P4A Beat Out a Banging Performance

On Monday night at Howden Park Centre, Livingston, our P4A class performed an amazing demonstration of their new skills. For the last 8 weeks P4A have been working with a project called Voice Beats which gives children an opportunity for innovation and creativity combining Japanese Taiko drumming and vocals. Please see a snap shot of their performance below.

They combined their talents with Linlithgow Bridge Primary School who were also part of the project for a joint finale mass drumming performance.


Sombrero Week in P5A, by Grace and Halle

On Monday, P5A opened a box, which contained a small Mexican hat called a Sombrero.

This week, we have been doing various tasks, including research, project work and activities on where we think it has come from and who sent it.

On Tuesday, some pupils from P5A were researching various aspects of Mexico, such as the Aztecs, Mexican clothing, Mexican food and lots of other things. Using this research they created a class book.

On Wednesday, P5A designed some sombreros of our own. There were many different designs ranging from sunshine yellow ones to ocean blue ones.

On Thursday, P5A brought their fantastic designs to life by using many different and unusual resources such as pipe cleaners, buttons, the lot! Some of us could not stick to our designs, due to the intricate detail and lack of time.

So, as you can see, we had an amazing time investigating this mysterious hat!

Grace and Halle, P5A

P5b authors visit P2/1 to read rainforest stories!

This morning P2/1 were delighted to welcome some authors from P5b who had written and illustrated their own rainforest stories.  As well as reading their stories to the boys and girls they had made some super props too!  Thank you very much P5b  – you have obviously been working very hard and had lots of good ideas – we enjoyed your listening to your stories.


P2/1 Lots of new photos! – 30th March

We have been even busier than usual over the last few weeks especially with our fundraising for Comic Relief and our visit to Almond Valley.  Thank you very much to our parent helpers for coming along too!  Below are just some of the photographs!

We have also been taking part in the Primary Engineer Challenge and last week we had a visit from Jemma Quin.  Jemma works as an engineer for a company called Morgan Sindall  and she told us all about her job and the things that she has designed and built.  We asked Jemma lots of questions!

Back in class we read some stories all about robots.  Our design challenge was to draw our own robots and write a little bit about what they could do.  We have sent our pictures to Jemma and hopefully we will soon receive our awards for being young engineers! Below are just some of them.

We have enjoyed taking part in lots of Spring and Easter activities this week – thank you to the parents who helped us with these!




P7A Creativity Challenge

P7A have been looking after a mysterious box for the last few days.  Today was the day to open it…

Inside was a crest wrapped in a blanket – we brainstormed some ideas of what the crest might mean, where it was from, what is was and what the symbols meant.  After a bit of research we came up with some ideas…

Then we worked to think of creative things we could do – we had loads of different ideas.

Right now, we’re working on some of the suggestions we cameup with.  We’ll post up some of the final creative activities!

Brown paper packages tied up with string…

On Friday morning, P5A received an intriguing package, wrapped in brown paper and tied up with string.

We spent some time handling our mystery parcel and discussing it. We wondered where it had come from, why it had been sent to us and, most importantly, what might be inside.

After waiting and wondering for three long days, we finally opened our parcel this afternoon. There was great excitement, lots of speculation, and some worry (from Mrs Paton) that Robert might cut his fingers on the scissors!

At last, the box was open. Buried inside layers of tissue, we pulled out…a tiny felt hat, covered in sequins and embriodery.

Most excited of all was our Circle Time pet, Happy Lion. He was delighted to find that the hat was a perfect fit!

We quickly set about writing down all of our big questions about this unusual hat. Where did it come from? Who sent it to us? What sort of hat was it? Which culture did it belong to? What could we learn from it?

We visited the school library and consulted Dr Google. Our suspicions were confirmed. We had received a tiny sombrero all the way from Mexico. We discovered that the name ‘sombrero’ comes from the Spanish word for shade. This wide brimmed hat was originally designed to offer protection from the sun.

Next, we discussed where we could take our learning from here. Would we design and make our own hats? Would we find out more about the traditions, customs and traditional dress of Mexico? Would we explore politics, religion or culture? Could we write our own music, or find out about traditional Mexican musical instruments? Could we explore different types of hats? Perhaps we could write our own poetry, adventure stories or factual reports about hats. We even discussed the possibility of learning a new language or writing to new pen pals.

So, where to begin? P5A, it’s over to you!


Primary Engineers!

P7 are in the middle of working towards the Primary Engineer’s Young Leader award.  The classes have been researching engineering and finding out about all the different areas of engineering that are around.

They’ve also been finding out about inspiring engineers (especially famous Scottish engineers like Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Telford, John Logie Baird and James Watt) and this week they have been lucky enough to have a visit from two engineers, Angus and Will, from the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh to talk about their work.

The classes had a chance to take part in activities that gave them experience of some of the skills the engineers use in their work, including robotics, optics, programming and working with lasers.

P2/1 Three Little Pigs House Challenge

Today’s challenge was to build a house for the three little pigs.  We made sure that all of the teams had exactly the same resources even though our finished houses looked quite different.

The three toy pigs had to fit inside the house and then Miss McDermott tried to blow it down with the big bad wolf hairdryer! Great fun and lots of great designs today!

P2/1 Cows Jumping Over the Moon amongst other things!

This morning we were very fortunate to have Mrs Lowe, one of our parent helpers, in class.  She helped us plant nasturtium seeds whilst Miss McDermott worked with the maths groups.  We learned that nasturtiums are unusual because you can eat their flowers! We know from Mr Hogg that we will need to water our seeds carefully and we are going to have a rota for doing this.

After break we wrote instructions for planting seeds and discussed how instructions are another kind of non fiction text.

In the afternoon, we learned about another Scottish inventor.  Here are a few of the pictures that we have drawn so far.

Then we worked with a partner for today’s challenge – to try and make a cow jump over the moon!  We had lots of fun trying to make catapults and pinging toy farm animals all over the classroom!  Like many of the challenges we do it was not easy but we are getting much better are not giving up and helping each other to do our best.