Visitor in P7

Primary 7 thoroughly enjoyed their trip with Alan Hamilton yesterday, Alan is a friend of the school, a veteran and an expert in all things to do with WWII.

He set up an activity for us to discover some different war graves, when we found the correct graves we laid some commemorative crosses for Remembrance Day. Alan also explained a bit about each soldier, their role in the war and how they lost their lives.

Alan told us some information about a residential house right next to the school, if you look closely at the brickwork, you can see that there was an opening – this used to be the old tuck shop for the school. He also reminded us that the ‘big’ house at the end of the road used to be a Police Station.

Alan was delighted with his gift from a pupil, the pupil made him a technical replica model of some war weapons. We want to say a huge thank you to Alan for his continued support of the school and wealth of knowledge. The pupils are looking forward to working with him again.

Lava Lamp Fun in P6 – Science

In Science P6 have been learning about mixtures and chemical reactions. They  made their own lava lamps by mixing oil and coloured water and added an effervescent tablet to the bottle. This created a chemical reaction when the tablet mixed with the water and started to bubble. As you can see from the photos we were quite excited by the reaction!

I have participated in practical activities to separate simple mixtures of substances and can relate my findings to my everyday experience.




Any Secret Readers out there?

As in previous years we would love to hear from anyone interested in volunteering as a Secret Reader to help us celebrate Book Week Scotland.

Our classes would love a visit from a Secret Reader any time from Monday 13th until Friday 24th November.

If you think you could help out please contact the school office and let us know which days and times you are available and which stage, if any, you would prefer.

Thank you for supporting reading in our school.

Learning in P3/2


We have been working in Writing and we continue to use our “Bump It Up Wall” to help us improve our writing. We are learning to talk about our writing and peer-assess to help us identify our next steps. We worked in groups last week to peer-assess our last piece of writing and we wrote feedback on the desks using white board pens.

The writing we peer-assessed this week are now displayed on our Literacy Bump It Up Wall. We decided where they should go on our wall depending on what each person did well and what they need to work on to “bump up” their writing.




We are also working hard in Guided Reading. We are learning to read fluently and this term we are focusing on questioning. We start each Guided Reading lesson with “echo reading.” Miss Marra used to demonstrate this and now one of us leads it for the class. It helps us to practise reading fluently. We then split into our Reading groups to work on different learning activities. One group works with Miss Marra each day and we practise echo reading with our group. We also work on Comprehension skills. We have been using questioning cards to ask and answer questions about our book.

We are continuing to develop skills in Numeracy and we enjoy engaging in Number Talks daily. We recently took part in our first Choral Count of the term and we came up with even more number patterns than last time. We were great at talking about the patterns we noticed and talking about each other’s ideas. Our favourite thing about this is when we get to “be the teacher” and stand at the board to share our pattern. We came up with some patterns that Miss Marra didn’t even notice! We could talk about the Numeracy skills we were using. We stood in front of the board this time and it made us all stay focused on our learning. We liked this much better than sitting down for a choral count.

We can’t wait to continue to share more of our learning with you! Watch this space to see our progress in Writing. We are so proud of ourselves!


Article 29: We have the right to develop our talents and abilities.

This week in P2

This week has been very busy in P2. We have been making 3D shapes out of lollipop sticks and play doh to create shapes. We have also been looking at subtraction skills and using loop cards to practise this. We began our group projects in our topic work and each group is looking at a different climate zone and thinking about the animals that live there. We are hoping to finish these in time four our Sharing the Learning afternoon in a couple of weeks. We have also discussed Bonfire safety this week and created posters to show how to be safe and have fun on the 5th November.

This Week in The Hive

The Hive children have been very busy working on their Numeracy skills using the numicon and counters.  Alex was practising recognising numbers, matching, sorting and counting accurately. Henry, Aria and Eoin were finding different ways to make 100.


Glen enjoyed joining in with his classes Fischy Music session and worked very hard on his gross motor skills learning how to use the scooter!

Book Week Scotland P1-3 Events


The Scottish Book Trust is a national charity that believes books, reading and writing have the power to change lives. Over the last 25 years they have  gifted books to Primary 1, 2 and 3 pupils in all Scottish Primary schools.

Book Week Scotland which begins on Monday 13th November gives us the opportunity to invite parents/ carers of Primary 1, 2 and 3 pupils to our Book bag events in our school library on the following days.

P3a/ P3/2    Monday 13th November -2.30pm until 3.15pm ( pupils will be dismissed from the school library)

P2a/ P2/1    Tuesday 14th November -2pm in our school library followed by sharing the learning in your child’s class.

P1a/P1b       Wednesday 15th November – 2.20pm  until 3.00pm (pupils  will be dismissed from class)

We hope you can join us to share a story and a snack.

Happy reading everyone!

Lego Club

A great time was had by all at the first session of Lego Club. We have been very lucky to acquire 10 brand new Lego sets. Pupils worked in their choice of individual, pairs or threes. They used their problem solving, communication and collaboration skills to build the new models. Some chose to free build from the huge box of blocks in the class. Roll on next week when they get the chance to do it all again!

P7/6 STEM Challenge

P7/6 did a spooky STEM challenge linked to our learning of fractions, they all followed the instructions but had very different outcomes! We enjoyed celebrating the different interpretations people had, as there was no “correct” answer to the task.

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