P1M Learning Reflection W/E 2nd February

What another busy week for P1M. In Maths we have been learning about the days of the week, the terms morning,afternoon,evening and night and we have been sequencing daily routines. In Literacy, we used similes to write about Nessie the Loch Ness monster and we learned the sounds x and nk. The children are thoroughly enjoying their new project Katie Morag. They are enjoying listening to stories and seeing where they live on google maps. Here are a few of the children’s highlights from this week:

Amelia: I enjoyed playing the french games with Miss Marnie

Aiden: I enjoyed science and finding out how different toys move.

Jaxon: I liked working in a group and writing words to describe Katie Morag.

Pola: I loved learning the days of the week.

Zach: I enjoyed learning about Katie Morag and looking at how living on an island is different.

Mathew: I liked science and making toys move in different ways.

Safia: I liked word building with our sounds.