All posts by Mrs Clyne

P1 Weekly Reflection 06.03.20

Well what a ‘booktastic’ week we’ve had to launch our first ever Book Month and celebrate World Book Day.  On Tuesday we watched the 10th Anniversary Authors Live’s show.  Michael Rosen was very funny and we were amazed by how quickly Tanya Roberts could illustrate what he was saying!

Click on the link below to see some familiar faces!  Our part in the film was supposed to be part of the Live Show but Michael Rosen went off script and spoke for too lang and they had to cut short the film which meant our school clip wasn’t shown.

Yesterday we celebrated World Book Day by Dropping Everything and Reading on three separate occasions throughout the day, the children loved this!  We made some bookmarks and enjoyed listening to Mrs Sansom sharing a story with us.  The children talked about their favourite stories and who they like to share them with.

Today we have enjoyed our ‘Share a Story‘ assembly and Mad Hatter’s Tea Party.  It was really fun sharing our stories and Mrs Clyne read the story of Alice in Wonderland while we drank our milk.

In between all our book fun we have learnt the sounds a-e and i-e and the tricky words one and anyone.  In maths, we continued with our numbers bonds and learnt about halves and quarters.  Here are some of the children’s comments:

GG “I liked learning our new sound a-e and i-e.”

RC “I liked the same as Georgie.”

PP “I liked the assembly when we were all dressed up.”

SS “I Ioved the tea party”

EW “I liked it when we had the assembly.  Mrs Mill was scary.”

PW “I liked eating the food at the party.”

AH “My favourite part was eating the cupcakes.”

IG “My favourite thing was everything we did this week. I liked making the bookmarks.”

EM “I liked all of the week.”

NB “I liked when me and Georgie shared our books at the assembly.”

ZP “I liked the tea party.”

LK “I liked eating the sandwiches at the tea party.”

FW “My best bit was the tea party.”

SC “I liked Mrs Clyne’s costume.”

ED ‘I liked the assembly.”

P1 Weekly Reflection 28.02.2020

Hi folks,

Apologies for not posting in a few weeks, it’s been a very busy time!

The children have been revising their set two sounds ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, ar or, air, ir, ou, oy and the tricky words are, we, to, like, want, what, they, be, she, go, old, her, do, does.  This week we have moved on to set 3 sounds and have focused on oi and ea and tricky words  any and many.  The children are making good progress with their phonics and we thank you for your support at home!

In Numeracy we have been learning our number bonds to 10 and 20 and have been looking at adding and subtracting within 20.  We have also been talking about the number after and the number before.  We have learned how to tell o’clock times and half past times on analogue and digitial clocks and we are developing our understanding of the order of the days of the week and months of the year.  This week we learned about odd and even numbers.  Perhaps you can practise looking for some odd and even numbers at home or when you are out and about!

In our Science work we have learning about the parts of a plant.  We enjoy our lessons with Miss Whigham.

In PE we continued with our gymnastics and this week practising bunny hopping.  Mrs Clyne will continue with gymnastics and Mrs Smith will continue to do some team building activities.

Today we watched P2s assembly on Superheroes and learned that it doesn’t take a cape and a mask to be a hero.  Everyday heroes can be seen around our school on a daily basis.  If we follow the school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe we will all be heroes.

Here’s some of the children’s comments about their week:

Sophie “I enjoyed learning our tricky words any and many.”

Penelope “I enjoyed learning our sounds oi and ea.”

Georgie “I liked learning our new sound.  It was the same ‘oy’ sound but it was spelt ‘oi’.”

Emelia “I liked at the assembly when they sung the songs.”

Elloise “I enjoyed the assembly and I liked the songs they sung.”

Zac “I liked playing with the bricks.  I was building a speedboat.”

Cole “I have liked learning about boats. We made some pictures of boats.”

Have a lovely weekend.

P1 Weekly Reflection 17.01.20

Another busy week.  In literacy, we have been learning the sounds ar and oo.  We learned to read some very big words with as many as ten letters like toothbrush and shampoo.  We also did very well with our reading and Mrs Clyne was so impressed that she would like to increase the pace of our reading and try to give us two books a week.  For this reason, it would be really helpful if the children brought their book bag every single day.

This week we launched the First Minister’s Reading Challenge and we went to visit the newly revamped school library where we chose our own book to take back to class and some of the children enjoyed reading their books to Ted.  We have also begun to watch Katie Morag stories on BBc iplayer as part of our Scotland focus.

We heard some of the children reciting their Scots poems and are looking forward to hearing eveyone saying their poem next week.  Please ensure your child is ready to recite their poem on Monday 20th January.  Three children from the class will be chosen to go through to the final on Wednesday 22nd January and we will finish our Scottish focus with an assembly on Friday 24th January.

We have been learning about hand washing and hygiene and wrote some very impressive instructions for how to wash our hands properly.  We learned that it is important to use warm water and soap or we won’t kill the germs.

In numeracy this week we have been learning about doubles and in particular doubles within 20.  We made some great ladybird pictures and now have a beautiful display outside of our classroom.

P1 Weekly Update 10.01.2020

Happy New Year!

It was lovely to welcome all the children back and hear their stories from the Christmas break.  Thanks to everyone for their lovely Christmas wishes, cards and gifts.  It is lovely of you to think of us and is much appreciated.  The children have returned refreshed and have been very enthusiastic about planning a new design layout for our classroom.  We have had great fun rearranging the different areas.

This week’s particular highlight was the new arrival of large blocks which have sparked some fantastic play.  The children worked well in pairs or small groups to build some amazing structures.  We also had to do some problem solving as we tried to work out how best to fit all the bricks into the new storage unit, this proved challenging!

We have revamped our house corner which has encouraged more engaging play and the children have been asking if we could get some dressing up clothes so if you have anything you’d like to clear out and think would be suitable for the children to role play in, please do sent it in.  Thanks.

We talked about New Year’s resolutions and how sometimes people make promises of things they can change or do better.  The children chatted about taking more exercise or eating more healthily.

In assembly Mrs Mill spoke to us about managing our worries and we learned that it is best to talk about things that are worrying us.  We also read a story in class today called Lion’s In A Flap which was all about Lion managing his worries.

Here’s some of the children’s comments about their week:-

Georgie – I liked learning our new sounds igh, ay, ee, ow.

Ruby – I liked learning the sounds too.

Sophie – I liked the assembly when Mrs Mill told us all about managing our worries.

Isla – I liked the assembly, learning new sounds and when we got the new blocks.

Nieve – I liked playing with the new bricks and building castles with Sahasra, Elise and Isla.

Penelope – I liked playing with the blocks.

Elise – I liked when me and Nieve were playing in the house corner together.  I liked that it has moved.

Emelia- I enjoyed playing with the bricks.

Piotr – I like the house corner.

Lucia – I liked playing with Isla and Eva in the new house corner.

Have a lovely weekend.

P1 Weekly Reflection 15.11.19

The children have had a very informative week as they were learning about Remembrance Day through watching a video clip with rabbits (here’s the link so you can have a look too; learned about WW2 during P6s assembly and we talked about Children in Need too.  We have not supported Children in Need this year because we feel we have supported so many other charities recently and it is just not possible to support them all.  The children are hoping we can support Children in Need next year and some are looking forward to watching Pudsey on the tv tonight.

In literacy this week we learned the sounds ‘y’ and ‘w’ and enjoyed sharing our learning with some of our mums and dads during our PATPAL session, thanks to those who came along.

In numeracy this week we have been talking about greater than and less than when comparing numbers and groups of objects.  We have been developing our ability to talk about numbers by looking at dot patterns and trying to explain our thinking of how we see the patterns in Number Talks.  We’ve also been adding and subtracting within ten.

With Mrs Anderson we have been talking about Friendship and made some super posters for Mrs Mill’s Anti-Bullying Poster Competition.  I bet Mrs Mill has a difficult decision trying to choose some winners!

This week we have also been making our craft objects to sell at the Christmas Fair which is on Saturday 7th December and we have started practising the songs for our nativity.  Next week we will allocate parts and start to practise our acting.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

P1 Weekly Reflection

Despite all the excitement of Halloween, we’ve had a really busy week learning lots of new things following a Halloween theme.

In numeracy, we have been counting objects you might find at Halloween, putting groups in size order from smallest to biggest and biggest to smallest.  We also talked about positional language to develop our understanding of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th and learned about lines of symmetry.  Mrs Anderson and Mrs Clyne were amazed at how well we were able to draw the other half of given shapes!

In literacy we have learned the sounds  and ck.  We did lots of activities to learn these sounds but our favourite was watching Alphablocks.  If you get a chance at home perhaps you could watch some Alphablocks too.  We have also been talking about sequencing and learning to put words in the right order to make sentences and put sentences in the right order to make instructions.  To help us think about sequencing we made jam sandwiches one step at a time.  The best bit was when we got to eat them.

In Health and Wellbeing, we have been discussing What is a friend? and How can I be a good friend?  The children worked beautifully in pairs to sort out cards which showed friendly and unfriendly behaviours and we’ve have some great discussions this week.

In Science we talked about seasons and the different weather that each season brings.

This week I asked the children to answer the question What is one new thing you have learned this week?, here are some of their responses:-

Isla “We learned the sound r. R makes the words rose, racket and Ruby.”

Georgie “How to be a good friend.”

Elise “How to be nice and respect my friends.”

Cole “To be respectful.”

Lochlann “I learned how to be compassionate to my friends.”

Felicity “How to be kind and share.”

Sophie “Keeping safe.”

Zac “Being nice and sharing.”

Ruby “Sharing is caring.”

Nieve “We used cotton buds to make a skeleton.”

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe if you are attending a Bonfire and Fireworks Display.

P1 Weekly Reflection 25.10.19

It has been lovely to welcome the children back to class this week and hear all their stories about their holiday week.  It has been a busy week in class as we welcomed Mrs Anderson and Mrs Platt.  Mrs Anderson will be working with us for the next 5 weeks and Mrs Platt will be working in the class for the foreseeable future.  We also had a visit from Mrs Taylor who was having a wee break from P5.

In literacy we have learned two new sounds this week, and sh.  We made some tricky words out of playdough, searched for sounds in the sand and sorted them, we told Ted how to write the sounds and we were building words using the magnetic letters.  In writing we were using some of our tricky words and verbs (lives, eats and drinks) to help us write sentences about our pets.

In maths, we were creating patterns using numbers, colours and people.  Here’s some photos, can you spot the pattern we’ve created in our line?

We also talked about the number 4 using a Five Frame and talked about different ways to make 4.  Some people were able to tell us some take away sums as well as adding.

In literacy we read the story of The Little Red Hen and we talked about sequencing and thought about the characters in the story.  We drew a picture of our favourite character from the story.

In PE, we developed our hand-eye coordination and throwing and catching skills and were trying to challenge ourselves to make the activities harder.  We used materials like cones, hula hoops, bean bags and balls to practise throwing and catching.

Yesterday we welcomed Clachan Wullie back to school after his adventures on the Big Bucket Trail over the summer.  Hayley from the Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity told us more about the work of the charity and we will be thinking of some good ideas to raise money to help the charity.  Watch this space!


P1 Weekly Reflection 4.10.19

This has been another busy week as we learned the sounds k, u and b.  We began to use the school’s newly purchased PM Writing resource to support our writing.  We were looking at a picture of Peep, the Pet Bird and talking about what we could see then naming these things.  We looked at the sounds in the words and then talked about why saying the words on their own did not make sense.  We then talked about making sentences and the children worked together to create the following:-

The girl has a pet bird.  The bird drinks water.  The bird eats seeds.  The bird is yellow.  The cage is white. The bird is cute.  The bird looks beautiful.

The children were so proud of their efforts and we talked about the capital letter at the start of a sentence and the full stop at the end.  Perhaps you could look for some capital letters and full stops in books at home?

In numeracy and maths this week we have been looking at patterns with colours and numbers.  The children were very good at creating their own patterns with colour and thinking about the patterns on the bodies of zoo animals too.  We have also been working on counting forwards and backwards within 20 and thinking about the number before and after.  Please continue to practise this at home.

In PE this week the children have continued to develop their listening skills and ability to follow instructions by playing Traffic Lights.

Here are some of the children’s comments about their learning this week:-

Georgie “I learned the sound b.  Bat starts with b.”

Lucia “I like the sound b too.”

Elloise “With Dave we did songs that are similar to the movies.”

Cole “I liked making 10 to 20 in my numbers.”

Albert “I remember number 8 and I got stickers for my writing.”

Isla “Learning b, bat, bed, book and bell”

Zac “I liked writing the story about Peep the pet bird.  It was terrific.”

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

P1 Weekly Reflection

What a busy week!  We have been learning the sounds and and talking a lot about rhyming words.  Dave from Wee Story, Big Sound project brought in his shopping and we talked about the rhyming items he had bought; grape/tape, jam/ham, bananas/sultanas, cheese/peas and bread/chocolate spread.  We also listened to Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae and played at being word detectives as we tried to find the rhyming words.

In numeracy we have been counting forwards and backwards to 10 and 20 and trying to order these numbers correctly.  We also talked about the patterns we spotted when we look at writing 1 and 11, 2 and 12, 3 and 13 and so on.  We have begun to talk about the number before and number after.

In our Health work we have begun to develop our understanding of the Wellbeing Web and talk about the wellbeing indicators; Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included.  We talked about ways we can keep ourselves and others safe within the classroom, perhaps you could talk about ways you stay safe at home?

This morning we held our very first Curriculum Cafe and it was great to have so many parents come along and chat to the children about their learning.  The children also commented on how they like this experience.

Isla “I Liked showing my mum and dad my work!”

Georgie “I liked to see my mum, dad and little brother.  I telled them about some of my learning.”

Sophie “I liked the cafe with my mum.”

Zac “It was good showing my mum my picture of my lego.”

Albert “I liked showing mummy my letters.”

Sophie “I think it is good to show mummy my work.”

Elloise “I liked talking about my learning with my mummy.”

Have a lovely weekend.

P1 weekly Reflection 20.09.19

This week has been a short week but we have still learned two sounds,  and  g.  Yesterday we had great fun making pirate hats and reading a story about pirates, the weather was nice so we read our story in the garden.

This week we have been focusing on number 2.

Today the minister was talking to us about being compassionate and he told us the story of The Good Samaritan.  Mrs Clyne then reminded us about the Shoebox Appeal and the children are bringing home leaflets about this today.  If you would like to take part in the Shoebox Appeal, please hand your filled shoebox to the school office by Friday 1st November.

Here are some of the things the children have enjoyed this week:-

Cole “I enjoyed when we made pirate hats.”

Ruby “Making the priate hats was fun!”

Emelia “I liked it when we were making the girl with the curly hair.”

Elise “I liked when I was playing with Emeila and Sahasra in the house corner.”

Felicity “I liked when we read stories in the garden.”

Sophie “I liked going outside with my best friend Eva.”

Nieve “I liked making the girl with nice hair.”

Isla “I liked playing with Elise, Nieve, Eva, Sophie and Lucia in the house.”

Zac “I liked playing with Lochlann and Cole in the building site.”

Lochlann “I liked playing with Zac with the cars and the blocks.”

Penelope “I liked playing with Georgie and Ruby.”

Georgie “I liked playing with Penelope and Ruby outside at break time and lunch time.”

Lucia “I liked playing with my friends.”

I hope everyone has a lovely holiday weekend.