Category Archives: Primary 4

This Week in P4

As I was whisked away to camp Mon – Wed and Miss Marnie stepped in, much of what the children enjoyed this week were the lessons they had with Miss Marnie ( a big thank you for your hard work Miss Marnie).  Top of their highlights list was the session helping them to access Didbook with the P6’s help, for the first time.   They are really looking forward to recording their learning each week.

Next was the maths problem solving questions, which they worked on as a class, but finding answers in groups.  Next up was the opportunity to complete a Christmas card design. This may have just been because it was a relaxing task, but the results are fantastic. I hope you will agree when you see them.

The children and Miss Marnie enjoyed this weeks reading buddies session with the P1’s.  The relationships they are building between the classes is great to see.

Almost all said they have loved Mrs Fraser’s science and technology lessons, others have enjoyed the PE and many liked the poems Miss Marnie read on Monday, for national poetry day, from Allan Ahlberg.

This week in P4

The highlights this week have been the the first session of reading buddies (see our last post below), and undoubtedly the cakes at the McMillan coffee morning!

The children also want to say how much they are enjoying the music lessons with Karen from the National Youth Choir of Scotland (NYCOS).

Most of the children did really well in their first quiz of the week based on their learning and shared home learning this week. Well done.

P4-P1 Reading buddies P1-P4

This week, on Monday, saw the first steps of our  reading buddies sessions.  The P4’s were very excited and couldn’t wait to meet their buddies. One or two had already been making friends in the playground and this has continued all week. The children sat well reading and listening, learning to share and to be considerate of each other. Although you can’t see the smiles on the faces, believe me they were there and many were grinning at the sheer delight of having a reading buddy.

This week in P4

Highlights this week have been:

  • Challenging the children to listen for sentences while a paragraph is read to them.
  • Challenging the children to uplevel sentences using powerful words.
  • Using the school library  to research facts about the world.
  • Revisiting their knowledge of 3D shapes.
  • enjoying the first in a series of lessons on the colour wheel.

This Week’s Highlights for P4

Top of the list this week has been the Sumdog competition. The class are chuffed to get 343rd out 5658 classes taking part nationally and coming 2nd in the school.

The next highlight was the maths challenges they did this week on word problems involving timetable knowledge (featured on twitter), they particularly enjoyed having a choice of challenge mild, spicy, or hot, with a few trying a harder level than usual. Well done.

They have also enjoyed technology with Mrs Fraser, looking at packaging for bananas.

Mrs Smith’s highlight this week has been the buzz of engagement in the classroom as the children are focussed and enjoying their learning.  They have also been challenged and have delivered Legendary Line-Ups this week, moving through the school as if they were not there.  Super well done.

This week in P4

We have finished our traffic survey and are beginning to learn about block graphs and how to draw them.

We enjoyed doing tricky sums in maths as we continue to explore word problems and how to understand them.

We really like playing boggle to help us with our spelling and vocabulary.

We have enjoyed about the stories of St.George and the Dragon and The Beast with a Thousand teeth.

We are looking forward to more science with Mrs Fraser.

we are loving going out and about on Tuesdays for outdoor classroom.


This week in P4.

We have been on our first outdoor excursion!  We went to the village and took the opportunity to sketch some of the houses and inn. We were taking note of the details such as drain pipes, chimneys and if the windows were in line or strange places. This work is to build the children’s awareness of houses to help them build a display in school which has been inspired by Laura Sayers’ visit.
















On our return journey the children spotted berries, only one knew they were blackberries.  After discussion and confirmation they were safe some of the children tucked in to a quick snack!  However, close by there were also elderberries, I informed the children these were not so tasty and were best for the birds.

In maths the children are learning to break down times table questions to what they know, and to understand word problems. We have begun to explore what a legend is through work on the Dragon Slayer.

The children loved their first science lesson with Mrs Fraser on micro-organisms, and could tell me all about what they had learned. Well done P4.

Welcome to P4 2018-19

Today we reflected on our first week in primary 4 and the children listed their highlights.

Most of them enjoyed the maths this week especially the treasure hunt and their times table work.  They told me almost all are happy with their new teacher with some needing more time to think about it!  Most of the children enjoyed doing writing this week as the subject was their favourite Disney film.  Almost all thought that golden time was great fun, especially those that had been trying the wireless headphones and dancing in a silent disco.

All of the children enjoyed meeting our visitor on Thursday, Laura Sayers, an up and coming illustrator, who spent time sharing a book she has written and talking about how she did the illustrations.  She encouraged the children to talk about their dreams and to make some art work like the Roadliner character in her book.  The children have been inspired and plan to make houses to frame their road marking pictures and to put their work on display in the school.


P4 are looking forward to finalising their topics, doing more artwork, learning science with Mrs Fraser and are hoping for exciting trips away – no pressure then!