P5 Ranger Service Visit

Primary 5 had a visit from Angharad from the Ranger Service who taught us all about the Scottish Outdoor Access Code. The session reminded us of how to use our green spaces responsibly and we enjoyed some mapping activities in class before heading outside. Everyone had a range of features to look out for, including wildlife, cyclists, water and even dog poo…!

One thing which surprised us was the amount of litter we saw, which gave P5 the idea of doing a litter pick soon-watch this space!

P5 and P3 Reading Buddies

Primary 5 met up with Miss Marra and her P3 class in our Library for our first Reading Buddy session. Everyone enjoyed using this lovely space to discuss our favourite books and share our reading, we all enjoyed getting together and are looking forward to many more sessions!

P6 Reading with P2

Reading with P2 gives the children the opportunity to practise, the important values of respect, care, valuing difference, responsibility, friendship and including others.  Through reading and caring for smaller children older children learn the skills associated with empathy and compassion through activities in the classroom. It allows them to embed a culture of reading for enjoyment across the whole school whilst also being able to identify the needs of a different audience to their peers.

P6 Health and Wellbeing

As we welcomed P6 back after the summer we decided to look again at the Wellbeing Indicators,School Rules and LEARN Values. We looked at how these link to the UNCRC Rights of a Child. We decided which elements we could use effectively when creating our Class Charters. We were surprised to see how many rights were already embedded in both our rules and values. The class created a brilliant display of both their Charters and and Indicators.











P3a Money

This week in Maths we were starting to look at Money. We investigated coins with our elbow partners. Then we sorted them. Some of us sorted by size or colour. Someone decided to sort by value. She shared her method with the class, then all tried her to sort the coins by value.  While we were learning we were using lots of skills – curiosity, teamwork, communication & problem solving.

Listening and Talking

At the start of this session classes will be focusing on our Listening rules and will refer to these daily.

Listening and talking skills are essential for good communication. We aim to give learners a wide range of opportunities to listen and talk for different purposes both at school and at home.

Many thanks to all of you who popped in to see us at our recent Meet the Teacher event. You might have picked up a copy of our school Listening and Talking leaflet.

We have included a copy on this post for those that might have missed it.

Listing and Talking Leaflet


If you have any concern’s about your child’s speech, please see details below of West Lothian’s Speech and Language service where you can get information about any concerns you might have.



We started to explore our context further this week; exploring Scotland’s place in the world, comparing our geographical makeup to North America’s. The pupils used Atlases and a globe to explore the world’s continents and North America further. We linked this to our work on place value, looking at how many miles apart some countries are. Next week we are going to plan and budget for a trip using real live websites, costings and forecasts.


P3a Learning

This week in P3a we have been working on numbers to 100, talking about number before, after & between. We have been sharing out strategies for adding within 20. In Literacy we have been learning about nouns & adjectives and how to write a description.  We have been introduced to Epic Reading on the iPads, which we love!  We have been continuing to discuss the wellbeing indicators and talking about how we feel. We worked as a class to decide what would be our first topic. We chose The Geography of Scotland and then thought about questions we would like to investigate. Another fun week with lots more learning!

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