Category Archives: Primary 1

P1M’s Learning Reflection W/E 11th May

We have had a busy week. We have been looking at odd and even number patterns. In literacy, we have been practicing our sounds and doing hold a sentence. The sentence we held in our head was ‘the boys and girls can play.’ We then wrote this sentence. We have started watching the birds that come to our school garden. We are recording these on a tally chart. For art, we drew ‘Mirror mirror on the wall’ self-portraits linked to Snow White. Here are some of the the children’s thoughts about their learning:

Mathew: I enjoyed everything about school this week!

Jaxon: I enjoyed using the mirror to create my ‘mirror, mirror on the wall’ self-portrait.

Amelia: I found the odd and even number patterns tricky.

Pola: I enjoyed learning about the princesses.

Calum: I enjoyed finding the odd and even number patterns. It was easy for me.

Anya: I found it tricky using the mirror to draw my self-portrait.

James: I really enjoyed everything about school this week.

Cali: I enjoyed practicing my sounds.

P1M Learning Reflection W/E 4th May

Primary 1 have been busy learning the last set 2 sound which was ‘oy’. We brainstormed and then made lots of ‘oy’ words such as boy. We also learned  the tricky word ‘too’. In writing we have been working on letter writing and we wrote a letter to the friendly dragon telling him that we are going to help him save the enchanted forest by getting people to believe in fairy tales again. The dragon paid the classroom a visit when we were at lunch on Wednesday and left us a mirror and a number 7. We worked out that the items were from Snow White and we listened to the story. We then pretended we were Snow White walking through the dark scary forest. In Maths, we have been learning about capacity and how many cups of water or sand it takes to fill objects. We learned the terms full, half full, nearly full/empty and empty. Here are a few thoughts from the children on their learning this week:

Pola: I enjoyed drama when we were a tree or Snow White walking through the forest!

Amelia: I loved being a scary tree in the forest.

Safia: I liked listening to fairy tales.

Aiden: I enjoyed listening to the story of Snow White.

Calum: I liked learning the ‘oy’ sound and building lots of words with it.

James: I enjoyed learning about capacity and how many cups it took to fill different containers.

Lewis: I liked developing skills in Yoga.

P1M’s Learning Reflection W/E 27th April 2018

Another busy week for Primary 1 learning lots of new things. In literacy we learned the ir and ou sounds and the tricky word to. We used these new sounds to build words such bird and pound. We looked at rhyming words as quite a few of our ou words rhymed. We wrote a letter to Mrs Mill asking her if we could help the friendly dragon save fairyland by turning our classroom into the enchanted forest. We were very excited to have received a letter from the dragon. We drew illustrations of some of the fairytales that we knew of. In maths we explored weight. We used pan balance scales, play dough, classroom items and weights to explore how heavy items were and compare what was the lightest item with the heaviest item. We learned that although we changed the shape of play dough it still weighed the same. In health and wellbeing we discussed the qualities of a good friend. We then created wanted posters displaying these qualities. Next week in Literacy we will be learning the ‘oy’ sound and revising set 2 sounds. In numeracy and maths we will be focusing on exploring capacity. We are all looking forward to exploring our first fairytale and starting to create the enchanted forest in our classroom.

Moving On

Dear parent/carer


From June 4th, I will no longer be the PE teacher at Livingston Village Primary school. I have accepted the post as Principal Teacher of the Scottish Attainment Challenge schools in West Lothian. This promoted post was too good an opportunity to turn down and I am very excited for this new challenge. I will be working between St Thomas’ Primary School in Addiewell and Bridgend in Linlithgow.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support over the years. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here and I will miss the children, staff and yourselves incredibly.  I have so many happy memories and I have no doubt that PE and school sport will continue to flourish in my absence.  I will be back at the end of term to celebrate all our fantastic sporting achievements this year at the Sports Committee Assembly.


My last day at LVPS will be on Tuesday the 29th May. I will also be ensuring that our application for an unprecedented 3rd sportscotland school sport gold award will be completed and if successful I hope to come back in November 2018 for the presentation.


I am also delighted to announce how much we raised at SportaFUNd. Abbie, our former pupil, raised £360.00 with the bake sale, the ELC raised £395.00 and the school raised a whopping £1724.20.  This demonstrates all the hard work, dedication and commitment from everybody connected to this fabulous school.


Thank you once again.


Kind regards


Mr Stewart.

P1M Learning Reflections W/E 13th and 20th April

What a busy couple of weeks P1M have had since we came back our holidays. In Language we have learned four sounds ‘oo’, ‘ar’,’or’ and ‘air’. We have used these sounds to read and write words such as book. We have written about our Easter holidays and worked with a partner to write a spring acrostic poem. In Numeracy we have been busy working on our friends of 10, counting in 2s, 10s and learning how to count in 5s. We have started to explore measurement. We used items such as counters to measure the length of some dragon footprints and objects around our classroom like a water bottle. We also had our PATPAL and we loved showing you what we do in numeracy in class. Pictures from the PATPAL will follow. We loved taking part in SportaFunD on Thursday. Pictures to follow. In art, with it being spring, we had a go at drawing some daffodils. Here are a few reflections from the children:

Cali: I enjoyed drawing the daffodils. I found recalling my doubles tricky.

Alanice: I loved playing rotten apples in the gym hall. It was tricky drawing the daffodils.

Calum: I enjoyed all my learning. I found drawing the daffodils tricky but I gave it a go.

Anya: I enjoyed learning new sounds and then making new words with these sounds. I found drawing the daffodils hard.

Zach: I enjoyed learning how to draw daffodils. I found adding and subtracting 2,3 or 4 a little bit tricky.

SportaFUNd Thursday 19th April

Below is information which has already been circulated through letter, email, facebook and twitter about our upcoming SportaFUNd day. Any donation, no matter how small, will make a big difference.



Dear parent/carer

As you will be aware, the school’s SportaFUNd Day is on Thursday 19th April within the school. We are holding a Sponsored Mile long obstacle course, various stalls in the playground including face painting, beat the goalie and soak the teacher amongst others and a Bake Sale to support former pupil Abby Cowan on her trip to Rwanda to build a new school.

All monies raised within the bake sale goes to Abby’s trip. All monies raised by the nursery will go towards new nursery play equipment. All monies raised by P1-P7 and the money from the various stalls goes to the school for new playground equipment, new PE equipment and towards the cost of transport to various sporting events.

For all of this to happen we need your support please. We are looking for baking donations, volunteers to help at the various stalls and volunteers to support the obstacle course. All 15 members of the Sports Committee will be supporting the event too.

Below is a timetable for the day.

Assault Course                                                        Stalls

9:00am-9:15am                      P6                            9:15am – 9:30am                   P6

9:30am – 9:45am                   nursery (am)           9:45am – 10:00am                 nursery (am)

10:00am – 10:15am               P5                            10:15am – 10:30am               P5

11:00am -11:15am                 P1                            11:15am  – 11:30am               P1

11:30am -11:45am                 P2                            11:45am – 12 noon                 P2

1:15pm -1:30pm                     nursery (pm)           1:30pm – 1:45pm                   nursery (pm)

1:45pm – 2:00pm                   P4                            2:00pm – 2:15pm                   P4

2:15pm – 2:30pm                   P3                            2:30pm – 2:45pm                   P3

2:45pm – 3:00pm                   P7                            3:00pm – 3:15pm                   P7

If you can help out at all please attend a short meeting in the school gym hall on Monday 16th April straight after school with Mr Stewart and the Sports Committee. If you cannot make the meeting please give your name to Mrs Young at the school office and Mr Stewart will contact you before the event. Even if you can only help for a short while we would really appreciate it. If you cannot support you are welcome to come along and support your child at the appropriate time above.

Children are encouraged to wear sports kit from any clubs or teams they represent out with school. Football strips will be allowed on this day. Those children who represent any of the school teams will be allowed to wear a school strip. PE kit or a tracksuit are also allowed. The assault course is outside so please ensure your child has a change of clothing as they may get dirty.

On the day the bake sale will take place in the gym hall from 9am – 12.  All of the other stalls will take place in the school playground. Most of the stalls will cost between 50p and £1.

Can you please ensure your child’s sponsorship money is delivered to the school office as soon as possible.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr Stewart, Ms Taylor and the Sports Committee

P1M Learning Reflection W/E 16th March

What another busy week in P1M. We have been busy preparing for our assembly. We learned the ‘oo’ sound and the tricky word ‘are’ in Literacy. We wrote about our Granny and why they are special. In Maths, we have been looking at sharing. We have enjoyed playing games such as make it fair and discussing whether something is fair or not. We also did yoga and went litter picking with our P7 buddies. Here are a few of the children’s reflections on the week:

Mathew: I enjoyed yoga.

Amelia: I enjoyed litter picking.

Jaxon: I enjoyed litter picking with my P7 buddy.

Safia: I liked learning the tricky word are.

Jan: I found taking part in the school fitness week tricky.

Lewis: I enjoyed all my learning this week.

Cali: I found it easy doing the Trolls yoga.

P1M Weekly Learning Reflection Week ending 9th March

What another busy week for P1M. In writing we enjoyed sharing our snow adventures and then writing them down. We are focussing on using a capital letter and full stop at the moment. In Literacy we were learning the vowel diagraphs ‘igh’ and ‘ow’. We were able to think of a lot of words with these sounds then word build them. In Maths we have been learning how to tell the time, o’clock and half past times only. We can tell the time on an analogue clock and are beginning to recognise these times on a 12 hour digital clock. Using the computers we tried to draw a picture of the different types of transport from where we live and where Katie Morag lives on the island of Struay. Here are a few of our reflections on the week:

Cali: I liked learning to tell the time when it was o’clock on a digital clock

Anya: I enjoyed learning the sounds ‘igh’ and ‘ow’. I found it tricky using the computers to draw a picture of a mode of transport.

James: I liked learning the new tricky word ‘was’.

Mathew: I enjoyed learning the new sounds.

Calum: I enjoyed learning the ‘ow’ sound. I found it tricky to learn ‘igh’ as it was three letters but only one sound.

Jan: I liked our tricky learning this week. I found it tricky learning to read digital times.

Amelia: I enjoyed telling the time.