Category Archives: Primary 3/2

Primary 2 Museums Handling Visit

Primary 2 enjoyed a super workshop from West Lothian Council Museums. We were transported back in time to a hundred years ago to find out how people lived in the past. Here are a few of the children’s reflections on their learning:

Jarrad: I enjoyed looking at the old photos.

Finn: It was loud when Mrs Liddell sounded the old fashioned car horn.

Anna: Children were not allowed to play on a Sunday.

Lakshya: I liked dressing up like children from 100 years ago.

Darcy: Lots of toys were made from wood and metal.

Emma F: A hot water bottle was called a piggy.

P2 Weekly Learning Reflection 15.6.18

In Maths, we have been learning to divide and making links with fractions.  We learned that finding a half means divide by two and finding a quarter means divide by 4.  We also learned that fractions are equal parts of a whole.

In Health and Wellbeing we talked about emotional health and how our actions and behaviour affects other people.  We talked about how our behaviour can affect others in a positive way or a negative way and Mrs Clyne left us with a question to think about ‘Are we working together as a class to ensure everyone is happy?’.

On Thursday we worked in our House teams to complete the House Challenge.  We had to solve clues to find ten different envelopes hidden in the school grounds.  We then had to work together to solve the maths problems to find a final answer.  It was tricky trying to solve the problems but everyone showed perseverance and determination.  Well done to the winners, Almondell!

We finished working with the Beebots by challenging our peers to move the Beebot from one place on the mat to another.  We had to think carefully about the directions before we programmed him.  It was not as easy as some of us thought it would be!

P2 Weekly Learning Reflection 8.06.18

It’s been another busy week in P2.  In numeracy we have been using our knowledge of doubles to solve addition and subtraction problems. We have also been developing our knowledge of division and linking this to multiplication. We have been learning how groups of items can be shared equally.

In maths we were developing our understanding of how to work backwards to solve problems.  We also looked at the link between halves and quarters by considering shapes, numbers and food like pizza and chocolate bars.

In Literacy we wrote a report about our trip to the Riverside Museum in Glasgow.  Sebastian worked exceptionally hard and received a special sticker from Mr Mc-Callum-McKay.

This week we have continued to listen to children’s individual talks and have been impressed by the preparation the children have put in to these.  We are looking forward to next week’s talks!

Earlier in the week we enjoyed a super workshop from West Lothian Council Museums . We were transported back in time to a hundred years ago to find out how people lived in the past. We explored household and school objects and had lots of fun playing with some old fashioned toys. Photos to follow soon!

In RME we have been learning about special places of worship and this week learned about the Hindu Mandir.  Next week we will finish learning about special places of worship by looking at the Sikh Gurdwara.

P2 Fun with the Beebots

Last week Primary Two children were developing their understanding of  direction and turning when experimenting with the Beebots.  Children engaged well with these and worked cooperatively with peers to programme different routes.  We will further develop our understanding this week through problem solving tasks linked to 2D shape.

P2 Weekly Reflection 25.5.18

In social studies this week we have been making comparisons between transport past and present and finding out how transport has changed over time. We are all looking forward to our class trip to the Riverside Museum in Glasgow on Tuesday!

In numeracy we have been learning how to round numbers to the nearest ten. We have also been learning how to add ten to a two digit number.

In Literacy we have been developing our comprehension skills in reading. We have also been learning to spell words with ‘magic e’. We completed a word building activity and wrote some of our own sentences using ‘magic e’ words.

In PE we enjoyed a game of dodgeball and handball. In handball we were practising our ball control skills as we dribbled the ball around the hall. We also played some team games in preparation for Sports Day.

In RE we have been learning about Buddhist temples.  We discussed why these are important and considered key features inside the temple.


Science Club

There was lots of excitement in science club this week. The children discovered that there has been a theft; a locked treasure chest has been stolen from the science lab! The children are all now forensic investigators and have been very busy finding clues and collecting evidence.  Mrs Smith & Ms King are sure that the LVPS forensics team will soon solve the crime!

Sophia – We are solving a crime. We put on gloves and shoe covers, so we don’t leave foot marks or prints at the crime scene. We found clues, there was a note and chocolate that has a bite out, so maybe the person was hungry. There was a glass with a finger mark, and we also found a pen and a spider. The treasure chest and the key have been stolen. We looked at our finger prints and two of mine has stripes and swirly patterns on them. I like science club because we are solving a crime.






P2 Weekly Update

In Science this week we have been exploring examples of food chains and finding out how animals and plants depend on each other for food.

In numeracy we have been learning how to round numbers to the nearest ten.  Sometimes we want to add numbers in our head but the numbers are a bit tricky.  We can estimate the answer and it is easier if we use numbers that are in 10s.  Rounding means we find the nearest 10.

In PE, we have continued to develop our skills in tennis and handball.

In grammar we have been learning about antonyms.  These are words with opposite meanings and proved a bit tricky for some of us as we kept getting mixed up with synonyms from last week.  We will continue to work on antonyms and synonyms next week.

Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine and remembering to stay safe – remember your sun cream and hats!

P2 Weekly Reflection 11th May

Although this has been a short week we have still been learning lots in class.  We used a word processor to develop our understanding of typography.  Typography is when writers present text in different ways, this might include the font, the style and the size.  We practised using the word processor to change text.  In science we have been learning about mini-beasts and Ethan reminded us that ladybirds have a red shell so that the birds don’t eat them, this helps to protect them.  Leo told us that he learnt that insects have 6 legs apart from spiders which have 8 legs.  Darcy said that she had learnt that insects have 3 parts to their body; head, thorax and abdomen.  Freya told us that some mini-beasts have four wings.  In grammar, we have been learning about synonyms and the children worked in groups to identify synonyms for the words ‘bad’, ‘good, ‘happy’ and ‘sad’.