Primary 2/1 Weekly Update.

Let’s start off our blog with our learning highlights this week from the children.

Elkie – My highlight was making my Highland cow because  I loved making it.

Sai liked making his fact file about highland cows, his favourite fact was that their hair is so long it goes over their eyes, but it is there to protect them.

Jordon – I liked drawing Nessie because she goes under water.

Nathaniel- I liked learning about the sound x because it was easy to write!

Tadas – I like the daily 5 because it is easy for me!

Robyn – I liked learning all of our sounds, every Monday I look forward to seeing all the new letters for the week.

It’s been another busy week where we have been learning all about the Loch Ness Monster! We watched the Nessie cam but unfortunately didn’t catch a glimpse of her this time, why not have a look for yourselves at home!

Use this link

This led to a very interesting discussion about whether we thought Nessie existed or not….. Most of us are believers! We made our own Nessie to decorate our Learning Journey wall. We had to use our scissors very carefully and we came up with some amazing Nessie designs.

In writing this week we wrote postcards to Nessie, telling her all about ourselves and the things we like to do. We all wrote at least 3 sentences all by ourselves. After reading the story, Hamish the Highland Cow by Natalie Russell, we also designed and wrote our own fact files about Highland cows and created a pastel drawing using a smudging technique to create a ‘hairy’ effect!


We are still working on the topic of Time in Maths. This week we have been looking at how we measure time. We talked about seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks. We discussed how long we thought it would take us to complete certain activities. We had a team work challenge where we had to match up activities with how long we thought they would last. 

Lennon thought this was a good challenge and Erica said it was lots of fun.

We have also been discussing the seasons and which season we like the best!

Euan’s favourite season is Summer because that’s when his birthday falls.

Jordon loves Winter the best because the snow comes out.

Ethan loves Autumn  the best because you can collect all the leaves.

Kayden loves Spring because you can start to play outside.

We designed some posters to show different changes  which take place in each season.

As part of our numeracy we have been examining how to double numbers. We are getting really good at doing this mentally and talking about our answers. One of our focuses this week has been how to use a number line to help us solve addition calculations by counting on. Its really easy when you know how!

Just a little reminder for the children to bring their red homework folders to school every day with their reading books. Many thanks!

P3 ‘Touring’ Scotland

This week we have been continuing to focus on ‘Oor Wee Tour of Scotland’ topic. We have been working individually and collaboratively with our class members as well as the pupils in P3/4 to complete our leaflets, factfiles and group posters; all of which provide information on a different city in Scotland. We have had to use good communication skills in order to gather and record our facts, as well as being mindful of the feelings of others and taking everyone’s opinions on board. We used our ICT skills as well as our skills in researching and recording of information. We discussed as a whole group how our work had to be ‘presentation perfect’, which means neat writing, colourful pictures and completed tasks. Our work is now getting to the completion stages and ready to be displayed for everyone to see! We are looking forward to ‘visiting’ another city soon, and this time we are going to be using our skills in drama to create a TV advert to tell others about our next city!


“I have enjoyed doing the poster because we got to work in groups and we could do pictures and writing.”  commented Erin

“I enjoyed doing the leaflet because of all the writing we could put in and it helped me spell words that I didn’t know” said Joseph

“I liked doing the poster because it was nice working with people on this. We weren’t all doing the same but we did it together so it was all of our work!” commented Maisy

“I liked doing the group poster because it had four boxes that we could fill with lots of stuff.” said Daniel

Primary One Science Club

This week in science club we have been investigating,  how do clouds make rain?….how very appropriate for today’s stormy and unpredictable rain showers!

We made our very own rain cloud in a jar. We used shaving foam to represent the clouds and blue food colouring to represent the rain or precipitation. We made predictions about whether we thought the clouds would sink to the bottom or whether the water will turn blue.

What we found out was that the food colouring went through the cloud to make rain and it was blue.

We watched this clip…..   and had a discussion about how rain is formed. We even had a go at saying some very impressive scientific words like – precipitation, condensation and evaporation.


The children have decided that next week for our focus we will be making a volcano explode! It’s going to be great fun. The children are all showing so much enthusiasm for conducting our experiments week on week, we really hope we are fostering a real love for all things science.

Feed the Birds!


This morning, in The Den with Mrs Wallace, we heard a story about a hungry blackbird and his search for food in the winter. We thought about all the birds we see in the playground and wondered if they were hungry too. We worked really hard to make bird-feeders using apples, sunflower seeds and a branch for a perch! It was a bit fiddly at first but we managed! Once we had finished, we went outside to hang them in the quiet garden. We can’t wait to see what birds stop by for a snack!

What’s on…

Week beginning 3rd February

Mon –

Breakfast club fitness fun – p4-7

P1 and P2 multi-sports lunch club

P4-7 Football club 3.15pm

P5-7 art club 3.15pm

P1 science club 3.15pm




PEEP sessions

NYCOS working with p4

Planet soccer nursery session

Netball club at 3.15pm



Dad’s drop in session meet in Hub

Scripture Union lunch club

Planet soccer nursery session

P1-3 football club 3.15pm

Sewing club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm

Numeracy club 3.15pm




Move to the Beat workshops P5 and P5/6

P4 Futsal session

Zumba club 3.15pm

Cookery club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm



P7 Mrs Dobbie’s class assembly @ 9.30am

Fitness Friday breakfast club p1-3

Deans Den enjoy fun in the Snow!!

There was great excitement this week in Deans Den as when we arrived at school there was snow in the playground!! After some discussion about playing safely in the snow, we headed outside to explore our learning further. Working together, the children managed to build mini snowmen, make footprints in the snow and took turns pulling each other in the sledge. A great time was had by all!!

P5’s Mary Queen of Scots Assembly!

This week we have spent a lot of time rehearsing for our class assembly based on Mary Queen of Scots.

Hannah – I enjoyed practising the assembly.

Keris – I was nervous at first but then afterwards I felt good.

We have still been busy learning about other things besides our topic.



On Monday we read the next chapters in our reading books and practised the skill of ‘metalinguistics.’ We learnt how to use various strategies to work out the definition of tricky words.


Some of us practised our table facts and some of us practised using a calculator to help solve tricky problems.

Lewis Douglas – I enjoyed using a calculator. I learnt they use solar power.

We have a new numeracy target – to accurately recall x9 table facts. We can talk about patterns in the x9 table.


We discussed what our ideal jobs would be.

Samuel – I would be a librarian because I like books.

Chloe – A footballer – I like football.

Lacey – A pet-sitter – I love pets.

Eva – A fashion designer-I like clothes and experimenting with colours.

Using the laptops we researched what qualifications were needed for these jobs and what duties were required when you had the job.


We thought carefully about real-life problems and just like engineers in real life we have designed solutions in the form of machines to fix these problems.

Emma – My robot helps people who don’t have arms.

Lacey- My robot helps you with homework.

Keris and Logan designed beds for people who can’t sleep.

Keris – My bed reads people stories.


This week we learnt a new skill – drumming. It was very difficult and we had to persevere and show resilience in order to manage this skill.  Next week is our last ‘Move to the Beat’ workshop and we have decided to invite Mr Turner’s class to come and watch.

Aleena – I thought the drumsticks were really fun.

Dream Garden Challenge in P6/7

Our theme across the school for health just now is “Dreams and Goals”.

Having linked this to our skills and strengths for our “Developing Young Workforce” activities, we then looked together at how working towards our future dreams and goals can start now!

Part of that involves taking care of our own physical and emotional health. This was the challenge –

“In your group of 4/5, design a Dream Garden which would promote Health and Wellbeing.” Everyone in the group had to design one main feature/ area and all had to work together to design and complete the layout.

Here are our results: 

This Week in P3/4

In PE this week we all tested our stamina by taking part in the bleep test. This followed on from two session of our focus had been on our running and breathing skills.

“It was really hard, but i liked how everyone joined in” Anton

In maths and numeracy this week P3/4 were learning more about money and how we can use different coins to make a certain amount.

“I liked working which coins I could use to make a set amount” Grace

We also expanded our knowledge of subtraction this week. We were focusing on subtracting using multiples of 10 and bridging through 10.

“I really enjoyed challenging myself with these number strategies” Sophie

We also did a carousel of weighing activities in class. We had to predict our answer and then check it out. We used lots of skills in our groups like collaborating and communicating.Good work P.3/4.

This week we continued working on our ‘ Oor Wee toor’ of Scotland with the P3’s. The children were set the task of creating a poster to present facts about Aberdeen that they had researched.

This has been another great week of learning. Well done P3/4! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Working on climate change.

We are very excited at the possibility of working in collaboration with the publisher DC Thomson on a project about climate change, and possibly incorporating some of their characters, including a boy who sits on a bucket!

This week we have also started to draft to letter to the BBC to seek permission to use a video clip from their excellent program “Climate Change – The Facts”.

We also managed to incorporate this subject into our maths lessons as we had to measure the capacity of different buckets.

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