P6/7 May 6, 2020

Please start the day with active movement.   You may want to do Zumba or Joe Wicks exercise.


LI- imperative verbs

Spicier- Imperative-and-Modal-KS3-

Imperative Verbs


LI and instruction ordering and comparing fractions



Spicier fraction task – all-groups-worksheet


When you are done with fractions, please finish where you left off on your long boat project design.


LI and instruction eclipses

differentiated eclipse task

Primary 7 6.05.20

Bonjouir. Ca va?

Morning everyone hope you enjoyed your long weekend. Today you can start with Joe Wicks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iDqBO34ieA or with Zach’s workout which is in the folder / Blog. I am still hoping Zach that you can have someone in your house video you doing the workout just like Joe Wicks.

This morning for maths we are going to be working with fractions. You will see 2 pages that you can have a look at if you feel you need a little revision before you start. Don’t do these pages if you are confident about what you already know.

The medium task is consolidation of fractions that again, have a look at and try all / some of the questions if you feel you need to.

The Spicy is

L.I.          to produce an equivalent fraction

S.C.        I can use times tables accurately to find equivalent fractions and simplify fractions

Fractions Medium

Fractions Spicy

Revision – Fractions of a Quantity

Revision of equivalent and simplifying fractions

Break – Lunch

After break there are two fun activities for you to have a go at.

Reverse Listing


After Lunch

After Lunch we will be looking at The Plague and The Great Fire of London. It will not be easy to work through a topic but we will do our best. There is a power point for you to work through this afternoon.

  1. Read and write down (so you remember) the L.I. and S.C.
  2. Note any information that will help you to be successful with the S.C.
  3. Use that information to write a paragraph
  4. Share your paragraph with someone in your house


Primary 7 01.05.20

Morning everyone hope you are well. Lets finish the week by putting lots of effort into Joe Wicks this morning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1DCBvypjNw. See you at 9.30am / 0930.


Bonjour. Today you have the choice.

L.I. – to solve Time, Distance and speed problems

S.C. – I can use the correct formula accurately

I can show my working

Some of you still have to finish your exercise routine. If you are not sure what to do have a look at Zach’s, in Files. If you have finished it would be good if you could get someone in your house to video you doing the workout and talking through it like Joe Wicks does. We might then be able to use it next week.

You can then spend the time finishing / up levelling your work on Nelson Mandela and / or Natural Disasters.

Medium Time, Distance, Speed

Spicy Time, Distance, Speed

Very Spicy Time, Distance, Speed

P6/7 April 30, 2020

Please start the day with any physical activity of your choice e.g. Joe Wicks Go Noodle, Kids Yoga.

Writing task-  https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/wl/deansprimary/2020/04/28/rainbow-writing-challenges-p5-7/


LI and Instruction finding any fraction from a quantity

Mild_any fraction of a quantity

Hot_any fraction of a quantity

Spicy_ any fraction of a quatity


Write an explanation on why the Sun is important.  Watch the video link below to understand it’s importance.  Write as many information as you can.

Then create a comic strip showing what would happen to Earth if  the Sun disappeared.



Orbiting Planets Activity Sheet – Higher Ability

Orbiting Planets Activity Sheet – Lower Ability

Orbiting Planets Activity Sheet – Middle Ability

Orbiting Planets -Answers Planets

Please watch this informational video about the solar system https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/solar-system/the-solar-system/


Primary 7 30.04.20

lMorning everyone hope you are well. Usual start  then read over today’s Morning Statement.

Bonjour. Today you are going to be using what you have learned this week in relation to Time, Distance and Speed. You will have to read the question carefully so you choose the correct formula to use. There are 3 choices this morning. Look at them all before you choose the task that will challenge you the most.

L.I. – to solve Time, Distance and speed problems

S.C. – I can use the correct formula accurately

I can show my working

  1. Read over my instructions
  2. Read over the instructions / example in the folder/blog.
  3. Start if you understand
  4. Read again if you don’t

Medium Time, Distance, Speed

Spicy Time, Distance, Speed

Very Spicy Time, Distance, Speed

Answers to Spicy Q11 and Q12

Break – Lunch


After Lunch

Expressive Arts 30th April

Primary 7 29.04.20

Before Break

Bonjour. Today we are going to be working out the average speed of a journey. If you look in the folder for today / blog, you will find your work.

Like the last two days, you have to carefully read and understand the instructions / examples to be able to use the formula accurately. For Q. 9 you can use a calculator but still show some kind or working. If you don’t have a calculator just leave it out. Take your time especially with Q.11 as it is a problem solving questions. Read it carefully.

L.I. – to calculate the average speed of a journey

S.C. – I can use the formula accurately

I can show my working out

  1. Read over my instructions
  2. Read over the instructions / example in the folder/blog.
  3. Start if you understand
  4. Read again if you don’t and I’ll be back in 10 minutes.



Break – Lunch



After Lunch

Flying Specialists answers

Flying Specialists worksheet

P6/7 April 28, 2020

Victorious Vikings Fact Sheet –

Higher AbilityVictorious Vikings Fact Sheet –

Lower AbilityVictorious Vikings Fact Sheet –

Medium AbilityActivity Sheet Viking Timeline

Spicy- Questions and Answers – HA

Hot- Questions and Answers – MA

Mild- Questions and Answers -LA


Instruction  simplifying fractions

simplifying fractions ks2 simplifying fractions

Extra Spicy



Picasso inspired self portrait

Primary 7 28.04.20

Before Break

Bonjour. Today we are going to be working out Time Taken for a journey. If you look in the folder for today / blog, you will find your work.

Like yesterday, you have to carefully read and understand the instructions / examples to be able to use the formula accurately. For Q. 8 you can use a calculator but still show some kind or working. If you don’t have a calculator just leave it out. Take your time especially with Q.10 and Q.11 as they are problem solving questions. Read them carefully.

L.I. – to calculate time taken for a journey

S.C. – I can use the formula accurately

I can show my working out

  1. Read over my instructions
  2. Read over the instructions / example in the folder/blog.
  3. Start if you understand
  4. Read again if you don’t and I’ll be back in 10 minutes.

Time Taken

Todays Answers

Break – Lunch

Criteria for Workout

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