Update from Primary One

We have had another extremely busy learning week in Primary One. We have been reading books about Winter and why some animals migrate and others hibernate. The children were amazed to find out how far geese fly and how many months hedgehogs hibernate. We began thinking about the changes we make during Winter and have created a display showing a bare tree covered with hats, gloves and snowflakes.

We have also listed the skilled we used to create our display – cutting, gluing, painting, drawing, scrunching, using primary colours to make a wash and creating a collage to demonstrate different textures.

We have continued to follow Hamish McHaggis on his adventures around Scotland. Hamish went to visit the Loch Ness Monster but unfortunately she was on her holidays. The story caused great excitement and discussion, so next week we will look at evidence from some non-fiction books and try to decided if there is enough evidence to prove that she exists. We also enjoyed learning about Edinburgh Castle and looking at pictures of the Forth Bridges (Hamish and his friends broke down there on their way to the Edinburgh Tattoo). The children used black fine line writer pens to draw an outline of these famous landmarks.

Pupil Voice

It is very important to us that children within our school have an opportunity to express their thoughts and ideas on matters which affect them. We had a discussion about the learning environment and what the children would like to change within our own classroom. The main message was that they wanted to have their own chair so with that in mind, all children created a name label and now have their own space in the classroom.


Health and Wellbeing – Dreams and Goals

We have been discussing what success and achievement means to us. The children chose one thing that made them feel proud of themselves. A few examples below.



Developing the Young Workforce

Following on from last weeks post,we have had a number of children leading the learning. Below is a picture of Oliver leading a math’s activity during smart start.

Collaboration is another essential skill needed to develop the young workforce. We reminded ourselves of the skills we should use at all times- listening, looking at the person who is talking, allowing others to talk, offering an opinion at the appropriate time. We are practicing effective collaboration every day.


This week I have set up number challenge using Numicon. Numicon is a practical way of representing number and the children have enjoyed exploring it and using it in different ways. We have also been using rekenreks which helps to develop number sense. We have been working on double numbers, rekenreks are a really useful tool for teaching this skill.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

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