Welcome to the Year of the Rat!

Today we all enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year from Primary 3 who had their assembly presentation.

Going back through the week we have had a big focus on numeracy and looking at a wide variety of strategies for multiplying and dividing. Ask your children about arrays, repeated addition or subtractions, groups, sharing, using a number line or making links with times tables.

We have all completed our gymnastics routines and have peer assessed each group. There are some amazingly brave and bendy pupils in this class, and there were some super creative ideas in every routine.

In literacy we have had our first opportunity to borrow books from our new library. We are learning to write a Procedure and will be writing a recipe to begin with. We are also learning about proper nouns and present tense verbs.

With Karen from NYCOS we have been learning about ta, tete and rests and also about pitch (Soh and Mi).

D – I liked the booklet of maths because it gets me better at division.

L –  I liked the P3 assembly especially the video of the Lion Dance.

A – I enjoyed indoor break because I got to make 2 comics.

F – I like when we got the laptops out because we’ve not had much time with them before. It was good getting our own login.

J – I liked the assembly because I got a certificate and I’m proud of it.

E – I liked when we went to the library and got to choose our own book and get it scanned.

E – I enjoyed doing the routines in gymnastics.

H – I liked yesterday when we got the laptops because I have a funny password.

L – I liked the gymnastics routines because we got to peer assess them.

A – I enjoyed music when we learned a song about lemonade.

L – I liked learning how to write a recipe.

K – I liked the gymnastics when we all did our routines and it was good to hear all the feedback.

This week in Primary 3

In Primary 3 this week:

We have been focusing on our class assembly which we performed today. Well done to all the children, you were all fantastic! I am so proud of you all! Congratulations on a wonderful assembly.

We created lanterns, red lucky money envelopes and masks for using in our assembly.

In Numeracy we have been working on our 8 times tables and practising our 5 and 10 times tables too.

P – What I have enjoyed this week was practising and performing in the assembly.

C – I have enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year and what they do.

A – I liked the assembly and doing the actions.

A – I liked saying the parts and the words in assembly.

J/Z – We enjoyed the dragon dance.

M – My favourite thing about the week was our assembly.

H – I liked acting!

A – I liked doing the song.

E – I liked the assembly and saying my words.

A – I really loved being in the assembly and being the cat.

Here are some images of the assembly today. The children really were so excited and enthusiastic. I hope you all enjoyed the performance.

Mrs Love

P2/1 Learning Reflection Week ending 31st January 2020

Another productive and busy week for P2/1. This week in Literacy P1 have been learning the long vowel sounds or and air and the tricky words like and want. We have coloured in real and nonsense words, built words on our magnetic boards and played roll and read. P2 have continued to focus on tricky words.  We looked for them in a word search, made them on magnetic boards, played bingo and wrote them in rainbow spelling.  In writing this week we have started looking at writing instructions. We made a cat sock puppet and then wrote down the instructions on how to make a sock puppet.  In Maths this week we have continued to explore time. We have been making o’clock and half past times on an analogue clock. We also learned what quarter past looked like. P2 have been reading analogue clocks and converting the time to digital. P1 have been reading and writing o’clock times on an analogue clock.  In P.E we continued with gymnastics. We looked at different shapes, jumps, balances and rolls. We worked with a partner to create our own sequence. We had our Star of the Week circle time. Connie is our star of the week. We explored alliteration this week. Alliteration is when words start with the same sound for example swim-swam. We thought of words that started with the same sound as the animals in the story of There was a Wee Lassie who swallowed a Midgie. On Wednesday we had a visit from two Policemen who work in the road police unit. They spoke to us about the job of the police and we all got a shot on their motorbikes. Solomia even got to sound the sirens. On Friday we went to Primary 3’s assembly which was all about Chinese New Year.  Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“I liked having a shot on the Police motorbike.”

“I enjoyed Primary 3’s assembly. I liked the song.”

“I enjoyed our visit from the Police.”

“I enjoyed learning about what the Police do to help us.”

“I enjoyed assembly and the visit from the Police.”

“I liked getting to turn on the siren on the Police motorbike.”

“I enjoyed reading There was a Wee Lassie who Swallowed a Midgie. Also I enjoyed learning about Habitats with Miss Whigham.”

“I enjoyed Primary 3’s assembly. My favourite part was the Lion Dance.”

“I enjoyed Primary 3’s assembly when we watched the video of the dragon.”

Winter poems by P2

P2 used the word WINTER to write acrostic poems this week.

Leighton – You have to spell the word down the side of the poem. You have to think of a word that starts with each letter from the word.

Austin – The words have to be about the topic you are writing about.

James – It does not have to rhyme at the end. It needs to start with the same sound.

Winter is here

In the winter there’s snow

Night early

The snow glows

Everybody comes out

Robin jumping about

by Euan


Winter is here

In the snow it glows

Now the people make snow angels

The snow is sparkly

Everybody playing in the snow

Run on the snow

by James


Winter is here

I will go out to play

Night snow glows

The snow sparkles

Everyone is happy

Robins peck the snow

by Ziva


Winter is here

In the night the snow glows

Now people are making snow angels

The snow  is cold

Everybody plays

Run on the snow

by Kaelan


Winter is already come

It is cold

Now the snow is soft

The snow is crunchy

Everybody is playing

Rosy cheeks

by Nicolas


Winter is fun

I love winter

Night is glow

Ten robins come

Everyone come play

Rosy cheeks

by Sushanth


Winter is the best

It is cold

Now the snow is here

The snow is glittery

Everyone play in the snow

Run in the snow

by Lewis


Winter is the best

It is cold

Night snow glows

The snow is freezing

Everyone builds snowmen

Run in the snow

by Rory


Winter is here

I love winter

Night snow glows

The snow is cold

Everyone making snowballs

Robin in the snow

by Leo


Winter is here

Icicles sparkle

Night snow glows

The snow is cold

Everyone plays

Robin jumps about

by Austin


Winter is a season for snow

In winter we have to wrap up warm

Night comes early

The snow shimmers in the sky

Everyone plays in the snow

Rosy cheeks from playing in the snow

by Sevinc


Winter is here

Icicles sparkle

Night snow glows

The snow is cold

Everyone make a snowman

Robins peck the ground

by Leighton


Winter is here

Icicles sparkle at winter

Night snow glows

The snow gently falling

Everybody playing

Red mittens keep you cosy

by Isaac


Winter is here

Icy snow on the ground

Night snow glows

The snow is soft

Everyone loves winter

Red robin taps the ground

by Poppy


Winter is here

I go out

Night snow falls at bedtime

The snow falls from the sky

Everyone can build a snowman

Run in the snow

by Coben

P6 This Week

On Monday we had french  and we were learning about seasons and all the months of the year and we played bingo but in french lotto.

On Tuesday it was snowing and  we did basketball in P.E. We did grammar and  a spelling test.

On Wednesday we learned about writing an information text. We learned about the solar system in science we were given a colour  coding sheet with facts about the solar system.

On Thursday we had division with a choice  of short division or chunking for solving word problems and we had a handball festival and we won most of our games. We also  worked on our activities for the shale trail.

P2 Learning Reflection for W/E 24.1.20

In numeracy this week P2 have been making links between number bonds for 10 and 20. In number talks we have continued to add multiples of 10 to any number. In writing the children enjoyed creating their own stories about a wee lassie who swallowed a midgie. In PE the class are continuing to  learn gymnastic balances and rolls. They are working in pairs to make up their own floor routine. We finished the week with a great Scottish focus assembly, with bagpipes, drums, poems and songs. Everyone in P2 thought it was braw!

James – I liked doing art because we were drawing a dragon for Chinese New Year. We had to remember to keep our pencils nice and light.

Rory – I enjoyed PE. This week we learned the dish roll and the rocket roll.

Austin – I liked doing the chunking 10 in number talks.

Sevinc – I enjoyed art. We were drawing a vase for Chinese New Year. We had to keep our pencil marks light.

Lewis  – I liked numeracy. We were making friends of 20. 6 +4=10 so 16 + 4=20!

Leighton – I liked numeracy. We were making friends of 20. If you know your friends of 10 then just add on 10 to make a friend of 20.

Lois- I liked art this week. We were drawing a dragon. I liked how you needed to keep your pencil light. We were making it more detailed.

Leo – I liked the assembly today. I liked our song Three Craws.

Poppy – I liked when we were doing art yesterday. It was a little hard cause you had to use your pencil lightly and do different curves.

Charley – I liked art this week. We were trying the keep the pencil nice and light. We are going to rub it out and add more detail to it.

Euan – I liked PE. We did the dish roll and the rocket. My favourite balance was the stork balance.

Nicholas – I love the Chinese New Year vase. We are drawing a dragon on it.

Emma – I enjoyed everyone singing because they had such wonderful sing in assembly. It was really nice!

Kaelan – I liked creating the dragon on the pot. You actually get to create your own dragon. We will go over it in pen and rub out the pencil marks.

Subhan – I liked writing about the Wee Lassie who swallowed a midgie. I wrote about a highland cow, eagle and a midgie.

Isaac – I enjoyed doing the Chinese vase. We were trying to draw a dragon first really lightly. Then you have to press down harder for the eye and eyebrows.

Sushanth – I liked to do the dragon drawing. We need to make the pencil nice and light.

Coben – I liked number talks. There was 3 and 3 that makes 6.

Ziva – I liked the Scottish assembly. People got to say their poem. My favourite poem was our class winner!

Scots week with Primary 3.

This week the Children were focusing on Scottish culture for the second week. We had been learning poems at home and three pupils were put to the final and Calum won today for P3. Congratulations Calum! I also want to give the children a big well done for singing the ‘Welly boot song’ in assembly today. You did a fantastic job and sang along so well. I am very proud of you.

In Literacy we looked at the verbs, nouns and adjectives in our procedural writing ‘How to make shortbread’ and then followed the recipe to make the shortbread in the afternoon on Tuesday.

In Maths we revised our 2 and 4 times tables and the strategies to support them.

In P.E. we performed our partnered mirroring of gymnastic shapes and jumps and teddy bear rolls. We had the privilege of attending the sports festival at Xcite Craigswood. The children had a taster of 7 dfferent clubs. Those seven were – Judo (Destination and Jidel 93), Tennis, Athletics, Basketball, Football and Rugby. They had a fantastic time on their outing.

They have also started to create some Scottish art which, once complete, I will photograph and show you.

Here’s what the pupils said about this week…

A – I enjoyed singing the chorus of the welly boot song.

N – I enjoyed the bagpipes at the assembly.

Z – I enjoyed the Sports festival at Craigswood.

A – I enjoyed listening to Mrs Love reading the class novel ‘Gangsta Granny’.

H – I enjoyed using the pastels in our Scottish art.

P – I enjoyed drawing the groups in times tables in Maths.

R – I enjoyed making the shortbread following our recipe writing.

A – I enjoyed eating the shortbread!

M – I enjoyed doing the teddy bear roll in gymnastics.

Mrs Love

P2/1 Weekly Learning Reflection week ending 24th January 2020

On Friday we had our Scottish assembly. Every class sung a Scottish song and then the winner of the poetry competition recited their poem. Miss Maclachlan would like to say well done to everyone in the class for giving the poetry recital a go. I am very proud of you all. What a lovely way to end a week. This week in Literacy P1 have been learning the long vowel sounds oo and ar and the tricky words we and to. We have written words to match pictures, built words on our magnetic boards and played roll and read. P2 have continued to focus on tricky words.  We looked for them in a word search, made them on magnetic boards, played bingo and wrote them in a pyramid shape.  In writing this week we wrote an acrostic poem using our name. In Maths this week we have been exploring time. We looked at days of the week, months of the year and seasons. We matched the months to the correct season, sequenced the days and months. We looked at an analogue clock and said whether it showed o’clock or half past.  In P.E we continued with gymnastics. We looked at different shapes, jumps, balances and rolls. We worked with a partner to create our own sequence. We had our Star of the Week circle time. Teria is our star of the week. We explored rhyme as our book There was a Wee Lassie is a rhyming book.  We also looked at habitats and what they are. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“ I enjoyed the gymnastics sequence with my partner.”

“ I also enjoyed making up a sequence with a partner during gymnastics.”

“ I enjoyed the Scottish Assembly. My favourite part was singing Ally Bally Bee.”

“ I enjoyed P.E because I liked doing the rolls. I liked singing Ally Bally Bee.”

“ I found it tricky learning tricky words.”

“ I enjoyed our Scottish assembly. I was the winner.”

“ My favourite part of the week was assembly.”

“ I enjoyed the assembly.”

This week in P7…

This week in P7 it was Scottish Week. We were doing poems and we had Irn Bru and Shortbread on Friday. We sung Loch Lomond by Runrig.


We are visiting Sky next week to do a report on technology and we have been doing scripts and learning our roles for Sky.

We have been adding and multiplying in Algebra this week.

We finally know our school show name, Pirates of the Currybean.

In science we were learning about recycled water. You could be drinking water that a dinosaur bathed in ages ago!