This week we worked together to build actual models from instructions. We learned about working together and cooperating through Lego.
Month: November 2019
Christmas artwork orders
Outdoor Learning in Primary 2
In Primary 2M and 2W we have been learning how to subtract. We have been using lots of different methods to help us do this. Yesterday we decided to take our subtraction outdoors and see how we could use the environment to help us show our learning. We had lots of fun using our number skills.
It was a chilly morning so we had to make sure we were wrapped up. We even managed to use natural materials and the weather to help us create our own subtraction sums!
P4S Anti-bullying week
P5/4C Odd Socks Day
East Calder Swim Team Success!
P5B Respect Remembrance Day
Today is Remembrance Day and in P5B we showed our respects by taking part in a few activities. The whole school took part in the 2 minute silence, to pay our thoughts and respects to those brave soldiers who fought in the war and to their families who lost loved ones.
Our reading comprehension focused on Remembrance Day and asked us lots of questions about why this day is so important, why do we wear poppies etc.
Some of us enjoyed sharing stories about relatives who fought in the war.
In the afternoon, we made poppy charcoal drawings which look very effective. The children will be able to take these home tomorrow.
P3-4 Lego Club
Phonics in P2M
We have had a very busy week in Primary 2M. We have learned more about pirates, designing our own pirate flag for Captain Abigail and finding a real pirate flag in our class. In Phonics, we were excited to use our new overlays and we used our Say, Make, Write boards to help us read, make and write our words.
Article 29: We have the right to develop our talents and abilities.