P5’s Mary Queen of Scots Assembly!

This week we have spent a lot of time rehearsing for our class assembly based on Mary Queen of Scots.

Hannah – I enjoyed practising the assembly.

Keris – I was nervous at first but then afterwards I felt good.

We have still been busy learning about other things besides our topic.



On Monday we read the next chapters in our reading books and practised the skill of ‘metalinguistics.’ We learnt how to use various strategies to work out the definition of tricky words.


Some of us practised our table facts and some of us practised using a calculator to help solve tricky problems.

Lewis Douglas – I enjoyed using a calculator. I learnt they use solar power.

We have a new numeracy target – to accurately recall x9 table facts. We can talk about patterns in the x9 table.


We discussed what our ideal jobs would be.

Samuel – I would be a librarian because I like books.

Chloe – A footballer – I like football.

Lacey – A pet-sitter – I love pets.

Eva – A fashion designer-I like clothes and experimenting with colours.

Using the laptops we researched what qualifications were needed for these jobs and what duties were required when you had the job.


We thought carefully about real-life problems and just like engineers in real life we have designed solutions in the form of machines to fix these problems.

Emma – My robot helps people who don’t have arms.

Lacey- My robot helps you with homework.

Keris and Logan designed beds for people who can’t sleep.

Keris – My bed reads people stories.


This week we learnt a new skill – drumming. It was very difficult and we had to persevere and show resilience in order to manage this skill.  Next week is our last ‘Move to the Beat’ workshop and we have decided to invite Mr Turner’s class to come and watch.

Aleena – I thought the drumsticks were really fun.

Dream Garden Challenge in P6/7

Our theme across the school for health just now is “Dreams and Goals”.

Having linked this to our skills and strengths for our “Developing Young Workforce” activities, we then looked together at how working towards our future dreams and goals can start now!

Part of that involves taking care of our own physical and emotional health. This was the challenge –

“In your group of 4/5, design a Dream Garden which would promote Health and Wellbeing.” Everyone in the group had to design one main feature/ area and all had to work together to design and complete the layout.

Here are our results: 

This Week in P3/4

In PE this week we all tested our stamina by taking part in the bleep test. This followed on from two session of our focus had been on our running and breathing skills.

“It was really hard, but i liked how everyone joined in” Anton

In maths and numeracy this week P3/4 were learning more about money and how we can use different coins to make a certain amount.

“I liked working which coins I could use to make a set amount” Grace

We also expanded our knowledge of subtraction this week. We were focusing on subtracting using multiples of 10 and bridging through 10.

“I really enjoyed challenging myself with these number strategies” Sophie

We also did a carousel of weighing activities in class. We had to predict our answer and then check it out. We used lots of skills in our groups like collaborating and communicating.Good work P.3/4.

This week we continued working on our ‘ Oor Wee toor’ of Scotland with the P3’s. The children were set the task of creating a poster to present facts about Aberdeen that they had researched.

This has been another great week of learning. Well done P3/4! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Working on climate change.

We are very excited at the possibility of working in collaboration with the publisher DC Thomson on a project about climate change, and possibly incorporating some of their characters, including a boy who sits on a bucket!

This week we have also started to draft to letter to the BBC to seek permission to use a video clip from their excellent program “Climate Change – The Facts”.

We also managed to incorporate this subject into our maths lessons as we had to measure the capacity of different buckets.

Update from Primary One

We have had another great week full of fun and learning. It began last Friday when we were invited to share our PE slot with P5/6. They have been learning gymnastics and were keen to support the primary ones by demonstrating and encouraging them to try out different apparatus. Some pictures below of children moving across the climbing frame using only their upper strength.

Health and Wellbeing

We are continuing to explore the theme of dreams and goals. We joined Primary 1/2 to  discuss how it feels to achieve something that we have been working towards.

Archie felt successful when “I got a star award at assembly”

Amee felt proud  and successful when she “got her dancing trophy” for completing a routine.

This led onto our emotional literacy lesson which focused around 2 songs “We all need encouragement” and “Build Up”. The children had some really good ideas how to encourage each other.

Connor would say “You can do it”

Vrishti would say “You can do it and I can help you”

Sophie would say “keep going and don’t be afraid”

Summer would say “It’s okay don’t worry”

Mark would say “Keep on trying”

They also had some kind build ups (compliments) for each other.

Louie said to Sophie “you know the day of the week”

Layla said to Connor “Your so good at building lego”

Emotional literacy links to our school values of being supportive, inclusive and respecting one another.

We have to follow Hamish McHaggis on his adventures and enjoyed reading about his trip to the Isle of Skye. We have been weaving using 4 different colours to create a pattern.

We have been finding out facts about Highland cows from books and the internet. Some of the children created a short fact file.

We also used chalks (and finger rubbings to create texture) to draw our very own Highland cows.

We have also been using our writing skills to create a postcard to send to Nessie describing ourselves and what we like to do

We are trying to become more independent when writing. Some children are now using a word bank when writing sentences. They are very proud of this achievement and it is a skill which we will be developing.

Numeracy and Maths

In numeracy we have had a number of lead learners. Some children have been teaching others to play the ten frame loop game, others have been leading our number talks. They lead by asking their peers what they see? and how do they see it?

In Maths we have been studying time- days of the week, months of the year, ordering of our school day and o’clock time.

Hope you have enjoyed the post. Have a lovely weekend.








What’s on…

Week beginning 27th January 2020

Mon –

Breakfast club fitness fun – p4-7

P1 and P2 multi-sports lunch club

P4-7 Football club 3.15pm

P5 and 6 Tae Kwon do club 3.15pm

P5-7 art club 3.15pm

P1 science club 3.15pm



PEEP sessions

NYCOS working with p4

Planet soccer nursery session

Netball club at 3.15pm

P3 and P4 home learning club 3.15pm



Dad’s drop in session meet in Hub

Scripture Union lunch club

Planet soccer nursery session

P1-3 football club 3.15pm

Sewing club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm



Move to the Beat workshops P5 and P5/6

P4 Futsal session

Big Bedtime Read Launch in Nursery

Zumba club 3.15pm

Cookery club 3.15pm

Numeracy club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm



P5 Miss Stanway’s class assembly 9.30am

Fitness Friday breakfast club p1-3

P6/7 continue to develop Meta-Cognitive skills

This week P6/7 returned to “My World of Work” website to continue  identifying their skills through a section called “My Interests”. They also reviewed their “Animal Me”  from last week, looking particularly at the section of how to improve skills.

There was  then a whole class business meeting looking at the craft resources they had purchased and making a plan of how to use these. Also discussed at length was what Craft Packs would suit the different ages of children coming to the Spring Fayre, and  what prices may be charged  – depending on costs and profits.

It was agreed that Easter Cards, Easter Bunting, Easter Crafts and Easter Bonnets packs would all be made as part of their “Buy’n’Try” crafts. There are also options for some other goods which the “Crafty!” company would make as completed items, to sell.

We were able to identify that our skills of Collaborating, Leading, Feeling and Communicating are being developed through all of our activities!

This Week In P3/4

We started off our week with Money Monday. We revisted our prior knowledge in this numeracy topic and used our concrete materials (coins) to show different ways of making an amount. The children were fantastic at showing and explaining what different coins they had used to show a total amount.

In PE we continued with our Athletics. This week we put our running skills that we learned about last week to the test. This week we focused on running over objects. the children worked in teams to complete and obstacle rely. The first team to all be seated won the race. Tiring work!

P3 and 3/4 worked together this week to explore another of our wonderful Scottish cities. This week we stopped of in Stirling. The children were asked to research facts about this city and encourage tourism by creating a leaflet full of information and facts about this historical city.

We discussed Robert Burns this week and listened to ‘To a mouse’. After we designed our own kilts using our knowledge of tartan ,colours and patterns.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy your haggis, neeps and tatties!

Telling the time in Deans Den!!

It has been another busy week in Deans Den as the children are working hard to become independent learners. They are really enjoying their role as lead learners and take pride in being the line leader and group messenger. Well done boys and girls!!

In maths, we have been learning about time and exploring using clocks in our play. We discussed where we might see clocks and why it is important to learn to tell the time. Her are some of our answers:

” There was a clock in the hospital” Maddison

” Look there’s numbers on the clock” Max

“Clocks help us to tell the time” Charli- Mae

” I want to learn the time” Andrew

We will continue to practise this during group time. Have a lovely weekend.


Latest News From Primary One

As part of participation Friday we visited our local shops to ask  if they would display our Reduce, Reuse, Recycle posters. We have been exploring the importance of recycling correctly and we know by doing so we can help to save our planet.  We hope people in the community will see the posters and be reminded of this important issue.  Some pictures below.

In an attempt to become more independent learners, we are beginning to self assess our work against curricular targets. We have began with writing. The children are aware of the 3 main targets and these targets are part of our writing success criteria.


When children are finished their work they traffic light it against the success criteria (red – still a bit tricky, yellow – getting there and green –  I’ve got it!) and put it in the appropriate tray. During this term we will also focus on different forms of Feedback and how we can use it to improve our work the next time.

We are continuing to enjoy Hamish McHaggis’s adventures as he travels around Scotland. We have been celebrating all things Scottish through art and design- making tartan patterns, using chalk to create thistles and starting to make Nessie puppets.


Lead Learners

The children are becoming more confident leading aspects of lessons. The pictures below show a number of children explaining how to partition 8 in a number of different ways.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. More updates next week.




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