Happy Holidays P2M!

Happy holidays everyone! Thank you for all your amazing efforts during this time and throughout the year. You have worked so hard and you have been  very resilient during lockdown. it has been so lovely to talk to you over the phone and it was great to see so many of you yesterday. Thank you to all of you who have up your time to come and see Miss Walkingshaw and I in the playground.

Here are a few final photos from this week. Have a lovely summer everyone and I look forward to seeing you in August when you are all big Primary 3 pupils! You are all amazing and I am so proud of you.

Love from Miss Marra

You were really enjoying your Maths this week. You have really developed your confidence in Maths this year and you are smashing those missing number sums. Well done for all your hard work!


You look so proud of your Roman shield. I can see you worked so hard on this and it was lovely to see photos of you making it. You seemed to really enjoy the process and look at the result. Well done!

P2 Home Learning Grid

Happy Monday everyone!

We hope you have had a lovely weekend and have enjoyed some of the beautiful weather we have had. Here you have the last home learning grid of Primary 2. Thank you to all of you for your hard work and your efforts during this time. We know how difficult it can be when learning at home but you have done a fantastic job and it is lovely to see you all doing fun activities at home with your families.

Enjoy your last week of Primary 2 and we look forward to seeing some more of the activities you are doing throughout the week.  We also look forward to seeing some of you in school this week if you are able to make it on Thursday for a catch up between 12 – 1:30pm  (see box on grid.)

The only other attachment you will need this week is the Spelling words which includes revision of magic e/CVC words. There is also another copy of the resilience alphabet attached if needed.

Have a great week:)

Miss Marra and Miss Walkingshaw

Grid 13

Grid 13 Spelling Words


Home Learning and Fun in P2M

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you have had a great week and have had fun at home with your families. Thank you to those who are still sending photos of home learning and other activities you have been doing. It is lovely to see so many people still working hard on their learning and I have also enjoyed seeing other activities you are doing at home. Here are a few examples from this week.

Farah has enjoyed working through the resilience alphabet. F has been her favourite so far. This is a great “to do list” of fun activities you can do at home. It looks like you managed to do all these activities throughout the week. Well done!

Your rainbow vegetables are growing so much. You look very proud of your hard work and you should be. This is a great way to demonstrate sustainable living. Well done for all your hard work.

Hudson has also been very busy and working hard this week. He sent a photo of a bird feeding table he made with his dad in the garden. It looks great and he was very proud of himself. Well done Hudson!

Have a great weekend everyone! One week to go until the Summer holidays.

P2 Home Learning

Hello everyone,

We hope you are well and having a good week. Apologies, the Maths worksheets included on this week’s grid were not attached on the blog. Here is a copy. There are two worksheets in which the – or + symbol is missing. There are also two subtraction worksheets with missing numbers. Remember, these do not need to be printed. They can be used as a template or copied into a jotter.

Missing Number Subtrction

Missing Number Subtraction 2

Missing Number Addition and Subtraction 1

Missing Number Addition and Subtraction 2

Your challenge is to create your own missing number sums and these can be as difficult as you like. Have fun and enjoy the rest of your week.

Miss Marra and Miss Walkingshaw

P2 Home Learning Grid

Happy Monday everyone!

We hope you have all had a lovely weekend, despite the miserable weather for most of it. Here is the home learning grid for this week. You will also find the new Spelling words attached, along with another copy of the resilience alphabet. Remember to send in any examples of home learning or other activities you do at home if you can. We love to see all the things you have been doing and we enjoy giving you feedback. Have fun, stay safe and have a great week.

From Miss Marra and Miss Walkingshaw

Grid 12

Spelling Words



Home Learning in P2M

Good afternoon everyone! I hope you and your families are well this week. A massive thank you to everyone for all your efforts during this time and thank you to each and every one of you who have taken the time to send photos of your home learning. I really enjoy seeing the activities you have been doing at home and it is great to see so many of you being creative and enjoying your learning.

Remember to keep sending photos if you can. I appreciate that this can be difficult as the weeks continue; however, any photos of activities you are doing at home are greatly appreciated. This could be photos of you doing activities such as baking, cooking, gardening, drawing, reading a book, riding your bike. Here are some more examples of activities that you have been doing at home.

Have a lovely weekend everyone! Well done for all your effort and support during this time.

From Miss Marra

After watching “Let’s Go Live” with Maddie and Greg, you created your own dinosaur zip line in the garden. Fantastic work and it looks like you had lots of fun doing this. Well done!

You worked hard to create this wonderful picture of a boat. I love the detail and effort you have put into this. Well done Luca!

What an amazing achievement for you Phoebe! You have been practising riding your bike without stabilisers and you can now do it. All your hard work and resilience has paid off. Well done Phoebe!

Home Learning in P2M

Hello everyone,

I hope you and your families are well and have enjoyed taking part in some of the Health Week activities this week.  Well done if you have taken part in the virtual Sports Day and earned points for your house. Thank you for all the home learning you have sent this week. It is lovely to see so many people working so hard during lockdown. You should all be so proud of yourselves! I am very proud of you. Here are some more examples of your fantastic home learning.


You used numbers on your magnetic easel to calculate how many days you have left until Primary 3. This is fantastic addition and subtraction Phoebe. Well done for choosing a creative way to practise Numeracy.

A few weeks ago, you used your toys to create your own enchanted woodland. This is so creative and looked like you had lots of fun. Well done!


After watching a “Let’s Go Live” episode with Maddie Moate and Greg Foote, you used your learning to create your own volcano model. This looks amazing and I can see you worked very hard on it. You look so proud of yourself and you should be. Well done!

A few weeks ago, you created this lovely poster to show your support for our fantastic NHS. I hope you displayed this proudly because you did a great job. Well done!

Keep sending me examples of your learning Primary 2. I really enjoy seeing all your learning and the interesting things you have been doing at home. Thank you to everyone who has been sending home learning so far. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Marra

P2M Home Learning

Good afternoon everyone!


I hope you have all had a good week and have been enjoying the lovely weather. Thank you so much for all the home learning you have sent me again this week. I always enjoy having a look at all your hard work and effort. Here are a few examples of some more of your amazing learning.

You have been working hard to practise telling the time. It looks like you have been enjoying the nice weather too which is fantastic. Well done!

You have been looking after butterflies since they were  baby caterpillars and you released them this week. This is a lovely project Farah and I am sure you managed to learn so much. Well done!

Please keep sending your home learning by emailing the school office. I will be able to reply to you and you might see your hard work feature on the blog. Stay safe everyone and have a great weekend!


Brilliant Home Learning in P2M

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you and your families have had a great week and have enjoyed the nice weather. Thank you again for the home learning that has been sent this week. Here are some more examples of the hard work you have all been doing at home.

Article 29: We have the right to develop our talents and abilities.

Your artwork you have been working on in your garden is fantastic Marcie. Well done for all your hard work!

You have been working hard to practise telling the time using o’clock, half past and quarter past. Well done Toby! Look at all this hard work!

You have been watching “Let’s Go Live” with Maddie and Greg. You have learned some interesting facts about dinosaurs. Well done for all your hard work Luca!


You have been working hard reading the Collins Big Cat Literacy books. Jess the cat looks like she enjoyed reading about the Titanic too. Well done for all your hard work!


Well done everyone! Have a lovely weekend.

From Miss Marra

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