Sportshall Athletics West Lothian Champions


We are delighted to announce that 20 members our P7 class have just been crowned the Sportshall Athletics West Lothian Champions. Way back in October the children were given the choice to take part in the athletics competition. Those who didn’t assisted Mr Stewart with recording times, setting up the athletics tracks and organising their peers into the correct groups. It was a real team effort. We took part in the competition alongside our cluster schools and in every event there were points to gain. We came 1st in our cluster event which was a super achievement in itself. We then had to wait until 6 other clusters held their event. The two schools with the most points would then go on to represent West Lothian at the Regional Championships. We just found out a few days ago that not only have we qualified but we are the winning primary school in the whole of West Lothian. A remarkable achievement. Well done to all members of the P7 class. We are very proud of you.