P1a Learning Reflection W/E 15th February

This week in Literacy we have been learning the sounds igh and ow. We used these sounds to word build, complete a worksheet or word search and play a roll and read game. We learned a new tricky word it is are. In writing, we wrote about who is in our back up team. In numeracy we have been learning about sharing. We were sharing the treasure equally and fairly. We were learning about what it means to make a fair share.  We spoke about our window into learning for this term and we looked at our new learning profiles. We completed a wellbeing web where we thought about each of the 8 indicators – Safe, healthy, achieving, respected, responsible, nurtured, active and included.  In art we have been colouring in with crayons our roses and we added in paint to complete them. We also created a heart by finger painting and we cut out a heart shaped poem for Valentine’s Day. These will be displayed in the corridor and photo will be put on the blog and twitter when they are dry. In RME we listened to and discussed the story of Noah’s Ark. During circle time this week we had our reflection time about Keep Connected. We drew our back up team on a T Shirt. In P.E this week we continued to play team games and dodgeball. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Leo: “I found number talks hard this week. We were having to solve number sentences.”

Murdo: “I found it tricky cutting out the heart shaped poem.”

Emma: “I learned about the story of Noah’s Ark. There was a flood and the boat floated on the water.”

Sam: “I enjoyed learning about and looking at our Window into Learning.”

Ziva: “I liked using the crayons to colour my rose in.”

Lois: “I enjoyed learning about the story of Noah’s Ark. The animals went on in twos to the boat.”

Euan: “I enjoyed the nursery’s assembly on Valentine’s day.”