Friday 8th May Mrs Boyle

Good Morning,

I hope everyone is well . Today is VE day I wonder if you can find out what is special about today?

Today we are going to listen to Miss McDermott’s story and talk about the words in the story today. Myself and Mrs Mills are looking forward to seeing pictures of your favourite story. Mabye you can let us know why it is your favourite.

Have you been busy with your stones?  I have been looking when I am out for a walk to see if I can see any around Linlithgow.

Earlier I asked about VE Day . This is for all the dancers out there !  I have included this link.

As part of our commemorations for the VE Day 75 Anniversary, West Lothian Council Museums are inviting the people of West Lothian to join together in a V.E. Day dance at 8pm tomorrow night. Central Scotland Ballet School have kindly created an instructional video for us which you can see on our facebook page but can also be downloaded using the link below.  They will be posting a performance video tomorrow morning and again tomorrow night at 8pm (They have included the performance video in the link). Get your family to have a go if you have time!

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Boyle


Primary 2A Friday, 8th May

Good morning, everyone!

I hope you have had a lovely week.  Did any of you decorate a stone?  I took my stones with me when I went a walk yesterday.  I carefully put them along the path where other families will be able to see them.  I hope it brings a smile to their faces!

Today is a day for celebration.  It is the 75th anniversary of the day the Second World War ended in our country.  Many people were presented with different types of medals after the war.

Create your very own medal!

You could design a medal for yourself or for someone in your family.  What could the medal be for?   Think about what you would have on the medal and what colour would it be?  What would the ribbon look like?  You could send me a photo of your medal telling me who it is for and why.

Have a wonderful weekend.  Stay well and safe.

Mrs Herbison

P2a P2b P2/1 Story Time From Home Activities – Friday 8th May

Hello boys and girls

Here is the link to today’s story.

You will need to watch it before you can do these literacy tasks which are part of this week’s home learning plan.

The tricky words below were all in today’s story. Find out what these words mean. Try to use them in different sentences throughout the day.  Please remember that you do not need to write your sentences down.

  • proud
  • spectacular
  • grubby
  • trim

How many of the other words from this week’s stories can you remember?


How good are your listening skills? Remember you don’t need to write your answers down – you can just tell a grown up or big brother or sister if you have one.

  • What job did Hugh’s mum and dad do?
  • Why do you think Hugh would not have his hair washed or brushed or combed?
  • What was the exciting letter about?
  • Why could Mrs Tree not be the model?
  • Where was the Scissor Showdown being held?
  • How do you think Hugh felt at the end of the story?

Here is a super collage that I saw online that you might like to try if you’ve time.

Once you have listened to and watched all of the stories, this week draw a picture from your favourite story.

If possible send a photograph of your picture to your class teacher with a message saying why you liked this story best.

Hope you have a good weekend and remember – stay safe and wash your hair as well as your hands!

Miss McDermott

Good Morning Primary 2B Thursday 7th May Mrs Boyle

Good Morning,

I hope you are all well. Today we are going to listen to another story read by Miss McDermott and see if we can learn some new words. Keep listening to the stories and on Friday tell me which one was your favourite . Maybe you can draw me a picture of your favourite story and send it to me so I can share it on twitter.

I hope you enjoy using the maths karate game. Start at the bronze level them if it is too easy move up to silver then the gold.

    Mrs Herbison has also been busy decorating stones.  Have you had time to decorate yours?

Have fun learning!

Mrs Boyle


Primary 2A Thursday, 7th May

Good morning, everyone!  I hope you all enjoyed the wonderful sunny day we had yesterday.  I began my day reading some emails from you.  It’s always nice to hear and see what you have been doing at home.  Did any of you find and paint a stone?  It would be great to see them so please remember to send me your pictures.

I enjoyed the sunshine in my garden.  I was looking at my little cherry tree and most of the blossom has gone and cherries are beginning to form.  I don’t think it will be too long now before it will be full of juicy cherries.  Have you noticed any changes taking place around you?

cherry tree with blossom
cherries beginning to form









When you are out in your garden or out a walk remember to look around you to see what is there.

There are some number activities on the HAM website.  Click on this link below.  You will be asked to type in your username, password and school code.  You were emailed this information last week.  Have fun learning!

Have a great day, everyone!

Mrs Herbison

P2a P2b P2/1 Story Time From Home Activities – Thursday 7th May

Hello everyone

Here is the link to today’s story.

Like yesterday you will need to watch it before you can do these literacy tasks which are part of this week’s home learning plan.

The tricky words below were all in today’s story. Find out what these words mean. Try to use them in different sentences throughout the day.  You DO NOT need to write your sentences down.

  • wedged
  • spontaneous
  • quivered
  • dismay

How good are your listening skills? Remember you don’t need to write your answers down – you can just tell a grown up or big brother or sister if you have one.

  • What season is it in the story?
  • Why was Cyril’s cupboard empty?
  • What did Bruce dream was inside the tree?
  • Why did Bruce and Cyril fall over the edge of the waterfall?
  • Name 2 other animals that you can see in the story.

If you would like to find out a little bit more about real squirrels you could watch this short You Tube Video.

Or maybe if you ‘ve time have a go at doing some squirrel craft or pictures.

Miss McDermott


Here is a link to a squirrel news story on the BBC website today that I’ve just read.  As well as being interesting it has some super photos too.