New Resources for our Class

We have had a very busy week working on our maths.  We have been given budget of some money to spend on new resources for our class.  We looked through catalogues to get ideas of what we would like to buy.  We made a shopping list of the stuff we really wanted.  Unfortunately, we were way over our budget and we had to take some things off our list.  We decided we wanted a numbers rug for our maths zone, and we measured the space to check the rug would fit.

We have also been working on fractions, and exploring the relationship between multiplication and division.

We made lovely valentine heart pictures using chalks and stencils.

P1 and P2/1 Highlights of the Week

This week we have been learning about the Loch Ness Monster. We read the story ‘No Such Thing as Nessie!’ by Chani McBain and Kristeen Harris Jones.

Sophie- It is about a little boy who wanted to find Nessie.

Brendan- His sister Sarah was not very nice. She didn’t believe in Nessie.

Lucy- She was laughing and made him feel miserable.

Arthur- He found Nessie in the end.

We are very glad that it was a happy ending and didn’t know that Nessie liked shortbread!

We decided to do our own Nessie hunt. We went on the live Nessie Webcam and saw….

Rihanna-  I saw a green thing in the water. It looked like it had a green neck and spots.

Aayan- I saw something flying across the water.

Scarlet- I saw a net.

After our Nessie hunt we were still not sure if there was a real life Nessie. We had a debate and in the end we decided that Nessie was real and not a myth.

We made Nessie Puppets. Lucy added lots of detail including spots and a fantastic tartan hat.

Maison made a fabulous Nessie and described him using  three adjectives. He even wrote a sentence using a connective. Wow!!!!

In gym we are practicing bouncing and catching a ball.

Calvin- It was easy because I made my hands into a basket.

Skye- We have also been learning new games. I liked ‘Clear the Garden’

Sophie- I liked shark Attack. You had to swim to the islands without getting caught by the sharks.

Lexie- I liked the game ‘Frozen Beanbags’ We had to balance really carefully to keep the beanbag on our head.

Our sound this week has been u from Inky’s Vowel House. We made u for umbrellas to remind us of the letter shape. We can now read and write lots more words with u as the middle sound.

In numeracy Elkie had fun being the teacher and was leading our learning.

I think we will need to watch our jobs Mrs Stevenson, she was a bit too good!

Well done Elkie for being so confident!

Mark- We had to put the numbers from smallest to biggest.

This week Mrs Wood was very proud of Lewis for working so hard on writing his common words. Well done Lewis ….two thumbs up!!!

Homework Star of the Week – Sophie

Sophie shared her fantastic homework with the class. She shared that she was born in the year of the snake, that this is the year of the pig and had made a beautiful valentine card.


Primary 4

We have been working on our assembly about Fair trade fortnight for the performance next week. As it’s only a short week next week we have had to try to cram the rehearsals in. Your child should have a letter giving details of the assembly and also their lines for the script. Please encourage your child to learn their lines off by heart and to speak loudly and clearly.

This week we have been finishing off our work on time and are looking forward to starting work on division next week, (everyone might need a big rest at the weekend to prepare for it!).

Pupils really enjoyed the buddy writing session in literacy with P3/4 and they found it useful to share ideas. We hope to follow this up by doing buddy writing sessions with P5 as well.

After the long weekend we will be moving onto our new topic of the Egyptians which everyone is really excited about. There will be lots of joint learning opportunities as P3/4 and P3 are doing the same topic.

Enjoy your weekend.

What’s on…

Week beginning 11th February 2019



3.30-4.30pm – Football Afterschool club p4-7


Sound stories workshops 9.30am

3.30-4.30pm – Football After school club p1-3

PEEP sessions


Funky fitness lunchtime club

3.15-4pm Multisports Club


Break for holiday weekend!

Art in P5/6

We have created a display of artwork showcasing our skills of using oil pastels and black pen and our knowledge of the style of the art work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

Many thanks to all of our parent’s/carers and family members who came to watch our performance of 1719 yesterday – we had great fun performing for you all!

P1 and P2/1 Weekly Update!

Primary 1 and Primary 2/1 have had another busy week in school.

Primary 1 got a surprise with their classroom getting a mini makeover!

Scarlet – I like the new drawing area.

Lucy – I liked that the tables have been moved.

Tadas and Charlie enjoyed sharing a dinosaur non fiction book in the new library area.

Aayan commented ‘I am enjoying my new book and I love that I can read it.’

This week we have been writing all about what we can and can’t do…..yet! We read the story of Giraffes can’t Dance by one of our favourite authors Giles Andrea.  The boys and girls have been working hard to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops and draw detailed pictures.

Calvin and Lucy did a great job!

Our sound focus this week have been the letter ‘g’. We made glittery golden g’s by gluing and sticking. Don’t they look gggggggg great!

As part of our Scotland learning, we found out about Scotland’s national flower, the Thistle. We looked at pictures and used describing words to say what we saw. We used pastels to blend the colours together to create a our own thistles.

Brendan said – I liked drawing the spiky flowers and I really liked making the spikes.

We learned a bit more about Scotland today from being part of an audience with the Scottish Opera. It was fantastic!

Kayleigh – I liked the opera, especially the songs. I was very proud of Ryan.

Maison – I liked the fighting scenes.

Scarlet – I liked when they showed off the baby Prince Charlie at the end.

A great big thank you to Ethan’s Granny who kindly planted a French Marigold for the class. We are going to take turns to water and care for it in the classroom. We are going on a name for our plant next week.


A special mention needs to go to Lucy and Grandma this week, who presented the class with an outstanding piece of homework. Lucy made a book for the class library called ‘Biff, Chip, Kipper, Mum and Dad – Halloween’ based on her class reading book, Fancy Dress. Well done Lucy and Grandma we really enjoyed reading it.


Hello everyone,

This afternoon P4 have just been to watch our upper school perform with members of the Scottish Opera organisation. It was a fantastic performance and the class were very impressed with their efforts, particularly the fact that it was put together in such a short time.

We have been learning to convert between analogue and digital time in maths and the class are making good progress with this. It would be great if they could continue to work on this at home as this would help pupils become more confident in their abilities.

We have continued to develop our skills in persuasive writing. This week our theme was whether or not children should use social media and computer games. As you can imagine this provoked lots of discussion and pupils gave some strong arguments for their point of view. For our final session in persuasive writing our class will pair up with a buddy from P3/4 and they will produce a joint piece of writing. We hope that they can learn from each other and share their ideas. The class have asked that we do creative story writing next for which we will also do some pair writing sessions.

This week we looked at some videos of early Livingston and discussed the reason the town was built. Pupils recognised lots of different locations, though there were a few giggles at the hairstyles and fashions of the time! The class were put into groups to role play a family coming to settle in the area and the pupils really enjoyed this activity, as well as gaining more of an insight into the event.


What’s on…

Week beginning 4th February 2019


P1 health checks

2pm – Visit from Commonwealth gymnast

3.30-4.30pm – Football Afterschool club p4-7


3.30-4.30pm – Football After school club p1-3

PEEP sessions


AM Scottish Opera workshop p5-7

Funk fitness lunchtime club

2.15pm Scottish Opera Performance

3.15-4pm Multisports Club


P2 Sharing the Learning




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