Category Archives: Primary 6

P6 This Week

On Monday we had french  and we were learning about seasons and all the months of the year and we played bingo but in french lotto.

On Tuesday it was snowing and  we did basketball in P.E. We did grammar and  a spelling test.

On Wednesday we learned about writing an information text. We learned about the solar system in science we were given a colour  coding sheet with facts about the solar system.

On Thursday we had division with a choice  of short division or chunking for solving word problems and we had a handball festival and we won most of our games. We also  worked on our activities for the shale trail.

P6 Week 7/1/20

This week P6 have been doing Dogdeball with Mrs Smith and Gymnastics with Mrs Fraser for our Physical Education. In numeracy we have been studying about different types of division. We have been learning how to count in steps backwards and how to chunk. On Wednesday we started writing a poem about Danny MacCaskill and The Ridge. All poems were at an excellent standard! We also did an art project for the poem. We watched a video with Mr Keast about STEM. Hannah Fry had a range of activities on the programme on The Royal Institution. On Wednesday we made a motto for a class. All ideas were very good. after a blind vote our motto was chosen as “P6 in the Remix”.

By Noel and Katie, with help from all of P6.

P6 This week

This week in P6  we have been learning about angles, triangles and circles. On Wednesday we did power points in science about renewable and non-renewable energy. In P.E., we done Strip The Willow in Social Dance with Mrs Smith. On Thursday Mrs Fraser’s friend, Michael Kear, came to visit the classes around the school to tell us about skiing with disability snowsport. He let us wear glasses that would make our eyesight small like his. Two lucky people in our class got to where a skiing helmet that had Bluetooth connected to it so the two people that were wearing the helmets could communicate to each other from a distance. The two people that got to wear the helmet was Amaya and Georgie.

Written by Oliver and Noel.

P6 This week- 8.11.19

We loved learning about triangles and identifying the different types. Alina really enjoyed making them with nail boards and elastic bands. We learned more about decimals and tried some word problems involving them. In writing we learned about persuasive texts and how they are structured. Our badminton skills are improving and we have been learning about dancing in the 1940’s! As part of our WW2 project, we learned about rations and made a pie called Lord Woolton Pie-made from vegetables. Surprisingly, lots of us thought it was delicious and have taken the recipe home!

P6 This week 1.11.19

This week in P6 we did WW2 in our drama we had to make air raid shelters with our body’s.

We painted our Diwali pots with lots of bright colours,and then coated them in a shiny PVA glue and water together to make it glossy.

We did some spooky writing for Halloween and peer assessed it,we had lots of inspiration with some spooky sounds.

In maths we did some more 2D shape,and had to trace over the textbook to get the shape.

We made some Anti-Bullying posters that needed lots of bright colours!


by Lily and Poppy

P6 This Week

This week in P6 we have done lots of different things. We had visitors to talk to us about something called the Shail Trail and we will be working with them to make a trail. It goes all over West Lothian, starting at  Winchburgh and ending at West Calder .

In pe we played handball because the P6 handball league starts next week- it was really fun to practice.

We made clay pots as we were learning about Diwali.

In maths we learned about polygons.

Owen and Amaya


P6 Reflection of the Week

This week Primary 6 have been learning about World War 2. We have been writing a piece of work about the Impact World War 2 had on Scotland. We used a website called for our research. We wrote our research on a plan sheet before we wrote it in our jotters. Some people have started to type their piece of work on a laptop. In Maths we have been learning about perimeter. Most of us have been doing common shapes like squares and rectangles but for a challenge some people have been doing irregular shapes like shapes that look like stairs. For science we have been learning about Micro-organisms. For some fun, we made bread with Mr Keast and got to eat it later. Most people liked it but others didn’t. At assembly we celebrated because Miss Marnie is getting married during the October holidays. When she comes back she’ll be known as Mrs Brodie. We have also been learning about the new school rules. They are Ready, Respectful and Safe. In PE we have been playing handball. We did a few drills before moving into matches. We played 2 minute games. We continued our blitz art and most of us are finished now. Mrs Fraser has been reading a book called Welcome to Nowhere. It is set in Syria. it is about  boy called Omar who is trying to save his cousin’s postcard business.

By Noel and Ben

P6 this week

This week in P6 we have created WW2 art with Mrs. Fraser, we all got a little messy but it was fun. In P.E we did team dodge ball with Mrs. Smith and handball games as well, we did passing and moving games with handballs with Mrs. Fraser on Thursday. This week is Scottish maths Week and we did a game called join and cut with Mrs. Smith and with Mrs. Fraser, we did perimeter. We have been doing a piece of writing about rescue services- we had to do our first draft and a second draft. We had to have three main paragraphs about characteristics as well as an introduction and conclusion. On Friday we did some art and free writing and did an online bullying poster in our jotters.

By Katie and Georgie