Burns Poetry Competition

The children have chosen the poem that they would like to recite for this years competition. They have all been given a copy and told to keep it safe!

Can I ask that the children have their poem ready for recital to the class for Monday 22nd January, as the class will be voting for the best 3 competitors to reach the Final.

I have included links to the poems in case they lose their copy, or forget to take it home.

Any questions then please let me know.

Mrs Taylor

Street Talk



http://www.scotshoose.com/favouritepoems.html      (The Magic Pizza)



Happy New Year

Welcome back to Primary 5, they seem to have had a brilliant holiday!

Today it was my turn to bring something for Show and Tell…

Mrs Warrender!!!

Mrs Warrender came to visit the school, before she returns to Australia in a couple of weeks. The children were so excited and had lots of fantastic questions to ask her. Questions included ….Have you been bitten by any insects? Have you seen any crocodiles? What is you favourite Australian animal that you have seen? and What is your house like?

We will try and keep in touch with Mrs Warrender and maybe we can email her and ask about the learning the children do in Australia!

Mrs Taylor x