PE Daily Challenge Day 57

Primary 2/1 Remote and Classroom learning

Well done Primary 2/1 on a super effort on Seesaw and in the classroom.  Primary 1s, in literacy, we have been learning the sh, ch and th sounds and you’ve done a fantastic job on this.  In numeracy you’ve been learning about measure and ordering from shortest to longest and measuring using cubes.  Primary 2s, in literacy, you’ve been learning the soft ‘g’ sound and also working on your reading comprehension skill of inference.  In numeracy, you’ve been working on separating objects into equal parts which is an introduction to division.  In French we were learning about parts of the body and in class we managed to learn ‘Head, shoulders, knees and toes’ in French.

Keep up the great work everyone.  We’re really proud of you.  Mrs Meikle.

P3 Remote Learning

WOW P3!  You have had an amazing week! We have been so impressed by all your fantastic learning.

  • We have been learning a poem in Scots.
  • Using Scots words..and French words!.. to describe the weather.
  • Learning how to use speech marks.
  • Using arrays to work out multiplication problems.
  • Looking at non- fiction texts about polar bears.
  • Designing super inventions for Mrs Beattie’s Invention Challenge.
  • Creating our own tartan.
  • Taking part in Mr Millar’s Active Challenge.
  • ..and not forgetting sledging, building snowmen and having fun outdoors!

Thank you to your families for supporting you in your learning.

We really hope you have all enjoyed the activities. Remember you can give us some feedback too!  Let us know which ones you liked best.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Reid P3A      Mrs Robertson P3B          (your very proud teachers!)

This week in P4 remote learning edition

Hi everyone,

This week in P4 we have been learning about Time in numeracy and doing a range of activities in literacy from descriptive writing to reading and understanding a text. It has been great to take part in a range of science and art activities as well as see some photos of pupils playing in the snow.

It has been great to see so many pupils taking part in our daily live calls. I’m looking forward to next week.

WCHS ed X cluster

For guidance on how you can help and support your child with remote learning, please see our ‘course’ on WCHS ex X cluster learning website.

Your feedback on what other guidance and support you would like from us around digital/remote learning will help guide and direct our future courses.

East Calder Primary – Early Learning and Childcare Centre (ELC)

Please find below a link to the West Lothian Early Years Blog.

Welcome to the West Lothian Early Years Blog

This blog has been set up to support children and families should you find yourself having to spend a period of time away from nursery.  There are lots of ideas and places to visit online.  Keep popping back for fresh ideas as the site is added to as time goes on.

Do you have an iPad or android device at home?  Visit our Apps for Early Learning page for a list of free apps that can be downloaded to your devices to keep your little ones busy.

Visit our Early Learning Websites page for links to other sites on the web to keep our little learners engaged.



The Royal Zoological Society – Giant Panda & Mandarin.

In Primary 6 and Primary 6/5 we were lucky enough to have some online lessons from Sandie (The Project Coordinator for Languages) from The Royal Zoological Society. Sandie taught us some interesting scientific facts about Pandas and we also got the chance to learn some Mandarin.

Who knew that pandas had a hidden bone which acts as a thumb and that pandas poo 50 times a day! They go through a lot of bamboo.  We learned about the life cycle of a panda , along with some interesting information about their habitats in China. We enjoyed an explanation of the history of Chinese symbols and we helped to decipher the symbols for different habitats.

Primary 2/1 – P2 Phonics and Spelling

Good morning,

Please find attached our new sounds and spelling for this week:   ‘igh’ and ‘y’.  Some of our children are practising cvc words for spelling but all are learning the new sounds for this week together.

Please support your child to practise reading and writing these words at home.  Try to  focus on sounding out each sound then blend the sounds together.  If the children are confident reading and writing the words they may wish to write sentences with their words to challenge them further.

These have also been posted on Seesaw for you too.

P2 Spelling igh and y 7th December 2020

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Meikle

P2/1 Learning

Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 2/1 have been working hard this week and are also very excited about the Christmas period (and a special daily visit from a mischievous Elf called Jingle).


Primary 2s are learning about Arrays and finding different ways to experiment with this using the Smartboard, counters, whiteboards and Numicons.                  Primary 1s have been introduced to more Mathematics and learning about Weight and the concepts of Lighter and Heavier.  The children have enjoyed using classroom objects to experiment with this and deepen their learning.


Primary 2s have been using different techniques to practise their spelling words. Primary 1s have been learning the sounds ‘w’ and ‘v’ and been trying out more cvc (consonant vowel consonant) words e.g. van and win etc.

Social Studies

In Topic Primary 2/1 are enjoying learning about Pirates and made a super effort in creating their own Treasure Maps after learning about the saying          ‘X Marks The Spot’ and how this was made popular by Robert Louis Stevenson in his famous book Treasure Island from 1883.  The children are keen to read this book when they are older.  The children added great detail to their maps, such as, volcanoes, bridges, rivers, palm trees etc.  The children then crushed their sheets to make it look ‘authentic’ and we discussed this fantastic word too!


Mrs Meikle

P2B Phonics 2.12.2020

Good morning,

Please see below  our second sound for this week: ‘ou’ and ‘ow’.

Please support your child to practise reading and writing these words at home.  Try to  focus on sounding out to blend the sounds together. If the children are confident reading and writing the words, they may wish to write sentences with their words to challenge them further.


Thank you for continued support.

Miss Walkingshaw

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