Click on the link below to hear me read a story from home.
Miss McDermott
Click on the link below to hear me read a story from home.
Miss McDermott
This week in P1a we have been learning about staying safe near electricity. We made posters to show things that you plug in to the mains and things that use batteries and then we talked about staying safe. We looked at a special safety website and tried to spot all the things that might be dangerous in the different rooms of the house – here is the link so that you can have a look too.
As well as learning about money in maths we are still practising addition. We are getting so good that we are now doing mental maths and playing bingo using the whiteboards. The prize is a dojo point and getting to do the funky chicken!
Wednesday is our day for visiting the school library so we were very excited to finally go and do this. We need to try hard and remember to bring the books back next Wednesday so that we can choose a different one.
You might have read on last week’s blog that we are learning all about emotions and feeling this term. Our first team challenge of 2018 was to make posters with faces showing different emotions and here are the results…
Here are some photographs of P1a out and about this week. Thank you very much to all the mums who kindly came along with us despite the cold weather! Your help is much appreciated.
As part of our Percy the Park Keeper topic we visited Beecraigs on Tuesday morning and took part in several activities with the rangers. These included a scavenger hunt, making animal homes and learning about the animals that live in the park.
As part of our Book Week Scotland activities on Wednesday afternoon we visited Linlithgow Library. As well as listening to a story we enjoyed looking at and reading lots of different books. Lots of us have taken books home to read which we will be able to return to the new library within the new partnership centre.
On Friday morning, P5A received an intriguing package, wrapped in brown paper and tied up with string.
We spent some time handling our mystery parcel and discussing it. We wondered where it had come from, why it had been sent to us and, most importantly, what might be inside.
After waiting and wondering for three long days, we finally opened our parcel this afternoon. There was great excitement, lots of speculation, and some worry (from Mrs Paton) that Robert might cut his fingers on the scissors!
At last, the box was open. Buried inside layers of tissue, we pulled out…a tiny felt hat, covered in sequins and embriodery.
Most excited of all was our Circle Time pet, Happy Lion. He was delighted to find that the hat was a perfect fit!
We quickly set about writing down all of our big questions about this unusual hat. Where did it come from? Who sent it to us? What sort of hat was it? Which culture did it belong to? What could we learn from it?
We visited the school library and consulted Dr Google. Our suspicions were confirmed. We had received a tiny sombrero all the way from Mexico. We discovered that the name ‘sombrero’ comes from the Spanish word for shade. This wide brimmed hat was originally designed to offer protection from the sun.
Next, we discussed where we could take our learning from here. Would we design and make our own hats? Would we find out more about the traditions, customs and traditional dress of Mexico? Would we explore politics, religion or culture? Could we write our own music, or find out about traditional Mexican musical instruments? Could we explore different types of hats? Perhaps we could write our own poetry, adventure stories or factual reports about hats. We even discussed the possibility of learning a new language or writing to new pen pals.
So, where to begin? P5A, it’s over to you!
This morning P2/1 headed off in the sunshine to visit Linlithgow Library. Some boys and girls were already members and some children joined for the first time.
We enjoyed looking at the lovely books and lots of children chose books to take home. We used the self scanning machines which are quite similar to the new scanner in our school library.
Thank you very much to Mrs Crook and Mrs Simcox for coming along with us and helping us to stay safe when crossing the very busy roads in Linlithgow (and thank you also to Mrs Smith who gave up her tea break this morning to come with us too!)
Look at our super new displays in the library.
Take a look at the wonderful characters our ‘We Love to Read’ Club have created and shared around the school. How many have you seen…?