P5 Interview an Engineer


In Health we have been discussing the different impacts that jobs have on society and what the salaries of different jobs are. We were surprised how much a pilot earns compared to a mechanic even though people seem to use mechanics more regularly.


We watched a live online broadcast as part of the Scottish Leadership Engineering awards competition that we are entering. We listened to a presentation by Graeme Ralph, Principal R&D Engineer at Spirit AeroSystems. Afterwards we posted questions which he answered.

P.E. – Hockey

Miss Stanway was blown away by our dribbling skills!


One of our class targets is to improve our punctuation and so we have been learning about the use of apostrophes which are necessary when using contractions.


We finished our Dinosaur stories that we had written COLLABORATIVELY in pairs and then learnt how to peer assess them using a West Lothian writing target grid.


The table fact we are presently focussing on is x4.

We are much more confident at using the grid method to multiply 2 digit numbers by two or one digit numbers.

In addition this week we learnt about factors and prime numbers.


Our new topic is Mary Queen of Scots. Using her family tree we learnt about who her relatives were.

Using role-play we learnt about key moments in her life.

Eva – Being executed was a sad way to die.

Emma – Marrying Darnley was a mistake because he was mean.

Chloe – She should not have married The Earl of Bothwell as people thought he was a murderer.

Keris – Bella was great at being Queen Mary.

Lacey (The Earl of Bothwell)  – I expressed my meanness through my face and body.


We practised using a variety of tools to create different types of lines.

Exciting new topics

We have been starting some exciting new topics this year.

For our topic work we have been looking at some Scottish comics and their characters. We hope to develop this. Watch this space! This will also contribute to our language work this term. We are also continuing our work on climate change.

In maths we have started looking at fractions, decimals and percentages. We have also been doing data handling and relating this to the warming of Australia and the deadly fires they have experienced.

P6/7 – continuing to Grow our Business !

Following the success of Limited Edition Christmas Forkies in the last few weeks of term “Crafty” business decided to send a donation of £52 to Childline (this allowed for a dolls’ house to be purchased and 1 hour of counselling over the Christmas period).

Looking forward to the new term, P6/7 have decided to focus efforts on our upcoming Spring Fayre and the types of craft packs and Spring items that we might sell. Miss Taylor attended the Parent Council meeting on Tuesday evening, to represent the business, and to offer that P6/7 will be keen to sell goods, and to help support by being the sales teams on stalls from 12.30 – 1.30 on the day of the event (Friday 3rd April).

We have since discussed the budget we have available, and started to look at materials  and resources we may need.

We also spent time looking at our individual skills on My World of Work website. This has a section particularly for Primary Children where pupils can create their own profile and check their skills by completing a questionnaire. This then categorises everyone as a type of animal, suggests jobs that may be suitable for the future and also ways to develop skills now. This proved very popular with everyone and also cause some amusement as we had a number of bears , panthers, koalas and even a clownfish! Despite the humour, the questions asked, give a good insight to personalities and I believe a few parents have already had a go on Thursday evening”! Children can access this website from home now that they have been registered.


What’s on….

Week beginning 20th January 2020


Mon –

Breakfast club fitness fun – p4-7

P1 and P2 multi-sports lunch club

P4-7 Football club 3.15pm

P5 and 6 Tae Kwon do club 3.15pm

P5-7 art club 3.15pm

P1 science club 3.15pm




PEEP sessions start

NYCOS working with p4

Nationwide visit to p3

Planet soccer nursery session

Netball club at 3.15pm

P3 and P4 home learning club 3.15pm



Dad’s drop in session meet in Hub

Scripture Union lunch club

Planet soccer nursery session

P1-3 football club 3.15pm

Sewing club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm



Move to the Beat workshops P5 and P5/6

P4 Futsal session

Zumba club 3.15pm

Cookery club 3.15pm

Numeracy club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm



P1/2 Mrs Stevenson’s class assembly 9.30am

Fitness Friday breakfast club p1-3

Update from Primary One

We have had another extremely busy learning week in Primary One. We have been reading books about Winter and why some animals migrate and others hibernate. The children were amazed to find out how far geese fly and how many months hedgehogs hibernate. We began thinking about the changes we make during Winter and have created a display showing a bare tree covered with hats, gloves and snowflakes.

We have also listed the skilled we used to create our display – cutting, gluing, painting, drawing, scrunching, using primary colours to make a wash and creating a collage to demonstrate different textures.

We have continued to follow Hamish McHaggis on his adventures around Scotland. Hamish went to visit the Loch Ness Monster but unfortunately she was on her holidays. The story caused great excitement and discussion, so next week we will look at evidence from some non-fiction books and try to decided if there is enough evidence to prove that she exists. We also enjoyed learning about Edinburgh Castle and looking at pictures of the Forth Bridges (Hamish and his friends broke down there on their way to the Edinburgh Tattoo). The children used black fine line writer pens to draw an outline of these famous landmarks.

Pupil Voice

It is very important to us that children within our school have an opportunity to express their thoughts and ideas on matters which affect them. We had a discussion about the learning environment and what the children would like to change within our own classroom. The main message was that they wanted to have their own chair so with that in mind, all children created a name label and now have their own space in the classroom.


Health and Wellbeing – Dreams and Goals

We have been discussing what success and achievement means to us. The children chose one thing that made them feel proud of themselves. A few examples below.



Developing the Young Workforce

Following on from last weeks post,we have had a number of children leading the learning. Below is a picture of Oliver leading a math’s activity during smart start.

Collaboration is another essential skill needed to develop the young workforce. We reminded ourselves of the skills we should use at all times- listening, looking at the person who is talking, allowing others to talk, offering an opinion at the appropriate time. We are practicing effective collaboration every day.


This week I have set up number challenge using Numicon. Numicon is a practical way of representing number and the children have enjoyed exploring it and using it in different ways. We have also been using rekenreks which helps to develop number sense. We have been working on double numbers, rekenreks are a really useful tool for teaching this skill.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

P5 Act Up in our New Role-Play Area

Class Environment

Having discussed our class layout and how we could improve it we have started to make changes. We thought that it would be a good idea in the library to change our display in order to encourage children to read our new books. Some of us designed book covers and others created book reviews by some of our favourite authors. This is what it now looks like:

Mrs Stewart discussed what changes we could make to the library in order to make it more inviting with a small group of children.

Watch this space!

Dinosaur Park

We are presently reading Dino Egg by Charlie James in class. We are enjoying the novel and have created a role-play station. Here you can be a scientist, park keeper, van driver, dinosaur or tourist!


We learnt about chance and probability to describe the likelihood of events happening. As a class we discussed certain scenarios and then had to hold up a card describing if we thought the event was impossible, unlikely, likely or certain.

Georgie – It was fun holding up the cards.

We disagreed about some events.

Mason – It is impossible that England will win the next World Cup.

However most of us agreed that it was just unlikely.

Lewis Duckworth – It is impossible that I will eat cornflakes for breakfast tomorrow. His justification was that there was none in the house.

However some of us argued that his mum might go out and buy some!

Eva – It is certain I will have cornflakes.

Some of us thought that might be a problem if they had all been used up. We tried to persuade Eva it was ‘likely’ she would have them.

Liam – We learnt that there could be different answers to the same question and both would be correct.

For example the likelihood of it snowing depends upon where you live in the world.


We continued to practise our tables including making use of loop games.


One of our class writing targets is to use a variety of connectives. We played ‘Connectives Blockbusters’ to practise using connectives in sentences.


Emma – I enjoyed drawing and decorating my dinosaur egg and it has been fun making up the story about what happens to the dinosaur.


We used our research skills to find out about the life of a famous Scottish Christian – Eric Liddell.

Chloe – We learnt that he was a famous Olympian.

Georgie -He would not race on a Sunday because of his faith.


Another Busy Week in P3/4

We have had another busy week in P3/4 this week.

We started our mini topic this week. Our ‘wee tour’ of Scotland. We worked collaboratively with P3 as we explored the names of the different cities in Scotland. P3/4 helped the P3 pupils use an Atlas to discover and correctly place our Scottish cities on a blank map of Scotland. The children also shared some interesting facts that they already know about this amazing country. We completed mind maps to show our prior knowledge of this topic and also came up with some things that we would like to discover.

Keeping with our Scottish themed topic we looked at how to make Scottish Shortbread in our literacy lesson this week. The children were given the instructions, however, these were all jumbled up and the children had to write these in the correct order. But before that we discussed the language that is used in instruction writing. The children were also set the task to include sentence openers that flowed in a sequence of events. Such as: First, next, then and finally. The children really enjoyed this lesson and to expand on this they will use the instructions that they have ordered correctly to make shortbread next week. Look out for a special delivery next week!

Also in literacy the children were introduced to a number of new spelling strategies this week that will help with their spelling words for this week. One of the strategies had the children exploring alphabetical order and showed them that its not always the first letter that we go by. Ask your child to show you some of these spelling strategies.

The children were continuing to work on addition this week. We were using the chimney sum strategy as this has proved tricky for some of the children in the class, especially carrying over those cheeky 1’s! If the children could practice these at home that would be brilliant as we are moving on to subtraction strategies next week.

Thank you for all your continued support and encouragement. Have a lovely weekend.

Lead Learners in Deans Den!!

It has been another busy week in Deans Den as we continue to work on achieving our individual targets. Mrs Morrison is proud of the efforts of all the boys and girls, well done!!

Another success of Deans Den this week has been the children’s enthusiasm towards developing the role of the lead learner within the group. Children are given the opportunity to take a main role in learning opportunities such as storyteller, line leaders and group helper. These are all important skills to develop to help the children become independent learners. Keep working hard boys and girls!!

What’s on…

Week beginning 13th January 2020

Mon –

Breakfast club fitness fun – p4-7

Lunchtime Multi-sports club

P4-7 Football club 3.15pm

P5 and 6 Tae Kwon do club 3.15pm

P5-7 art club 3.15pm

P1 science club 3.15pm



NYCOS working with p4

P1 and P2 multi-sports lunch club

Nationwide visit to p3

Planet soccer nursery session

Netball club at 3.15pm

P3 and P4 home learning club 3.15pm

Parent council meeting 6pm



Dad’s drop in session meet in Hub

Scripture Union lunch club

Planet soccer nursery session

P1-3 football club 3.15pm

Sewing club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm



Move to the Beat workshops P5 and P5/6

P4 Futsal session

Zumba club 3.15pm

Cookery club 3.15pm

Numeracy club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm



Fitness Friday breakfast club p1-3

Welcome Back Primary 3/4!

Happy New year!

It was lovely to see all the children back happy, healthy and ready for the new term.

To start the week off the children and I shared how we all spent our Christmas holidays. We sat around in a circle and took turns talking. This was a great way to practice one of our 4 skills from our skills 4.0 document. This document focuses on what makes a good work force and this term we are focusing mainly on social intelligence. It was nice to hear that they all had a nice time off and that Santa was good to them.

On Wednesday we explored what New Year’s resolutions were and discussed why people set these for themselves. The children then had a look back at 2019 and shared what they enjoyed the most about last year. Focusing on the feelings skill from skills 4.0 the children then came up with their own New year’s resolutions. The children thought about aspects of their learning  and what it was that they would like to improve going forward. There were some great goals set during this task!

This week we have also worked hard to finish our Viking helmets, it was a lovely task to finish our Viking topic. They have all done a fantastic job with these. 

We also closed our Viking topic with an exciting drama lesson. The children loved this lesson and all are budding performers. The children were asked to act out a scenario in which they played estate agents and had to sell a long house to potential buyers. The children were displaying great communication, collaborative and leadership skills throughout this lesson. They worked well together in their small groups to produce some great pieces of improvisation.

Well Done P3/4!

I hope you all have a lovely Weekend!

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