All posts by Ms Taylor

This week in Primary 5…

This has been a shorter week for primary 5 due to the Monday holiday so we have tried to cram lots in!

Tuesday saw P5 continue their Golf lessons with Mrs Rae outside in the sun. The children are really enjoying this experience and are very appreciative of Mrs Rae giving up her time to spend with P5.

We have also started preparing for our assembly on Internet Safety…the children are so excited to share their learning with you on Friday 8th June.

Have a lovely weekend!


Mrs Taylor



Primary 5 highlights of the week…

Another busy week in P5!

This week we held our debate with our guest audience from Primary 6. I was delighted at the confidence shown by the children as they delivered their points with such conviction, using lots of persuasive language to sway the audience. Hayley B felt “that it was a really good experience as you got to practice how MP’s may speak when delivering their talks”. Callan thought that “it was really helpful for teamwork, and I liked that the parents got to be involved as well with the questionnaire.”

We also had some very sporty children compete in the West Lothian Schools Triathalon. They went off feeling a little bit apprehensive but they returned with the biggest smiles and an impressive medal around their necks! Well done to Charlie, Callan, Zoe, Katy, Logan F, Jamie, Cade and Calum W.

To finish off the week the children had some Royal Wedding based maths problem solving. Helping Megan and Harry solve some tricky issues including organsing wedding guest seating, the amount of petals in the flower girls baskets and calculating the total number of presents left for the happy couple on each table…I think the Royal Couple should have employed P5 to solve their wedding issues, as they were awesome problem solvers!!

Enjoy the holiday weekend everyone, see you on Tuesday!


Mrs T x

This week in P5…

we have been looking at fractions and specifically fractions of a number. Murray reported that “the fractions were fun! Learning how to use our times tables to work it out was interesting and really good fun.”

The children have also been working on their Class debate and had a trial run yesterday. Aiden was very confident as our Chairperson and did a good job in keeping the debate flowing. Aiden explained ” I thought it was quite good. We tried to organise it well and can’t wait to do the real Debate next week.” Primary 5 will be inviting  their peers in P6 and P4 to be our audience.

Good job this week P5!


Mrs Taylor


Upon hearing the news of the councils decision to remove our garden owl, the children have been busy planning campaigns and thinking of ways to raise funds!

Today has been a day of design and technology with everyone being involved in designing posters, using Lego to create the ‘perfect’ memorial garden using the Owl as a centre piece, and making Owl themed bookmarks to sell.

Hopefully a Superhero will come to our rescue…



Enter The Dragon

Over the last couple of days Matthew and Logan Y have been working on creating a Chinese Dragon Head….the finished piece is brilliant with lots of thought and detail. Well done boys, what a fantastic piece of Lego engineering.

Lego Challenge -The Great Wall of LVPS

Continuing on with our China topic, today’s challenge was to create a watchtower and walls based on our recent research of The Great Wall of China. The children worked in groups of three, using our Lego Challenge Roles to support their learning. Each group planned their tower, thinking about the size constraints and had great fun finally building their creations.

The final challenge was to link them altogether to great our own version of The Great Wall of China … and we did it!

Well done P5, what a terrific bunch of architects and engineers you are.

Mrs T x


Snow Day – Part 3…

Good Morning Primary 5!

Another Snow Day…so i have found a Snow Day Bingo for you to play with your family and friends. It has lots of activities for indoors as well as outdoors!

Olivia and Rebecca are just away to start on theirs, you can upload any of your activities on our twitter page using #lvpssnowtasticday

Have fun, keep warm and stay safe little ones!

Mrs T x


Snow Day!

Good Morning Primary 5!

Just wanted to say that I hope you all have lots of fun today and please upload any pictures of you out enjoying the weather!

There are Snow Learning Packs uploaded onto the Blog as well, if you are stuck for some ideas and activities

Olivia and Rebecca are already writing a Bucket List for today, including building a snowman, going sledging, drinking Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows, watching Frozen and making Snow Angels….this is going to be a busy day i think!

Stay safe and wrap up warm if you’re heading out!



Mrs T x

Snowy Science!

Today P5 thought they would enjoy the snow and put a science based twist onto their fun. The children worked in groups to come up with some snowy science questions and the recorded their predictions. We then put our coats, boots and gloves on and headed outiside.

Questions for investigation included ……Does paint make snow melt quicker? How many drops of cold water does it take to melt a snowball? Will a snow tower collapse before a snow bridge? And hitch melts a mound of snow quicker, hot water or cold water.

Lots of discussion about the questions, making experiments fair and then comparing results with predictions.

Enjoy the snow folks!

Mrs Taylor x