Super work P3R!

Thank you very much P3R for sending me some more of your super work.

I am  so impressed at all the amazing things you have been doing at home. Designing a safety poster, planning a picnic, making games, reading, writing, cycling a new bike … and learning to sew buttons on!

We even had a special great granny getting a lovely, safe visit for her 90th birthday!  How wonderful!

You are all keeping busy, being kind, staying safe and learning some new skills.

I am so proud of all of you!

You can contact me by emailing your work or photos to the school web site address.

Remember there is a Sumdog competition on at the moment, and keep trying the Collins Big Cat reading books.

I love to see what you have all been doing.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Robertson

Fantastic Home Learning in P2M

Good morning everyone:)

Thank you so much for all the amazing learning you have been sending me. You have all been working so hard and I am very impressed with all your efforts. Well done everyone! Here are a few more examples of the fantastic learning that has been going on during lockdown. Stay tuned for more learning on the blog at the end of the week.

Stay safe and have a great week:)

You worked so hard making this board for Captain Tom Moore’s 100th birthday. You should be very proud of all your hard work. Well done!

You worked really hard to make cakes for your family. They look delicious and you look so proud of yourself. Well done!

You worked so hard to practise multiplication Phoebe. Well done!

You did a great job creating your own picture of a badger for Topic. I can see you have put so much effort into this Paul. Well done!

Amazing home learning P3/2C

Hi P3/2C,

I hope you are staying safe and well.

Thank you for all of your wonderful home learning that you have sent me. I have been so impressed with all your effort and am excited to see what you send me next. Here are just a few examples.


  • There is a national Sumdog competition which starts today and runs through until next Thursday.
  • Big Cat Readers is a great resource with different levels of reading books for you to try with comprehension activities. You will find more details on the blog and on home learning grids.

If there is anything I can do to help, please get in touch by sending an email through the school office with the attention of the class teacher.

Have a lovely weekend,

Take care,

Miss Cameron

P2 Home Learning Grid

Good morning everyone!

We hope you had a lovely long weekend and had lots of fun!

Here is your home learning grid for this week. As this week is a short week, there are less tasks to complete. You will also notice one of your Literacy tasks is to access the Collins Big Cat ebooks. Please see the additional attached document with more information. You will also find the username and password in this document:)

Here are the Collins levels for each group across both classes. These are just the starting levels and could change as you progress through the books.


Lions – Gold

Giraffes – Orange

Zebras – Yellow

Elephants – Pink/Red


Crocodiles – Gold

Zebras – Orange

Giraffes – Green

Koalas – Pink/Red


Grid 5 Final 

Collins Big Cat Reading blog

Have fun and we look forward to seeing some of your amazing learning this week!

From Miss Walkingshaw and Miss Marra

Amazing Learning in P2M!

Wow Primary 2M! I am so impressed with all the effort you are putting into you learning at home. You have all been working so hard and being really creative with your learning.  I miss you all but am really enjoying having a look at your fantastic work. Here are a few examples of some of the amazing learning you have been doing. Remember, if your work is not included this week, it could be shared on the blog next week.

Keep up all your hard work Primary 2 and remember to stay safe!

Miss Marra

Fantastic mountain range Hudson!



Super time capsule Sophia!

Brilliant volcano picture and interesting facts!

Excellent vegetable hero from Farah called Veggie Long Legs!



P2M Science with Mrs Beattie

We look forward to Science with Mrs Beattie every Tuesday and this term, we have been learning about materials. One of our favourite learning activities was when Mrs Beattie asked us to use different materials to build a bridge. We had to work collaboratively to decide which materials worked best and why. We used what we know about the properties of different materials to make decisions in our groups. Mrs Beattie was very impressed with the learning conversations that were taking place. We were proud to use all the collaborative skills we have learned in class to work as a team. We listened well to each other’s ideas and we made sure everyone took part in the challenge.

Article 13: We have the right to find out things and share what we think with others.


P2M Learning Update

We have been so busy with all our learning in Primary 2M! We have decided to blog more often so we can share all our hard work with everyone. We would also like to blog with Miss Marra so we can share how we feel about our learning.

In Literacy, we have been working hard to learn our sounds. These are the sounds we have recently been learning: au, aw, ew, nk, ng, st, ft and mp. This week, we are learning to read and write words ending with rk, nd and lt. Some of us are also learning to sound out and blend CVC words. One of our favourite learning activities in Literacy is Hangman on a white board. We enjoy learning to recognise the sounds in our words with a partner. We are also enjoying our target task because we can challenge ourselves and learn to complete a pencil activity independently.

Article 29: We have the right to develop our talents and abilities.


One of our highlights of the term so far is our Topic on The Romans. We have already learned so much about Gladiator battles, Roman soldiers and life as a Roman child. One of our favourite learning activities was using paper to make a Roman fort and a Colosseum. We also learned about the toys Roman children used to play with and we found it very interesting that they often made their own toys. We worked independently or with a partner to make our own Roman toys. We made toys including figures, dolls, kites, swords, shields and toy cars.


Roman children played with many toys that we enjoy playing with. However, we were shocked to learn that Roman children were not taught about gender equality. Girls were encouraged to play with dolls and boys were encouraged to play with swords and shields to practise for future battle. We know girls and boys can play with the same toys, do the same jobs and be anything we want to be. This helped us to understand more about how different life was in Roman times. We are looking forward to learning more.

Article 13: We have the right to find out things and share what we think with others.

Roman Creations in P2W

Today we had been learning even more information about the Romans. This afternoon we were lucky enough to learn about the Colosseum and had a chance to create our own.

We were set a task to create our own Colosseum using only one material from the list below:

  • Building Blocks
  • Lego
  • Paper
  • Counting Sticks

We have been focusing on teamwork over the past few weeks and we were able to show how good we are at this during the task.

Here is some of our amazing work.

We are very proud of all our hard work!

P2W 🙂

Article 15: We have the right to make friends and join groups.

P4S Scottish Week

This week we have been learning lots about Scotland.  We wrote descriptions and drew pictures of Scottish landmarks, researched famous Scot’s and shared facts about them and designed our own Scottish tartan.  We all learned a poem and two of us recited them during our Scottish Assembly.   We had the opportunity to build a 3D model of Edinburgh Castle.  Look at this amazing example.  Very well done.

P3R Sharing the Learning

Thank you so much to all our family and friends that  came along to our sharing the learning this afternoon.

After listening to ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ by Ronda and David Armitage this term, we have been thinking about the world of work.

We have been listening this week to class talks about the different jobs that we would like to do when we are older.

In Science we have been finding out about saving energy.

We practiced our talking and listening skills by discussing how we could save energy and also about the different skills people need to do jobs.

We have made fantastic models of lighthouses and Mr and Mrs Grinling’s cottage.

We used our reading skills to help us identify different kinds of seagulls.

In Maths we have been working on money.

We had to create a delicious concoction for Mr Grinling’s lunch, write a shopping list and work out the cost of his lunch.

A great afternoon P3R, demonstrating  your skills to others!

Well done!


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