Category Archives: Primary 1

P1 Weekly Reflection 24.04.20

Hi everyone!

As we are still in Lockdown this is a reflection with a difference!  Instead of writing this with your help, I am sitting here scrolling through all the lovely emails from your parents.  It is great to see you all having such fun as you continue your learning at home.  Thank you to all your parents for their continued support in your learning, it is very much appreciated.

This week in literacy we have been learning the sound ‘ur’ and we were looking for ‘ur’ words in the story of Sam the Cat.  Well done to Zac, Eva and Georgie who found the 6 words – fur, curls, purrs, turn, hurt and nurse and to Sahasra who found 8 ‘ur’ words in her Mr Mischief  book.

I know many of you enjoyed the Piggy Bank activity as well and were able to identify the correct coins.  I particularly liked Lochlann’s idea of writing his spelling words on the pavement with chalk and on the window using whiteboard pens – I do hope you helped mum clean the window afterwards!

In Maths we were focusing on developing our understanding of money and in particular recognising all coins up to £2.  

Many of you developed your coin recognition by creating shops and cafes at home, what a shame we aren’t allowed to go out or I could have popped round and done some shopping or grabbed a cuppa!


I hope you enjoyed the topmarks game, it proved to be a great hit with Euan in our house.

The work which Miss Whigham set us on the topic of Minibeasts has been very well received with lots of you taking advantage of the nice sunny weather to get outside and engage in many of the activities.  There’s been lots of minibeast hunts and some of you have done some great fingerprint painting of insects and bugs.

Isla and Georgie’s mums have chosen some books with a minibeast theme and linked a number of activities to these.  Georgie’s mum chose Caterpillar Butterfly by Vivian French and Georgie counted a number of minibeasts before creating a bar graph while Isla read What the Ladybird Heard and coloured in a beautifully symmetrical butterfly.

A special mention goes to this young lady who has made a tremendous effort this week in creating a wormery, a windchime and a bug hotel.  She also created her very own minibeast workout which she challenged Mrs Smith, Miss Whigham and I to complete.  I’m hoping it’s a sunny day tomorrow so I can do my challenge.


Our new topic of Under the Sea seems to be a popular one with a number of you having returned your Marine Biologist Application Form already, remember you can still send this in if you haven’t already done so.  Hopefully we’ll find out lots of information about the plants and creatures that live in the sea including how they manage to survive there.  Remember if you come across any interesting facts send them in so we can share them with everyone.

A big thank you to all those who have sent in their animal talks, including Lucia who spoke about hedgehogs and Sophie who spoke about bunnies.  Did you know that bunnies can see behind themselves without turning their heads?

Well it’s been a busy week and I look forward to receiving your emails next week with even more of your learning.  Next week’s learning grid will be posted on Monday but until then relax and enjoy some family time in the sun. You are all stars, keep smiling!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Clyne

Clyne Caterpillars

The caterpillars have now been visiting for 3 weeks. There hasn’t been much action for us to see this past week as they have been in their chrysalides but inside a magical transformation is taking place!   We are looking forward to seeing them hatch out as beautiful butterflies soon.  

P1, P2/1, P2, Science WB 20.4.20

Good afternoon everyone. I hope you all had a relaxing Easter holiday and enjoyed spending time together with your families.

Our Science topic for this term is Minibeasts. Each week I will post your Science activities to your class teachers to be included with your weekly learning.

To get us started this week, there is a power point for you to explore and an activity sheet for you to complete titled ‘Minibeasts and Their Habitats’. I’ve also included an activity grid which is full of fun Minibeast activities for you to try at home!

There are a couple of videos for you to watch from the BBC Bitesize Science Clips series titled ‘What are Minibeasts?’ and ‘Magnificent Minibeasts’.

It would be lovely to see some examples of your learning in Science this term.

Enjoy your first week back and have fun!

Miss Whigham


P1 Weekly Learning 20.04.20

Good morning P1 families and welcome back!

I hope you have had a relaxing Easter break spending quality time together and are now ready to begin some formal learning again.  It might be nice to get back to some structure and routine, I know we are needing it in the Clyne household!

Please find attached the Weekly Learning Grid and relevant activity sheets.  These can be printed off if you wish but can also be used by viewing them on the screen and talking through the activity with an adult.  We would love to see evidence of your learning and welcome you to send the completed activity sheets, photos of your work or even just your thoughts to either individual teachers or through the school office on

Each week we will post a Learning Grid containing 4 literacy, 4 numeracy/maths and 4 topic tasks.  The expectation would be that children complete at least one task from each curricular area.

Here is this week’s Learning Grid and everything you will need to help you with the activities:-

Learning Grid week beg. 20th April

‘ur’ Piggy Bank Activity

Sam the Cat phoneme story


Marine Biologist application

blank world map

Each week Miss Whigham will also be including some separate tasks for science which we hope you enjoy!  This week we are introducing the topic of Minibeasts.


minibeasts and their habitats sheet

Minibeasts home learning challenges

Miss Whigham would also like you to check out the following BBC Bitesize Science Clips

What are Minibeasts?  and Magnificent Minibeasts

We hope you have a good week and please get in touch if you have any questions.  Parents will receive a letter tomorrow with teacher’s individual email addresses if you prefer to contact us directly.

As always, thank you for your continued support in your child’s learning.

Mrs Clyne & Mrs Smith