Weekly Blog – 11.9.2020

Math – this week for maths we were doing loads of things like rounding and we were rounding 5 digit numbers. Then we did subtraction and addition just to revise it and Mrs T gave us a challenge to think of every method for subtraction and addition. We did mental math as well and we had to multiply 2 digit multiply 3 digit numbers and then do it in our head. It was probably the hardest math so far this week, we also did a wee bit of Sumdog too.

Literacy-for literacy this week we continued reading, Holes our new book we are reading as a class and we had some activities. We had to choose a character and it use a Role On The Wall template to write describing words about them, then find a quote in the book that represented the adjective. It was hard but I found it really fun. We started doing comprehension again and this week it was about Asterix. At first we didn’t know what Asterix was so Mrs T showed us a video about it and we found it really funny.

ICT – We used Monday as a project day to write and redraft our Buddy Letters. We wanted to check in on them and make sure they were settling into Primary 1. We then learned how to create a Sway, and were given the challenge of creating Sways all about us. Once we did that we then learned how to turn the Sway into a QR Code. Mrs T then printed them off and we glued them to our letters. Finally we decorated the envelopes and delivered them to their teachers. We really enjoyed this activity as there was so much learning.

Across the Curriculum- we have started a topic about John Muir and we watched a couple of videos and then search up all about him. I find him really interesting and we are very excited to find more about him. Science this week was about man made rocks and natural rocks.  


By Grace P7