P3 Learning Reflection – 13.11.20

Here is P3’s learning reflection for this week:

Sushanth: “I enjoyed learning about multiplication. We made arrays from skittles and it was really cool!”

Poppy: “I liked doing the Spanish quiz with Mr Reavell. We are learning lots of new words in Spanish.”

Austin and Sam: “The P.E. game people-people was fun. You have to find a partner then follow the instructions.”

Charley: “I’ve enjoyed learning more about remembrance. We laid poppies as a school to remember those who fought in the wars.”

Sevinc: “I loved learning about arrays by making skittles. It was great fun!”

Chrisitan and Sushanth: “We liked learning how to order the planets in our solar system. We used a mnemonic story to help us learn them.”

Emma: “Free Writing Friday was fun this week. I drew snakes roaming about in space. I’m going to write the story next week.”

Kaelan: “I liked ordering the planets too. We had to match the planets and order them in pairs,”

Have a lovely weekend!

P3 & Miss Greig

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