Category Archives: Community

P1c Visit to Blackness Castle – 15th May

As part of our social studies learning about people in the past, yesterday we visited Blackness Castle. We have been learning about how people in the past lived differently so we enjoyed  a tour of the castle and also handling some ancient artefacts.

The weather was lovely so we also enjoyed eating our lunch outside!

As a surprise end to our day there was great excitement when Richard from Historic Scotland, knighted us  – Lords and Ladies of Blackness!

A big thank you to our parent helpers ( Sophia’s dad and Lewis’s mum!)  and Mrs Smith for coming along to help us – we hope you enjoyed your day too!

P6A at the new Linlithgow Museum

Last Thursday P6A visited the new museum to perform their song ‘Medieval Times’. We worked with community songwriter Caro Bridges to write the song. We hope you enjoy listening – it has a catchy chorus!
We also had the opportunity to look round the museum and learn lots of new facts about Linlithgow in olden days.

P1 Church Visit to St Ninian’s Craigmailen Church

This morning both P1 classes visited St Ninian’s Craigmailen Church. We met Mr Houston the minister and were able to ask him lots of questions.

We took along our baby doll “Louis” so that Mr Houston could  show us what happens at a Baptism ceremony.  We learned that it is not just babies that get baptised and that the oldest person Mr Houston has baptised was 72!

When we returned to school we had a small party to celebrate with cake and a glass of lemonade. There was lots of toasting “baby Louis and the proud parents and Godparents”

Thank you very much to all of the parents who joined us this morning and to Mr Houston for welcoming us to the Church.

Health and Wellbeing Event

Our whole school Health and Wellbeing Showcase was on Thursday, February 22nd.   The event ran from 1.30pm to 3pm, and also 6-7pm.
The purpose of the event was to show all parents an area of our curriculum from our Improvement Plan.  We wanted all parents to see how this area of the curriculum is embedded across the school and to get a feel for what it looks like at each stage.   It was also an opportunity for our P7s and reps from each class to talk to parents about learning in this area.
We would very much appreciate feedback from parents about this event; whether you attended or not.  If you did attend, you can give us feedback about the value of the event and what could be amended for future planning. Many thanks to those who took the time to write a comment for our Feedback Tree.
If you were unable to attend, we would be really interested in the reasons for this so that we can plan effectively in the future.
All feedback is valuable to us.
Please take a few moments to complete and give us your feedback. Copy and paste link below into your browser to complete.

World Book ‘Snowy’ Day Challenges

Tomorrow is World Book Day. In school we had planned to have  lots of activities related to the enjoyment and importance of reading. Due to the weather, however, we would love it if you all were able to complete a reading challenge in the snow.

Here are a few suggestions.


  • Read a book while out in the snow?
  • Create a character from a book in the snow?
  • Build an outdoor book stand?
  • Read aloud outside in the snow?
  • Write some WOW words in the snow
  • Design a picture/scene from your favourite book in the snow.

Anything you do please take a quick picture if possible – Tweet your pictures, share on GLOW or bring into school to show us when we return.

Happy snowy reading

Mr Taylor

Choir visit to Linlithgow Care Home, 7th December 2017

The choir visited the Linlithgow Care Home last week and performed a range of Christmas songs. The children in the choir were given a warm welcome and sang beautifully, everyone agreed that they were a real credit to the school. The residents and staff thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon!

Thank you to the parent helpers who walked with the children. The choir’s next Christmas visit is to Templars Court on Thursday 14th December.

“The best way to spread Christmas Cheer is singing loud for all to hear!”

P1a go out and about!

Here are some photographs of  P1a out and about this week.  Thank you very much to all the mums who kindly came along with us despite the  cold weather! Your help is much appreciated.

As part of our Percy the Park Keeper topic we visited Beecraigs on Tuesday morning and took part in several activities with the rangers.  These included a scavenger hunt, making animal homes and learning about the animals that live in the park.

As part of our Book Week Scotland activities on Wednesday afternoon we visited Linlithgow Library.  As well as listening to a story we enjoyed looking at and reading lots of different books.  Lots of us have taken books home to read which we will be able to return to the new library within the new partnership centre.



P7A Defenders in Action

Well done to all the P7 pupils who took part in their mock trials this evening. They were confident, well-prepared, well-behaved and enthusiastic. We were impressed by their persuasive arguments and their cool, calm and collected approach under pressure. Here are a few snaps of P7A in their case against St Mary’s (Leith). JP