Growth Mindset

This week in Primary 2 the children have been learning about Growth Mindsets.  We watched a video clip about Mojo, a friendly monster who loves school.  Mojo loved maths but decided he wasn’t smart enough when the maths problems got a little bit too tricky for him and he wanted to leave.  His friend helped him to see that his brain was a muscle and if he gave his brain exercise by practising his maths and working hard, his brain would become stronger and he would become smarter.  We had a lovely discussion about fixed and growth mindsets following the video clip (which can be found on Youtube – Growth Mindset for Students – Episode 1/5) and then read and discussed the book Your Fantastic Elastic Brain Stretch It, Shape It by JoAnn Deak.  The children will continue to learn about a growth mindset throughout this term and I look forward to seeing the changes in their thinking as they move to develop more of a growth mindset towards their learning.