This week in P4

We have had a Mother’s Day theme running this week.  The children have been making/ baking/ writing over the week. I hope items arrive safely in one piece at home!

The children have begun exploring time and collecting information about planting seeds. It was quite a challenge to read the seed packet instructions and pick out the data they needed.

This week and next the children may come home with seeds to grow at home in eco friendly newspaper plant pots. When the seedlings appear, just plant the whole thing into the garden or a pot. the children should be able to tell you what they chose to plant!

We have also been learning about the story of Queen Esther in our religious and moral education, and we have had some interesting conversations about cultural behaviour of the time and the country.


P1a Learning Reflection W/E 29th March

P1a have had another busy week of learning. In literacy, we learned two new diagraphs ea and oi. Our tricky word this week was is. We wrote ea and oi words, rolled dice to make real and non-sense words, made words on our magnetic boards and played roll and read. For writing we wrote about why our granny’s are special. In numeracy this week we continued to explore odd and even numbers through sorting and playing games. We also learned how to solve a problem using the look for a pattern and make a list strategy. In number talks we were looking at making adding and subtracting sentences using the numbers 2, 5, 7 and 9. We have continued to learn about Katie Morag. We listened to the story of Katie Morag and the Tiresome Ted and we had to make predictions about what was going to happen. We designed a new tartan skirt for Katie Morag. Sevinc is our new star of the week. We each had to pay Sevinc a compliment. With Mrs Fraser we went outside and collected some things to make a plant collage. We took a white board and a pen and looked in the garden to find things and had to create tally chart. We enjoyed the ELC’s assembly about Mother’s Day. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Emma: “I found it tricky writing about my gran.”

Leo: “I found it tricky writing my sentences about my gran.”

Isaac: “I enjoyed learning the oi sound. I also enjoyed the ELC’s assembly on Mother’s Day.”

Sevinc: “I enjoyed making my mum a surprise for Mother’s day. I enjoyed drawing myself on a star.”

Ziva: “I enjoyed writing about my Grandma.”

Leighton: “I enjoyed Lochlann’s assembly.”

Sam: “I enjoyed learning the ea sound.”

Murdo: “I found it tricky writing and drawing my granny.”

P2 This Week 29.3.19

We welcomed Miss Whigham back on Monday. We really enjoyed writing about the Easter story and learning the ear sound this week. In science, we recalled our learning about the body and Mr Keast was really pleased. In numeracy, we assessed our learning about time and money. We watched Authors Live on Thursday. It was all about Lauren Child and a story about a funny dog with Charlie and Lola. We then drew funny dogs of our own. Mrs Fraser enjoyed speaking to all our parents and sharing our progress.

Poppy was our pupil of the week this week and Sophie was our Star pupil for sharing strategies in number talks.

Happy weekend!

P2 This Week 22.3.19

This week we kept our cloakroom really tidy and earned the Cloakroom award- well done P2! We learned about money and giving change to 20p. In writing we wrote a guide on how to spot a witch. We learned how to spell ire words and aw words. We made salt crystals in science and tried dissolving different things. We enjoyed gymnastics and Spiderman dodge ball in gym. We learned about plurals and revised nouns.

Well done to Arya, our star of the week.

P1a Learning Reflections W/E 22nd March 2019

P1a have been working very hard this week. In numeracy we have been exploring odd and even numbers. We know that the odd numbers have a 1,3,5,7, or 9 in them and that the even numbers have a 0, 2, 4,6 or 8 in them. Even numbers all have a mate. We explored the odd and even pattern by sorting using numicon, feeding Mr Todd and Mr Steven , colouring odd cupcakes blue and even cupcakes red. In number talks this week Miss Maclachlan set us a challenge. She gave us the numbers 2, 4, 6 and 8 and we then had to try and think of as many number sentences as we could using these numbers e.g. 2+4=6. Can you think of anymore? In literacy this week we having been revising the diagraphs learned in set 2. We made words with these diagrams, taught ted how to spell words and did word searches with the ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, ar, or, ir, air, ou and oy diagraphs. For writing this week we worked in partners and wrote an acrostic poem about Spring. Before we wrote our poems we had a discussion about the season spring and how we know when it is spring. We enjoyed listening to the story about Katie Morag and the Wedding this week. We had a big discussion about things that happen during a wedding and the people involved. We also watched a wee clip of a Muslim wedding to look for similarities and differences in weddings. In P.E we are continuing to work on our team building skills and in particular co-operation. In Science with Mrs Fraser we were learning about what flowers need to grow. They need time, water, soil, light and air. We coloured in a flower and glued on the different bits of the flower.

Our jotters are coming home today for us to share our learning with you. Please could our jotters be brought back to school with us on Monday. Thank you.

Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Euan: “I enjoyed revising oy words.”

Ayden: “ I am the same as Euan. I enjoyed practising oy words.”

Ziva: “ I found it tricky writing the word are.”

Leighton: “ I found it easy exploring odd and even numbers.”

Lois: “ I enjoyed working with Mrs Aitken. We were making ai and oa words.”

Sam: “ I enjoyed Science.”

Leo: “ The same as Sam. I drew my favourite flower.”

Isaac: “I enjoyed P4’s assembly on leadership.”

This Week in P4

This week the children have been presenting their class talks and did an amazing job. The work they put in was impressive and they all delivered really well. #proudteachermoments

We have been working on maths word problems and how to read and understand the questions.  The children can usually do the math but find it more difficult to understand what they are being asked to do so we have been unpacking the vocabulary.

For literacy we have been proofreading and developing characterisation skills.

In P.E. we are continuing to explore hockey skills and teamwork activities.


P2 This Week

We have had fun learning about money this week- recognising and ordering coins as well as adding coins to make amounts up to 20p.

We found out about old toys. We especially enjoyed learning about Teddy bears.

In RME we were learning about the Easter story and we really enjoyed role playing outside to re-tell the story.

We got to visit our new library and choose a book. We really enjoyed being on the new beanbags and sofas.

This week in P6…

Some people went to a dance festival this week..

“I liked going to the dance festival because we got to dance and it was loads of fun!” – Natalie

“I really enjoyed dancing at the dance festival!” – Sri

We did division this week..

“I enjoyed dividing big numbers, like 98632.” – Hayley D

“I enjoyed learning division and it is easy now!” – Logan Y

“Division was hard but now it is easy.” – Finlay

“I liked division, it was pretty hard but I got there in the end!” – Ellie

“I learned how to divide easily.” – Cade

Miss Greig is leaving us on Monday.. 🙁

“It’s really sad that Miss Greig is leaving us.” – Rowan

“I enjoyed giving things to Miss Greig!” – Lewis

“I feel sad about Miss Greig leaving and I really want her to stay.” – Luke

“I want Miss Greig to stay and not leave because I like her teaching us.” – Murray

“I had fun giving Miss Greig her present, and I am sad about her leaving P6 and going to P1.” – Katy

We did basketball this week..

“Basketball was fun because we got to play games and we did drills!” – Cameron

“I really enjoyed basketball because I got to teach drills and referee the games!” – Zoe

“I enjoyed P.E this week because we did drills in basketball and games and I got to play with my friends!” – Hayley B

We did show rehearsals this week for our school show

“I enjoyed the show rehearsals because we got to sing songs.” – Callan

“I enjoyed the Rock Bottom song rehearsal.” – Leon


P1a Learning Reflection W/E 15th March

P1 have had a busy week. We listened to the story of Katie Morag and the Two Grandmothers. We looked at and discussed the types of transport we saw. We drew pictures of the different types of transport. In literacy we learned two new sounds ou and oy. We told ted, completed a worksheet, played a roll and read game and used our magnetic boards to make ou or oy words. In writing, we created our own heroes and villains. We then wrote a description about them. In numeracy, we have been adding and subtracting to make 20. We played games with our number spinners and wrote number sentences. On Wednesday we had our star of the week circle time. Our new star of the week is Isaac. On Friday we went to P5 assembly where we were learning about Fairtrade. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Leighton: “I enjoyed the songs during the Fairtrade assembly.”

Ch: “I really enjoyed the whole of P5’s assembly.”

Ziva: “I enjoyed playing the alphabet shopping game.”

Lois: “I am the same as Ziva. I enjoyed the alphabet shopping game.”

Isaac: “I enjoyed doing number bonds to 20.”

Euan: “I enjoyed learning the sound oy.”

Rory: “I enjoyed Primary 5’s assembly.”

Ayden: “I found it easy making ou words.”