This week in P4

Highlights this week have been:

  • Challenging the children to listen for sentences while a paragraph is read to them.
  • Challenging the children to uplevel sentences using powerful words.
  • Using the school library  to research facts about the world.
  • Revisiting their knowledge of 3D shapes.
  • enjoying the first in a series of lessons on the colour wheel.

Learning Reflection for W/E 21.09.18


P1 enjoying some ERIC time in class this week!

A short but busy week! Please see below for your children’s learning comments.

Lewis – This week the assembly was about fairness. It was not fair because we didn’t get to eat the chocolate!

James – I liked the dancing, we were waving.

Charley – We learned the p sound. It is a pink sound because it’s made with your lips and it is quiet.

Subhan – It’s a soft sound.

Poppy – I liked the indoor break, we watched Peppa Pig on the smart board.

Alister – I like when we say the numbers.

Sushanth – I enjoyed learning the p sound, we go down the pirates pleat and round his face.

Roshan – I enjoyed dancing.

Have a great weekend!

Ms King x


Short Week but Busy as Ever in P7

Hi everyone,

This week we had our first session of reading circles. There is a lot to remember and to discuss but for a first session most people rose to the challenge. Already many pupils have reflected on how to make things work better the next time. The most important thing though is that everyone has done the expected reading and activity. We will usually do our reading on a Monday but we did it on Wednesday this week because we were so keen to get started.

Word of the Week – this is proving a popular, if challenging way to learn new words. House points are available to anyone trying out the word in a conversation or in their writing. This week the word is ZEALOUS. Previous words are ARCHIPELAGO and QUANDARY.

We have learned some useful phrases in French – j’ai faim, j’ai soif, je suis fatigue, bonsoir, j’ai chaud, j’ai froid

Comments from pupils:

Harry – this week I found updating Didbook really fun because I go to write about what I am good at. What I found hard was the Lepra dance: it was confusing for me.

Matthew – the Lepra dancing/boxing on Thursday morning was fun. Maths yesterday was fun and a challenge. Also I enjoyed handball.

Claudia – I thought the problem solving maths was really fun on Thursday. I didn’t get them all right but it was still fun.

Erin – ERIC time went really well because I am ZEALOUS about reading and when it is quiet it’s best because I can really get into the story.

Brooke – The dancing on Thursday was pretty funny. Also the interview for the house captains was good. Nothing much difficult happened this week because it was a half week. My target is to win the winning house again.

Remember home learning is due in on Thursday 26th September.

P2 this week

 We have been showing compassion through our acts of kindness this week. We have held open doors, shared toys and resources, helped friends when they are hurt and cared for others.

We have learned about our sense of touch and created feely pictures to demonstrate our understanding of the words; hard, soft, rough and smooth.

In numeracy we have added within 20 and furthered our knowledge of 2D shape.

On Thursday we had fun dancing with the instructor from the charity Lepra which we have been fundraising for.

P3 Weekly Reflection 21.09.18

Although this has been a short week we have still done lots of great learning.  We had loads of fun when we joined with P4 to take part in a workout to raise funds for Lepra.  Thank you to all those who made a donation, it is much appreciated.  If you still have money to return please send it in to the school office as soon as possible please.  In P.E. we have been practising our large ball skills with a particular focus on dribbling the ball with both our hands and feet.  Mrs Clyne was very impressed with how well we managed to keep the ball under control.

In Maths, we used base 10 materials to explore place value of 2-digit and 3-digit numbers.  We are becoming more confident to identify the value of a digit within these numbers.  Perhaps you could test us when we spot numbers in the local environment?

In reading we have been learning about fact and opinion and while Mrs Clyne led the guided reading sessions we were asked to make up our own facts and opinions about Scotland.  Anna told us that Scotland is a country;  Emma M said that Scotland is at the top of the U.K. and Kaitlyn reminded us that Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland.  Most of us thought that Scotland was a cold and wet country.

During our food and farming learning this week we had an interesting discussion about the source of our food.  We worked in groups to sort foods into those which came from plants and those which came from animals.  We were a little bit confused about chocolate and had a good debate.  Kalista told us that chocolate is made from cocoa beans which come from trees but Kayden and Jarrad said that chocolate has milk in it which comes from a cow.  We decided that it would go in the middle as it came from both sources.

Have a good weekend and enjoy chatting with the children about their learning.

This week in P6…

It’s been a short but busy week in P6.

In literacy we discussed the school vision, values and aims.

“We wrote about our aspirations and mine was about wanting to be an artist” – Ellie

“I want to work in the gaming industry.” – Silvester

“I liked writing about my aspirations.  I’d like to be an actress.” – Sri

“I also liked writing about my aspirations.  I’d like to play football and go travelling around the world.” – Rowan

“I’d like to be a vet when I’m older because I like caring and looking after animals.” – Natalie

“I really liked writing about my aspirations.  I’d like to play rugby and maybe play for Scotland.” – Logan F

“It was really fun.  I’ve always wanted to become an artist but if I can’t do that then I’d like to explore the world.” – Katy

“You could do that while being an artist!” – Logan F

“I liked the aspirations writing because it was fun writing about what you want to be.  I would like to be a marine biologist!” – Charlie


In maths we consolidated our learning of place value and rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.

“We also learned how to divide by 1000. The decimal point never moved by the digits move places.” – Cade & Cameron

“You don’t remove the zeros!  The digits are moving places!” – Rowan

“We also multiplied by 100 and 1000.” – Callan

“I enjoyed rounding numbers.” – Eesa & Logan Y


In PE we are still practising handball in preparation for our first festival of P6.

“I like that we got to play games in our teams.” – Murray


On Wednesday we did some research about Raleigh in North Carolina.  That is where our penpals live and they have recently experienced Hurricane Florence.

“I really enjoyed learning facts about the hurricane.” – Calum

“I thought it was amazing that there are 10 million people living in North Carolina and only just over 5 million live in Scotland!” – Charlie

“We compared the population of Raleigh to Livingston.” – Aiden

“I can’t wait until we receive our letters from our penpals!” – Luke


On Thursday we had a good start to the day by taking part in the Fun Fitness session for Lepra.

“I enjoyed it because it was really fun!” – Lewis

“I enjoyed the boxing part!” – Ainslie

“It was really tough!” – Logan F

“It was a good way to get your heart going in the morning!” – Hayley B

“It was awesome and really fun!” – Sri

P1 Learning Reflection W/E 21st September

P1 have been learning to word build using mats and hoops. We also had a go at turtle talk and Fred talk which involves us sliding sounds together to blend words. In Numeracy we were learning about number 10. We used the rekenreks to find the different patterns of 10. In RME we spoke about the four seasons and went on a walk to find signs of Autumn. We also got together with P1 and Ms King to sing some Fischy music songs. On Thursday we took part in our Lepra fitness session. It was great fun. We enjoyed learning about equality during our assembly. Here are some of the children’s reflections:

Charley: “I found learning the p sound tricky.”

Coben: “I found counting to 10 tricky.”

Leighton: “I enjoyed playing Sumdog to help me learn about numbers.”

Isaac: “I found it tricky writing the sounds n and p.”

Murdo: “I found it tricky playing some of the games on Sumdog.”

Sevinc:  “I found it tricky playing Street Cars on Sumdog. I enjoyed playing the cake game.”

Rory: “I think playing Sumdog is easy.”