P1a Book Week Scotland

Today we had our special book week show and tell and as our P6 buddies are at school camp we were joined by some buddies from P7.  We enjoyed telling each other about our favourite books and the buddies even read some of them to us.

We were very excited to take home the Bookbug bags today. Miss McDermott has read 2 of the stories in class as they both have a baby theme and we have been learning about babies!)  ~ The Fourth Bonniest Baby in Dundee and Little Owl’s Egg.  Next week after we have read the other book Gorilla Loves Vanilla we are going to vote in The Bookbug Picture Book Prize.

Below are some photos of us taking part in today’s show and tell.

P1a go out and about!

Here are some photographs of  P1a out and about this week.  Thank you very much to all the mums who kindly came along with us despite the  cold weather! Your help is much appreciated.

As part of our Percy the Park Keeper topic we visited Beecraigs on Tuesday morning and took part in several activities with the rangers.  These included a scavenger hunt, making animal homes and learning about the animals that live in the park.

As part of our Book Week Scotland activities on Wednesday afternoon we visited Linlithgow Library.  As well as listening to a story we enjoyed looking at and reading lots of different books.  Lots of us have taken books home to read which we will be able to return to the new library within the new partnership centre.



P7A Defenders in Action

Well done to all the P7 pupils who took part in their mock trials this evening. They were confident, well-prepared, well-behaved and enthusiastic. We were impressed by their persuasive arguments and their cool, calm and collected approach under pressure. Here are a few snaps of P7A in their case against St Mary’s (Leith). JP

More Hallowe’en activities in P1a!

As part of our Hallowe’en activities we read the story Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper.

Then as part of our Health and Wellbeing learning about handling and trying new foods we made and tasted our very own pumpkin soup.  Everyone tried it although not everyone liked it!

Thank you to the girls who kindly washed and dried all the dishes when we had finished.

Later in the week we took part in a special outdoor team challenge with our buddies in P6a.  We had to make skeletons using sticks and stones and leaves.  It was a lovely sunny afternoon and we all enjoyed being outside.  Miss McDermott, Mrs Smith and Mrs Marshall were very impressed with the finished skeletons – what do you think?