P1 Weekly Reflection 13.03.20

This week we have continued learning about magic ‘e’ and how it changes the vowel in a word from its sound to its name.  We focused on making words with the o-e and u-e sounds and we worked on sorting real words from alien words.  We have also completed our sound assessments and Mrs Smith and Mrs Clyne are very impressed with the progress we are making with our reading.  Reading bags will not come home this weekend to allow us to sort the new reading groups and have the books ready for Monday.  In writing we were writing about why our mums are special and we wrote some lovely things.

In Maths we have been continuing with our number bonds and we were making kites to show the different number bonds to 10.  We have also been learning the months of the year and learned a wee song to help us remember the order of them.

In science we learned about springtime and we talked about it being a time of new life.  We learned about the lifecycle of a butterfly and we had to sequence the different stages of a butterflies life.

We started to practise for our assembly next week and have been learning some songs and making some video clips to share.  Unforunately we will no longer be inviting parents to join us at the P1 assembly.  While we are sorry this is the case we appreciate your continued support as we follow guidance surrounding the current circumstances.