Primary 1B Learning Highlights

It has been a very quick week in Primary 1B. We have had lots of exciting learning experiences this week. Here is a little quick snapshot of our week.

Health and Wellbeing

This week we have been talking about growing up and how we have changed since we were babies. We know that our bodies, minds and appearance have changed lots since we were very little. Here are some of the changes we were discussing.

Leighton – I don’t wear a nappy anymore and all my clothes are different now.

Sophie – I don’t drink milk from a bottle anymore or have a dummy.

Reuben – I eat lots of different types of food now, not just mushy food like porridge.

Cooper – I can do different things with my body, like run and jump or even press ups! My hair has changed colour.

Kellan – I can talk and walk.

Mikah – I know lots more things now than when I was a baby.

Bryan – My body is bigger, my arms and legs are longer.

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog.

A little reminder, if you have any old reading books at home could they please be returned to school as soon as possible. Thanks!

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B.

P4/3 Update

Another busy week in P4/3! We continue to work on improving our literacy and numeracy skills. Well done to those children who have worked hard to become independent learners, Mrs Morrison is proud of you all!!


We continue to work on our listening and talking skills, in particular presenting information in front of others. Here are some more pictures:


We have begun to look at fractions and explored what half and a quarter of an object would look like. We have also looked at the written form. Please practise with your child.

Health and Well-Being

We have started our new topic, ‘Changing Me’ and looked at what babies need to survive, from their time in the womb and when they are born. The class contributed to discussions in a mature manner, well done P4/3!

Weekly Update from P4

Primary 4 have had another week of working hard and learning new things.

In Numeracy we have completed our Multiplication topic. We were all given a post topic assessment to do, where we were encouraged to try our best and use all the new knowledge we have gained. We will now use these skills to look at Division.

In Writing this week we worked together as a class, looking at all the necessary points that need to be included in a Narrative piece. We looked at our comments from last week so that we all knew where would could improve this week. We wrote our piece together and used our topic as our stimulus. We wrote about a person travelling to Ancient Egypt and mentioned some of the things they may have experienced such as the changing seasons, meeting the Pharaoh, taking on a job as a farmer and trading for goods. As a class we picked names for our characters, decided what the complication was going to be and agreed on a resolution. Here are some of our finished stories. We are very proud of this piece!

In Reading we have discussed the importance of answering fully when it comes to comprehension tasks. When we have been reading aloud, we have had a focus on using expression and being aware of things such as exclamation marks, question marks and italics, and how we should read when they are present.


In Art this week we finished off our scarab beetles and made some wings for them. We also got an opportunity to do some free drawing.

In topic this week we learned all about the mummification process. Here are our thoughts on this:

Sophie C – It was weird but interesting to learn about.

Summer – It was interesting to learn about how mummification works.

Kayleigh – I found it gross when I heard that they mashed the brains up and took them out with a hook.

Derry – It was disgusting when we heard that when a person is dead that they can still do the toilet and it would like down the board they were on!

Erin R – It was interesting that they had to use salt, I didn’t know it helped to soak up water.

Chloe – When the body is wrapped up the liver, lungs, stomach and intestines are put in jars.

Hadiyaah – It was disgusting but interesting to hear why they would mummify people.

Olivia – It was very interesting as I thought they just out the wrapping out but they take out most of the organs first and mash up the brain.


Have a lovely weekend!

This Week in P5


We learnt about similes. These are figures of speech containing the word like or as. They are used to compare two things.


During our work on decimals this week we learnt how to write tenths and hundredths as decimals and practised comparing and ordering them.


We observed rocks and learnt about different types of soil.


This week we have learnt about how babies are made and how characteristics are passed on from parents / grandparents to children.


This week we practised throwing and catching skills on the school field. Afterwards we played a large game of rounders.

This Week in P3/2


We continued to develop our skills for narrative writing. We had to write an imaginative story about an accident. We used the narrative story mountain which helps us to develop our story line. We learned about the complication which is the part that makes the reader want to read on.

“We had to write in paragraphs and use the correct structure.”

We have also been learning to use a dictionary to find the meaning of words. During reading, we were sounding out unfamiliar words. We were also developing reading with expression. After we read our stories we had to ask our friends a questions about the text to enhance our questioning skills.



This week, we were continuing to develop our division skills. We were looking at word problems which can be challenging because you are not given the equations. We have to use our problem solving skills to work out what the question is asking and then solve the equation.

“We have been dividing, this is another way of saying sharing.”

“We have been dividing in 2s, 3s, 4s and 10s.”

“We were working as bakers and we had to divide the cakes equally between the people.”



In IDL, we were looking a city landscapes. We were looking at the detail and texture of the buildings. Then, we looked some examples of landscapes and we were given the opportunity to choose a landscape of Edinburgh to represent.

For our world of work topic, we were identifying our skills and linking them to jobs we would like. Then, we had to prepare notes to explain the type of job we would like to our peers.



In literacy we have been doing presentations with our table groups about video games. We first went into powerpoint and then we researched about different video games and one of us did horses. On Friday most of us presented the video games.


We are focusing on money and chimney sums and divide or times them. A lot of people find it fun and some find it boring but when they first thought it was boring they did not like it but now most do.


P7/6 4th June 2021

Here is an excerpt of a sci fi narrative written by a group of P7/6 this week.

He angrily charged through the rusty metal floor while screaming and clenching his rigid, rough fists.  Running with his narrowing bloodshot eye. His red eyes matched his jumpsuit as he grew more furious . Looking like he wanted to execute someone.

He started to slowdown  as the electronic doors blew up.  He walked out with a deadly look on his face.  Meanwhile, trees busted out of the ceiling, lifting baby Groot back to Earth.  

BY: FS, TW, AC and KP


Numeracy and Maths

We have been revising on calculating with decimals.  We have also been learning to identify 3D shapes.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Update from P2

Hello. Banner, speech bubble, poster and sticker concept, memphis geometric style with text Hello. Icon message Hello cloud talk for banner, poster, web. White background. Vector Illustration Stock Vector | Adobe Stock

It has been a super busy week in P2!


Jordon – “We have been practising using punctuation like full stops, question mars and exclamation marks”

Elizabeth – “We use a full stop at the end of a normal sentence”

Vrishti – “We use a question mark when we read or write a question”

Sophie – “We use an exclamation mark when someone is shouting”


Andrew – “We finished learning about telling the time”

Alfie – “On a clock you get o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past”

Jacob – “I enjoy telling the time”

Outdoor Learning

Mark – “We planted soil and seeds in a plant pot”

Charli-Mae – “We had to get a pot, put compost in, make a wee hole and then put a seed in it then cover it up and water it”

Louie – “We took the plants home to take care of them and grow them”


Emily – “We were drawing older people that we love”

Oliver – “We were learning about growing old and how it happens to everyone”


Euan – “We went out to the field because we were making a Summer landscape and we had to collect some grass to put on it”

Connor – “My landscape was sunny and I stuck real grass on it”

HAPPY WEEKEND! vector hand lettering banner Stock Vector | Adobe Stock

Weekly Update From P1A

I hope you have all had a good week and  managed to enjoy the beautiful weather we have been experiencing. Some highlights of this weeks learning.

Fairyland – Goldilocks and the Three Bears

This week we have been enjoying the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children enjoyed making different sized porridge bowls using repeating patterns.

The children have also enjoyed using masks to retell the story.


This week we have carried out 2 pieces of work around the story. The first was a sorry letter from Golidlocks to the 3 bears. The children had to say what she was sorry for and to promise never to do it again.

Indie commented that she is “really proud” of her writing.

The second piece of writing centred around the question “What happens Next?”The children did really well explaining the next part of the story.

Nemi and Indie are very proud to be able to write a number of sentences independently.

Numeracy Challenge!

Target Number


Robbie said he really enjoyed working with Emily they “make a good team”

Numeracy – Leading the learning

A good example of Indie explaining and leading the learning during a number talks lesson.

Health and Wellbeing

We are continuing with our “changing me” topic and after sorting some life cycles the children had to identify things that are different within themselves now they are 5 or 6.

Some other comments the children wanted to share-

Robbie – “I love coming to school and especially love breakfast club”

Danni – “I enjoyed blowing bubbles in the field with Mrs Dobbie”

Liam – “I am so quick, I am the fastest runner”

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will be back next week with some more updates.

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

It’s been a busy week again here in Primary 1B. We have been enjoying the sunshine this week with lots of outdoor learning opportunities. We hope the sun continues to shine for our last few weeks of term.

We have been learning a new sound this week ‘ow’, and have been completing lots of different activities to help us learn how to use this sound to read and spell new words. One of the new skills we learned was how to complete a word search. It was great fun trying to find and read as many ‘ow’ words as possible.

We also have been writing some imaginative stories to go with our dragon pictures. We named our dragons and took him or her on different exciting adventures into magical forests and haunted houses!

Mrs Walker helped us to create a wonderful display outside our classroom to showcase our super work.

Our school value focus for this week has been Challenge! We have used our recognition board to display the children who have been ‘caught’ challenging themselves. A proud moment this week has been during the speed writing of our common words, a task which we do every morning. Some of the children took it upon themselves to not just write the word as we always do but to try to put it into a sentence. I am so proud of them all for always striving to improve!!

We hope you enjoyed a little snapshot of our learning this week.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B

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