
The children all seem to have benefited from lots of fresh air and sunshine during the Easter break. I was amazed at how much taller they all looked after the holiday! This week has been short but very busy! Our literacy focus was to revise our learned sounds. We are now learning set 3 sounds, the children are learning that there is another way to read and spell words, same sound different spelling! So far we have learned: ee as in see, ea as in tea, oy as in toy, oi as in join, ay as in play and a-e as in make. In numeracy the children have been using 10 and 20 frames to help add and subtract an amount. Our numbertalk focus has been doubles and near doubles on a Rekenrek. The children all enjoyed a STEM lesson with Miss Greig, they had to design and build a boat to help save Tiddler!

Ms King x

Children’s learning comments:

Subhan – I made a boat with Charley we had a net to catch the fish and it floated.

Hiba – Me and Teria made a sparkly boat/car with lots of sticks and pompoms.

Lewis – I liked the assembly about the pets I learned that you need to keep your pet safe.

Poppy – I liked doing our numbertalks it was all about doubles and near doubles. A double is the same number again. A near double is like 4 add 3=7, you can do double 3 to make 6 then add 1 more to make 7. We were building boats because we were trying to save the little fish called Tiddler we tested them and mine floated, I made 2 and they both floated.

Austin – I liked doing the boats because it was fun, I like making stuff.

Kaelan – I liked the pets assembly a pet needs home, food , family, fun and care.

Roshan – I liked the pet assembly because the vet will help pets.

Teria – I liked the subtraction game we were taking away counting in 5’s helped because it was a 20 frame.

Solomia – I liked the boats we did a great job!

James – I liked counting with Teria taking away from 20 on the 20 frame.

Nicholas – I liked Tiddler I made a boat with Lewis, we made a sail.

Alister – I liked when we made the paper boats, our boat sunk because it soaked up water.

Sushanth – I loved the pet assembly. The puppy called Chase ate a toy minion and the doctor took it away and he feels better now. Pets should not eat plastic toys!

Christain – I liked the pet assembly and the dog things they need a home and to be happy and safe!

P1a Learning Reflection W/E 26th April

Welcome back. I hope you have had a lovely holiday. Primary 1 have had a busy week. This week we were visited by Emma from the PDSA, who spoke to us about what a dog, cat and a rabbit need. She helped us to get Pet wise. We also had a visit from Jacqueline who works for the Children’s hospital charity. She spoke to us about the Oor Wullie trail. We are going to get the opportunity to help decorate our own Oor Wullie which will be part of the trail. This week our focus for number talks has been finding doubles and near doubles in ten frames. We have also continued problem solving by looking for and continuing patterns. In literacy we have practised our sounds and tricky words. We learned two new tricky words saw and want. In writing we wrote about our holidays. We wrote two sentences and some of us even used a connective. We had our star of the week circle time. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

Sevinc: “I enjoyed Mrs Mill’s assembly about respecting yourself.”

Leighton: “I enjoyed listening to Jacqueline and learning about Oor Wullie.”

Lois: “Same as Leighton.”

Ch: “I enjoyed number talks about doubles and near doubles.”

Rory: “I enjoyed the Oor Wullie assembly like Leighton.”

Sam: “Same as Rory, I enjoyed the Oor Wullie assembly.”

Isaac: “I enjoyed doing our number talks.”