Category Archives: Class Posts

An Enterprising Book Week!

Primary 5 have been very busy this week, enjoying Scottish Book Week!

The focus book has been Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone and children have enjoyed daily read-a-long sessions as well as using Venn Diagrams, drawing maps, designing their own witch or wizard, creating and solving some Voldemort maths problems and becoming reporters for The Daily Prophet!! Pheeeew….and it hasn’t stopped there!

The children have also managed to make their Snowman Soup cups, ready for the LVPS Christmas  Fayre. They are looking fantastic and I’m sure they’ll sell like hot cakes (not too hot though as we may melt the snowmen ha ha ha)

Our week will culminate in Character Dress up Day and I can’t wait to see which characters will be entering into P5 on Friday morning.

Mrs Taylor x

P1K Learning Reflection

Junior Road Safety Officers

The JRSO pupils came to talk to our class this week and they spoke to the whole school at assembly today.  They reminded us of the green cross code and the importance of being bright and being seen during the dark winter months.  Below are some comments the pupils made during our learning highlights conversation.

Aakruti – when the red light comes the cars need to stop

John – you press the button and wait for the green man

Nathan – when you cross the road you have got to hold a grown-up’s hand

Arya – when the green man is green you have to hold an adults hand and walk across the crossing.

Emma – car drivers can drive too fast they need to slow down

Big Maths

Arya – I like the learn its music

Holly – I liked learning double 1 and double 2

Sophia – I am learning double 3

Nathan – I like making numbers to ten

Hall decorations

We have been very busy this week making Christmas displays for the hall.  P1 have been developing their fine motor skills using scissors to snip and cut out paper hands, snowflakes and poinsettias. Although challenging P1 persevered and as a result, their cutting skills have developed further and they have created lovely festive displays.

Aakruti  – we made snowflakes you fold it into a triangle

Holly – you need to keep on folding it into a triangle 1 2 3 times. You cut shapes on it, you unfold it then you have a snowflake

Arya – we drew our hand and followed the line of our hand and cut the space between our finger to make a hand

Christmas Enterprise

The pupils have been developing their fine motor skills further this week by learning to sew running stitch. We are hoping to get our stockings finished in time for the Christmas fair.

Livingston Netball League

Our netball team have been training very hard over the last few weeks in preparation for the Livingston Netball League competition.

Their are 8 teams in total meaning we play 7 games.

Below is the league table.

Everybody in our team played fantastic. The ethos we have at LVPS is to enable our children to develop and learn. The winning comes because of that focus. We played 7, won 7, scored 49 and conceded 3. The most pleasing aspect was the sportsmanship, team work and resilience shown. This was their first ever game of Netball. well done team. We are all very proud of you.


P1M Number Talks

Primary 1 have been learning about and enjoying Number Talks. They have explored different dot patterns of five and six. They shared with the rest of the class their strategy for knowing how there was five or six dots. The children enjoy using hand signals of a closed fist for thinking, a thumbs up if they have a strategy and lastly a thumbs up, little finger up if they agree with someone else’s strategy. After our number talks the children have been exploring different dot patterns in a ten frame with a partner. Here are some photos of the children. 

Children In Need Bake Sale




The children spent time last week working on their skills in numeracy and understanding Money, in preparation for last Friday’s Children In Need Bake Sale. They also looked at advertising and how to best to promote the product they were selling.

Primary 5 did an amazing job of advertising, organising, selling and buying so many of the amazing baked goods that were very kindly donated. Final amount is still to be confirmed but I can tell it was a huge success.

Thank you to everyone who supported Primary 5 in this mini-project, we are very grateful as always.


Mrs Taylor and Primary 5


Learning Highlights

Ten Frame

We had a conversation reflecting on our learning highlights this week. To begin with, the children were keen to discuss what they found out about using a ten frame.

Aakruti – using the ten square and counting different ways, I made different ways to make nine and eight we did four at the top and five at the bottom. Then for eight, four at the top and four at the bottom then six at the top and two at the bottom.

Sophia – I made five by adding two and three then three add two

Maddie –  and four add one

Nathan – five and five make ten and nine add one equals ten, and eight and two equals ten

Book Buddies

We also enjoyed a visit from our P4 Book Buddies this week.

Jamie – Some bits were funny.

Poppy – I like to read with my buddy.

Emma – Owen is kind to me and he read me a story with 3 little pigs.