P2/1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 28th August 2020

Good Afternoon. P2/1 have settled in really well to our new routines. We have been having lots of fun getting to know each other and learning.

In Literacy P1 have this week learned the sounds ‘s’ and ‘d’ and the tricky word me. We have made the letters with playdough, looked for them in a book, made a finger painted snake and a dinosaur. P2 have been revising the ee and ea sound. We have looked for words in a word search, taught ted words with these sounds, played roll and read and completed graffiti spelling.

In Numeracy P1 have been learning about the numbers 2 and 3. We have made 2 and 3 out of playdough, made families of 3 using our counting bears, made towers of 2 and 3 using Lego and counted out buttons on a gingerbread man up to 5. P2 have been focusing on one more than and one less than within 10 then 20. We have found the number one more than and less than using number fans, numbers spinners and played a game using dice. We have completed missing number worksheets as well.

As a class we have been focusing on our wellbeing indicators. These are Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included. We have spoken about what these words mean to us and how we can be these things. We have drawn pictures to illustrate how we feel healthy, active, nurtured and included.

We explored using mime to take on a character when reading Rumble in the Jungle. We acted out the different animals found in the book and our friends had to guess what animal we were.

Here are a few of the children’s reflections:
“I enjoyed everything this week.”
“I learned how to write the letter d.”
“I learned to write the letters s and d.”
“I have been using the sounds ee and ea to write words.”
“I also enjoyed everything this week.”
“I enjoyed learning this week.”

P6 Learning wk.beg.24.8.20

We have been doing the bleep test in our our P.E and hope to improve next time.

We have also been doing our maths assignments and got little slips of paper saying what we have to improve on.

Our RME topic with Mrs Smith is about values and beliefs and this week have been looking at Lebron James  and chatting about what we know and what we see him do.  We have tried think if his actions tell us his values.

We have been learning Roman Numerals with long place value.

Authors: Euan and Michael