This Week in P4

Our highlights this week have been:

Sharing our poetry homework. The children really seemed to enjoy reading out their poems and discussing their answers and ideas about the poems.

Our walk with some of our P1 reading buddies.  The children were challenged to teach the P1’s 5 plant names and collect their leaves.  Most of the children did a great job teaching the children while being responsible for their young buddies, keeping them safe, making them feel included and sharing a sense of fun and adventure.

The Christmas party was a lot of fun,  the class did you proud with their Dashing White Sergeant and they really loved showing off their moves in the freestyle and disco. Great fun was had during the mars bar game. Now they are used to putting the gloves on I am sure they would get used to doing the washing up too!

We have also been creating posters, making patterns for wrapping paper in art, had a movie morning, some choral speaking poem practice, a visit to church for the end of term service and lots of singing, especially today in our Christmas sing-a-long.


All that is left is to take this opportunity to say Thank you and Happy Christmas. Looking forward to next term already.

P3’s last reflection of 2018

The children have enjoyed the Christmas themed work this week and have very much earned their holidays.

This week we have been playing drama games to develop our voice and dialogue.  What fun we had seeing the expressions on people’s faces as we demonstrated different emotions.

We also took part in a game where we developed our understanding of needs and wants.  We were told by the Prime Minister that we had 30mins to gather our stuff as we would be leaving to go and live on another planet.  We worked in groups to choose things we would take with us to help us survive.  Mrs Clyne hopes she is never stranded with us because mobile phones and games consoles would not be good choices!

During this week’s work on The Power of Kindness Calendar we learned what a refugee is and Mrs Clyne read the story “There’s a Boy Just Like Me” which we were surprised to know was written by 9 year old Frasier Cox when he won a writing competition.  Maybe next year one of us might win the competition?

On Thursday we celebrated the end of term with our Christmas party and this was the highlight of the week for most children.  Here’s what they said:

Elisha “I enjoyed the party.”

William “I enjoyed the Grand Old Duke of York.”

Jarrad “I liked the balloon game.”

Finn “I enjoyed learning the first aid skills.”

Luke C “I enjoyed Pass the Parcel.”

Kayden “I enjoyed the dancing competition.”

Well done to the children for all their hard work this term.  I hope that Santa is good to them all and I wish you all a very happy and relaxing Christmas break.  See you in January.