What a great week, your children have been amazing. We all loved watching the dress rehearsal of the P1/2 nativity on Monday afternoon. The infant classes did so well and sang with enthusiasm.
On Tuesday for our outdoor classroom the class had their first go at choral speaking using some of the poem Heard It In The Playground by Allan Ahlberg. They picked up the concept really well and did a great performance in our playground area, which was entertaining for parents arriving for the nursery nativity!
On Wednesday we had Micheal from transport police and linked to Network Rail, who spoke to us about safety near railways. Many of the children were interested in the fact that a train can weigh as much as 93 elephants and takes 2km / 20 football pitches to come to a stop.
Thursday we had a fantastic maths lesson stretching the children’s numeracy thinking and exploring area as they worked out how much wrapping paper would be needed to wrap a box. The children had to think in 3D, understand what is meant by area and the equation needed to find the answers, they had to understand basic measure in cm and use their times table strategies and addition skills.
Friday, we watched the P6 assembly on Antarctica. what an amazing amount of learning they have done and they delivered a fantastic and informative assembly. Thank you.