Category Archives: Primary 6

P6 learning wk.beg. 21.9.20

This week we have learned how to round a number up to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 and up to a million, it was pretty easy but some people struggled.

We have been writing a recount about lock down 🙂  We also did a  comprehension task which helped us to practise predicting what came next by looking for clues and evidence in the text, and using what we know.

We have learned about feelings and how they affect our body, and how they show to others.

We  did our didbook survey and today we all raised money for Macmillan cancer charity you could help too.

On wednesday we spent some time outside identifying leaves and trees,such as an oak tree and a holly bush.

by p6 Rocco and Aydan

P6 Sharing the Learning Wk.Beg.14.9.20

One of the highlights this week was practising our discussion skills.  Remembering to listen was difficult when we had so much to say and wanted to share our opinions.  The topics were fun such as ‘Blue is a special colour.’ ,   ‘We do not need oceans.’ ,  ‘Ten is not a real number.’ and It is important to have something to believe in.’We had to remember to listen to others so we could respond, and we had to try and think up different responses and ideas.

We enjoyed maths and our teachers really made us think about how we get to an answer.

We learned about coding this week and created some animations, it was fun and can’t wait to do it again.

We went outside to revise our knowledge of nouns and proper nouns with a alphabet scavenger hunt.  The letter x, y and z were really hard.

P6 Sharing Our Learning wk.beg. 31.8.20

In math this week we have been learning about place value up to 7 digits it was very hard but it did help a lot because some people were struggling.

In P.E we were doing a lot of running and sometimes games like splat and the running game. We also did girls vs boys cone game

In art we made cards for a boy in our class that fractured his jaw. We also made drawings of the inside out characters with our own twists and we did mindfulness colouring and drawing to.

In health and wellbeing we did a colouring sheet about staying healthy physically and mentally.

In RME we were talking about Nelson Mandela’s values and beliefs and who he was and what he was famous for!!!!!!!  We think we have more to learn and will revisit this in October.

In writing we were describing a picture of a mammoth stuck in ice and a man trying to save him with a hairdryer and how he got their then what would happen next!!!

It was a great week it was soooo fun


Authors: Jessica and Ellie

P6 Learning wk.beg.24.8.20

We have been doing the bleep test in our our P.E and hope to improve next time.

We have also been doing our maths assignments and got little slips of paper saying what we have to improve on.

Our RME topic with Mrs Smith is about values and beliefs and this week have been looking at Lebron James  and chatting about what we know and what we see him do.  We have tried think if his actions tell us his values.

We have been learning Roman Numerals with long place value.

Authors: Euan and Michael



P6 Bikeability

Good news! Our P6 bikeability programme is able to go ahead at this time with social distancing measures in place. This will commence on Friday 11th September. Further details will be issued next week. Please note: this may be subject to change if government advice on COVID 19 changes.

P6 learning week beginning 17.8.20

In maths we have been revising and learning about place value to hundreds of thousands. We have explored and audio story and listened for clues to find the murderer in the the mystery/ thriller tale.

We have been thinking about about how small things make a big difference through the book The Boy, The Mole, The fox and The Horse.

we have completely finished our maths and spelling check ups and we are looking forward to learning from our efforts.

Our comprehension work was challenging but fun. Some of us have really enjoyed our PE outside, and others enjoyed the free playground time too.


P6 will have PE on Tuesday and Thursday each week. Following current guidelines, this needs to take place outdoors so we ask that everyone comes dressed on these days  in school uniform on their top half with dark coloured joggers or leggings and outdoor trainers. They should also bring an extra water bottle as they cannot fill up in school.

Many thanks, Mrs Clyne and Mrs Fraser