P1 Weekly Reflection 20.03.20

Well folks, what a week it’s been in school and I can’t praise the children enough, they have been wonderful!  Their smiles this week have made it worthwhile!

This week Primary 1 children from P2/1 class joined us for a few days and we have had great fun practising for our assembly which we shared this morning, sorry we were unable to invite parents and carers in to watch.  The children were amazing and all said their parts with confidence.  Perhaps they will tell you about it at home.

In literacy we have been learning the sounds aw  and are and we worked together to sort out real words from nonsense/alien words.  We learned the tricky words where and were, it was a wee bit tricky to tell these two words apart so please practise these at home.

In maths we have been learning about 3D shapes and had to sort some real life objects according to their shape.  Perhaps you could talk about 2D and 3D shapes at home.  In numeracy we have been practising our fact families and we did some addition and subtraction sums.

This week we have also been working on our Wellbeing Web and have talked about the eight different Health and Wellbeing indicators and the children self-evaluated each of these.  We’ve talked about how we were feeling and the children have been supported to share their concerns around the Coronavirus.

As the children leave today I have a mixture of emotions.  I will miss them all over the coming weeks but I want you all to stay safe and healthy.  Your child has brought home their home learning pack today and I hope you will support them in continuing their learning.  Please take good care of each other and I look forward to seeing you all back in school soon.

Mrs Clyne