Happy 2020 from P4!

What a busy hardworking bunch this week.  I am very proud of P4 who, although they didn’t win the Cloakroom award this week, were a very close 2nd with 7 points. This is our record number of points, so very well done.

Emma F – I enjoyed doing gymnastics in PE.

Freya – I liked the assembly today about Talk Things Over. I like the idea of the bag of worries.

Lakshya – I enjoyed the gymnastics because we learned to do the forward rolls and pencil rolls.

Joe – I liked the assembly because I liked how I got ideas to deal with the things I worry about.

Harris Si – I liked in gym when we learned how to do forward rolls and then how to make them better and more professional.

Kaitlyn –  I liked doing the New Year resolutions on rockets.

Anna – I enjoyed doing the calendars with Miss Whigham.

Luke N – I enjoyed writing about the dream present.

Darcy – I liked doing the rockets about New Year Resolutions.

Finn – I liked the maths this morning when we were learning about dividing.  I also liked the part-whole models to help with adding and taking away.

Sebastian – I liked this week’s maths because I learned more about bar models for adding and taking away.

Harris St – I liked the ERIC time because I was really wanting to finish my book Billionaire Boy. I love it.

Olly –  I enjoyed this week’s maths because I learned to do the bar model and learned what’s the differences between adding and taking away.

Kayden – I liked ERIC time yesterday because I got to finish my book about Messi. It was good and now Olly is going to read it. I don’t know whether to ready Neymar or Suarez now.

The First Week Back In Primary 7 By Katy and Natalie

It was our first week back in Primary 7 after the winter holidays.

We started off doing free writing on the first day back to help us get back into the swing of writing again after two weeks off.

We started a new thing called flashback 4 where we get given 5 questions about things we’ve already done in the past so we remember them and we try to get them done in 10 minutes. We do that before maths everyday as a warm up and it can be very fun and simple at times.

We wrote an exposition about why yearbooks are beneficial to us as Primary 7 leavers. We came up with things such as…

  • They help us remember people we used to talk to and work with everyday.
  • We can show people what we looked like and share memories.
  • They are also very good keepsakes.

We also wrote a letter of top tips we would give ourselves now from 4 year old us.

P4 Scottish Poetry

We had a lovely start back to school today and now we’re ready to go with learning our Scottish poems.

If you are stuck with pronunciation, there are lots of YouTube videos with children reciting the poems.

Have fun learning them.

Fireworks Aff the Castle by Matthew Fitt

Hipperty Skipperty by an unknown author

My Hoggie by Robert Burns

Street Talk by JK Annand

The Sair Finger by Walter Wingate