P5/6 Thursday 21st May

Hello all!

Slightly different format again today. I suspect that I am going to change it again over the next few days.

Firstly thank you all for your very responsible use of teams yesterday.

Please use today to finish the work you have already been set, especially “Learning in P56”. Thomas and Ethan have already up-loaded theirs, but there are more things we have done. Some connected to “Oor Wullie”. Some independent. Try to think of all the different areas of the curriculum.

I have created a set of folders dedicated to Mrs Lockharts work. Go back through these, making sure you have done each one. I have added a new one.

Keep your personal projects going- you still have the folder to post them into.

Covid Related Activities”: please read it and do.

Topic –Think about interesting ways to present stories. Please post any ideas you have so we can discuss them. What about making a film? Do you have Windows Media Player on your computer? If not please try to download and install it. Is there any other way we could film it? Could we use telephones? What apps could we use? I have created a dedicated folder for this work in “Files” as well.

Has anyone finished their work on measure yet? If not, finish money first and then move onto measure. I think all 4 parts of TJay 2a Chapter 13 (a,b,c and d) are useful. This will help support your work on decimals to 3 places.

TJay 1b TJay 2a TJay 2b
Money Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 7
Measure Chapter 15 Chapter 13a,b,c and d Chapter 13

Education City: You all appear to still have quite a lot of unfinished activities so I will wait until I publish some more.

Logan S is growing vegetables as a health project. Ethan has also now started growing strawberries. Anyone else?

Keep your daily diary going, recording what you are doing, what exercise you do, what you eat and how you feel.

Continue to practise your French using the resources from the link below: https://powerlanguage.courses/forfamilies/french/

For those of you that have finished the above French resource here is another one for you: https://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics

Don’t forget to do the day’s activities on BBC “Bitesize”.

Exercise with Joe (or his girlfriend!?)  https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/bp-joe-wicks-workout

Take care all of you.


P5 Thursday 21st May

Good Morning! Let’s get energized. Here is the link to the Joe Wicks workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or if you prefer another work-out do that instead.

A wee reminder – Sumdog-today is the last chance to earn 100 coins. Competition ends at 8pm tonight!

Smart Start-Number of the Day

Spicy mathsstarters.net/numoftheday/2digit

Spicier mathsstarters.net/numoftheday/ 3 digit

Spiciest mathsstarters.net/numoftheday/4digit

HOT HOT HOT mathsstarters.net/numoftheday/6digit-h

Don’t forget to mark your answers when you have finished.Chat will go on at 9:55.


LI To use historical number systems – SC I can complete calculations using Roman Numerals.

First watch this fun video-join along if you can: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1UmAgekzbs

If you are still finding them a bit tricky to understand this PowerPoint will help:Roman Numerals Powerpoint 2

Choose a learning activity(if you have time complete more than one):

Roman Numerals 100 square (print off or draw and complete in your book)

Design your own clock-face using Roman Numerals (if you have plastacine or play dough feel free to use that.)

RN Problem Solving and Secret Codes  – when you have finished here are the answers-RN Activity Sheet Answers

Extension-design your own secret code and then see if someone at home can work it out!

After Break-Miss Taylor’s Writing

This week’s writing task is a competition organised by SKY ACADEMY STUDIOS – with a chance to win FREE FILMING KITS.

We’re all living and learning differently right now, so it’s important to #keepconnected.

‘Sky Academy Studios is challenging pupils to create a video to tell us their lockdown story and share how they’re feeling during the Coronavirus pandemic.’

Write, shoot and share your own story!!Create short videos (30 seconds – 2 minutes) bringing your ideas to life. Using tech you can access at home, and the current lockdown as inspiration, tell your story.
Using creativity and communication your story can be:
  • FACTUAL: News Report or Vlog
  • FICTIONAL: Creative stories
  • It is your choice P5 whether you do a Vlog type factual piece or a fictional creative story – you can work together with your siblings and/ or other family members to complete the task or do it yourself.
  • Use the 10 Top Tips here to help you!Tips   –
  • You can use your jotter to make your notes-if you do not want to enter I would still like you to try the writing activity and practise reading aloud-it looks like great fun!

After Lunch

Health – This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and so over the next few weeks we are going to focus on resilience. We are going to use the Resilience Alphabet to help us-starting with the letter A!Read the Resilience Alphabet PowerPoint  then try one of the fun activities at the end.

Health/Art-Mrs Anderson needs your help! Read the information on the document below-there are prizes for the winners!You can print off the document or just do your entry on paper. Then if you want to enter you can photograph it and email it to the school!- Yoga Competition

Practical Science – If you have the equipment and/or maybe someone to help you choose one of the following activities.(Or save them for a rainy day.)

Underwater Volcano

Floating Ping Pong Balls(this requires less equipment)

Balloon Kebabs (ask first if you are allowed the resources if you have them.)

Expanding Gases (Be careful with hot water.)

HistoryThe Bronze Age-I have only posted this activity in case you are unable to do any of the other activities or you finish the other activities early.Go to the link and work through the activities: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/znjr92p

Before you go – If you want to learn more about the Romans why not watch this Horrible Histories link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dohpfFPi6U

P5 Tuesday 19th May

Good Morning everybody. Let’s get energized.Choose the Joe Wicks workout: https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or anything else you like.

Smart start –Newsround : https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/news/watch_newsround

Then write 3 sentences about what you learnt.Extension – If you finish check out the rest of the Newsround website it has some great stuff on there!

Chat will go back on about 9:55 to discuss learning.


LI To use historical number systems – SC I can complete calculations using Roman Numerals. Look at the Roman Numerals Powerpoint Then complete the Roman Numerals Activity Sheet (Spicy=1 star, spicier=2 stars, 3 stars= spiciest).Don’t forget to mark your work.

After Break

Storytime – Listen to David Walliams . The link is live at 11am.Why not lie back and rest your eyes when you listen?https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/

Literacy – Spelling

Continue to look at these exception words for P4 and P5 in the document. years-3-and-4-spelling-list. Continue where you left off last week. Read each one then practice the ‘Look, Cover, Write, and Check’ method. Keep going until you have another 8 words you found tricky. Just like last week choose some of the following methods in this document to practise spelling the words:useful spelling ideas. Remember you can return to this document whenever you want to practise your spelling.

French-(If you have time after spelling)

This was the site I introduced you to last week-  https://www.french-games.net/frenchtopicsClick on lessons at the top and choose a different area of learning that interests you. (about 20 minutes).

After Lunch

Health –Think about two role models in your life. Why
do they inspire you? If possible share your thoughts with someone at home.

Science – STEM-Ferocious Predatory Dinosaurs

Go to this link https://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-ferocious-predatory-dinosaurs-of-cretaceous-sahara-nizar-ibrahim and if you are a member work through the questions.

Brainbreak – Sit down in a silent room and focus on your
breathing for 5 minutes.

Art-Squiggle art-Watch the video first then have a go at your own squiggle art: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU1UmcDfHM0

Once you have had a go at this why not try squiggle birds-watc this video first! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK3yQBouzNs

Finally if there is someone at home that can draw with you this is a great game-watch the video then have a go if you have a partner-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqfpaiakdrE

If you have time try the game more than once-taking it in turns to lead the other person.

Before you go-This explains how the author Jaqueline Wilson is inspired by art https://www.tate.org.uk/kids/explore/kids-view/jacqueline-wilsons-magical-tour-tate-britain

P5/6 Friday 15th May 

Fun Friday! 

I hope you all know how the systems work now: if not please look at some of the old “Daily Plans” or ask me on Teams. The use of Teams went really well last week, thank you. I have tidied up “Files” a bit more and, I think, made it easier to use and find things. Please let me know if you have any issues with it.   

I want us to spend some time reflecting on the learning we have done in all areas of the curriculum in P5/6. What have we done? Try to make a list in a word document with your name as part of the title (eg “Joe H Learning in P56”) and up-load it into the new folder “Learning in P56”. Try to not focus on Maths and Literacy, but all the other areas. 

Spelling activity: choose a list of Fry’s words that is appropriate for yourself. Create a Word document with a table of 2 columns and 25 rows. Write your chosen 25 words in the first column. Using a dictionary, on-line or book, put a definition of the word in the second column next to it. I have created an example to support you if you are not sure how to do this. I have also created a dedicated folder in “Files” for this work. Please include your name as part of the file name to differentiate it from the others. Ethan is now an expert at “HotPotatoes” quizzes and has already made several. I am hoping that he can lead the learning and teach some of you how he did it. Please try them and tell me what you think. Here is a link https://hotpot.uvic.ca/ to where you can download the program and here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3pMWXqeqdo is a tutorial on how to use one of the applications in it. I think we could also use it for maths, possibly to help teach some of the children in the lower school, and maybe set some more challenging activities for your classmates. 

Topic –What about making a film? Do you have Windows Media Player on your computer? If not please try to download and install it. Is there any other way we could film it? Could we use telephones? What apps could we use? I have created a dedicated folder for this work in “Files” as well. 

Has everyone finished their work on money yet? If not, finish money first and then move onto measure. I think all 4 parts of TJay 2a Chapter 13 (a,b,c and d) are useful. Most of you seem to be working your ways well through this. It will help support your work on decimals to 3 places. 

  TJay 1b  TJay 2a  TJay 2b 
Money  Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 7 
Measure  Chapter 15  Chapter 13a,b,c and d  Chapter 13 


Here is an additional maths resource for you all, which you might want to prepare for Monday 


Education City: You all appear to still have quite a lot of unfinished activities so I will wait until I publish some more. 

I have created a set of folders dedicated to Mrs Lockharts work. Go back through these, making sure you have done each one.  

Keep your personal projects going- you still have the folder to post them in to. 

Logan S is growing vegetables as a health project. Ethan has also now started growing strawberries. Anyone else? 

Keep your daily diary going, recording what you are doing, what exercise you do, what you eat and how you feel. 

Continue to practise your French using the resources from the link below: https://powerlanguage.courses/forfamilies/french/ For those of you that have finished the above French resource here two more for youhttps://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics and https://www.linguascope.com/secure/default.php You will need a password for the second one, which is on the document “Linguascope confirmation”. 

Don’t forget to do the day’s activities on BBC “Bitesize”. 

Exercise with Joe (or his girlfriend!? https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/bp-joe-wicks-workout 

And finally “Covid Related Activities”: please read it. 

Take care all of you and have a good weekend. 

P5 Friday 15th May

Good Morning!

Let’s get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or any other work-out you want to do.

Reminder- a weekly West Lothian Sumdog maths contest starts today at 8am. You just play as normal. If you answer 100 questions you will receive an item for your Sumdog House.

Smart Start – Free Write-Free Choice or you could watch this short video about the tooth fairy on lockdown to give you some ideas!:https://vimeo.com/visiblefictions

Chat will go back on about 10:00 am.

Design and Technology -Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z4bnf4j – read the information and watch the videos then complete activity 2 ONLY-the worksheet that will help you with this is here: Design and Technology

After Break


Say something positive to everyone in your household today.

Brainbreak-We are all having a difficult time now so why not turn up this song and jig about for a brainbreak https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioE_O7Lm0I4 >I think your parents will recognise it……listen to the lyrics. Perfect music for a Joe Wicks work-out!

TOPIC-   Choose:


(You might be interested in this podcast about Bletchley Park-it is 52 minutes long -people talk about their memories there.) https://bletchleypark.org.uk/news/podcast-47-no-sleep-on-ve-day

2. Before we started this topic when we completed our pre-topic brainstorm you asked to learn about the role of animals in WW2. Check out this Powerpoint with activities at the end. Wojtek-soldier-bear-powerpoint

You might be interested in this wartime recipe Honey Cakes-you do not need to answer the comprehension questions unless you want to but maybe with help some of you might be able to make these cakes at home!

Before you go-Google Arts & Culture’s ‘Hidden Worlds of National Parks’ allows you to go on five separate voice-guided tours (each lasting about half an hour) where you can kayak through icebergs, fly over an active volcano, trek through a cave, and swim through the third-largest coral reef in the world…https://artsandculture.withgoogle.com/en-us/national-parks-service/parks

Or maybe Learn indoor cycling skills!Indoor cycle games-need a partner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujCL8fLihFs&list=PLLiHgA3L2myqePqj1krm_8WKdwY2ltl4A&index=20

P5/6 Thursday 14th May

Hello all!

I hope you all know how the systems work now: if not please look at some of the old “Daily Plans” or ask me on Teams. The use of Teams went really well last week, thank you. I have tidied up “Files” a bit more and, I think, made it easier to use and find things. Please let me know if you have any issues with it.

Don’t forget to send us in your slogan competition entries and any ‘isolation selfies’ you completed. Tweet or e-mail the school.

Spelling activity: choose a list of Fry’s words that is appropriate for yourself. Create a Word document with a table of 2 columns and 25 rows. Write your chosen 25 words in the first column. Using a dictionary, on-line or book, put a definition of the word in the second column next to it. I have created an example to support you if you are not sure how to do this. I have also created a dedicated folder in “Files” for this work. Please include your name as part of the file name to differentiate it from the others. Ethan is now an expert at “HotPotatoes” quizzes and has already made several. I am hoping that he can lead the learning and teach some of you how he did it. Please try them and tell me what you think. Here is a link https://hotpot.uvic.ca/ to where you can download the program and here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3pMWXqeqdo is a tutorial on how to use one of the applications in it. I think we could also use it for maths, possibly to help teach some of the children in the lower school, and maybe set some more challenging activities for your classmates.

I have created a set of folders dedicated to Mrs Lockharts work. Go back through these, making sure you have done each one. I have added a new one.

Keep your personal projects going- you still have the folder to post them into.

Topic – The “Broons” stories. Think about interesting ways to present these stories. Please post any ideas you have so we can discuss them. What about making a film? Do you have Windows Media Player on your computer? If not please try to download and install it. Is there any other way we could film it? Could we use telephones? What apps could we use? I have created a dedicated folder for this work in “Files” as well.

Has anyone finished their work on measure yet? If not, finish money first and then move onto measure. I think all 4 parts of TJay 2a Chapter 13 (a,b,c and d) are useful. This will help support your work on decimals to 3 places.

TJay 1b TJay 2a TJay 2b
Money Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 7
Measure Chapter 15 Chapter 13a,b,c and d Chapter 13

Here is an additional maths resource for you all:



Education City: You all appear to still have quite a lot of unfinished activities so I will wait until I publish some more.

Logan S is growing vegetables as a health project. Ethan has also now started growing strawberries. Anyone else?

Keep your daily diary going, recording what you are doing, what exercise you do, what you eat and how you feel.

Continue to practise your French using the resources from the link below: https://powerlanguage.courses/forfamilies/french/

For those of you that have finished the above French resource here is another one for you: https://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics

Don’t forget to do the day’s activities on BBC “Bitesize”.

Exercise with Joe (or his girlfriend!?)  https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/bp-joe-wicks-workout

And finally “Covid Related Activities”: please read it.

Take care all of you.


P5 Thursday 14th May

Good Morning! Let’s get energized. Here is the link to the Joe Wicks workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or if you prefer another work-out do that instead.

Smart Start-Number of the Day

Spicy mathsstarters.net/numoftheday/2digit

Spicier mathsstarters.net/numoftheday/ 3 digit

Spiciest mathsstarters.net/numoftheday/4digit

HOT HOT HOT mathsstarters.net/numoftheday/6digit-h

Don’t forget to mark your answers when you have finished.Chat will go on at 9:55.


LI – To divide – S.C. I can use the bus stop method to solve division problems. Choose 1 star (spicy), 2 stars(spicier) or 3 Stars(spiciest.)using short division to solve problems

Don’t forget to mark your answers when you have finished.NEW TOPIC FOR NUMERACY NEXT LESSON.

After Break – Literacy- Writing

LI -To write a persuasive piece

SC-I can encourage people to take physical exercise.

Using what you know about persuasive writing techniques write a persuasive text about ‘Why exercise is important.’

After Lunch –Topic – The Role of Women During WW2.

Look at the Powerpoint then choose an activity from the last two slides: Women in WW2

Brain Break- Choose a meditation exercise  https://www.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEB&search_query=peace+out+relaxation

Health/Art – Visit the childline site and try the activity – this is the link: https://www.childline.org.uk/toolbox/art-box/ .You might want to explore the rest of the site too!

Before you go:You might be interested in this Book Trust website which has various videos including how to draw a dinosaur in pyjamas and creative writing tips from Cressida Cowell as well as  people reading aloud various books. https://www.youtube.com/user/Booktrust/videos

Or if you like spacehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRttA7QbdUw&feature=youtu.be   – Tim Peak talking about life in space and space exploration.

P5/6 Tuesday 12th May

Hello all!

I am going to copy each day’s “Daily Plan” ( I have changed the name from “Read Me First”) document from Team’s “Files” into the blog as some of you have been having difficulties accessing it. I hope this helps. However it seems as though I can not put in some materials into the blog that I can into Teams. I don’t think that your issues have been about accessing Teams, more about downloading stuff? I don’t think I am going to show this part of the message after this week.

Spelling activity: choose a list of Fry’s words that is appropriate for yourself. Create a Word document with a table of 2 columns and 25 rows. Write your chosen 25 words in the first column. Using a dictionary, on-line or book, put a definition of the word in the second column next to it. I have created an example to support you if you are not sure how to do this. I have also created a dedicated folder in “Files” for this work. Please include your name as part of the file name to differentiate it from the others. Thomas and Ethan thank you for the work you have done. Please try to do another set of more challenging words. I have also created the first in a series of “HotPotatoes” activities, generated from the spelling work Thomas, Ethan and Gemma had produced. Please try it and tell me what you think. Some of you have already tried to experiment with making your own “HotPotatoes” quizzes. Here is a link https://hotpot.uvic.ca/ to where you can download the program and here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3pMWXqeqdo is a tutorial on how to use one of the applications in it. I think we could also use it for maths.

I fear I have been neglecting Mrs Lockharts work! As Thomas has already spotted I have created a set of folders dedicated to her work. Go back through these, making sure you have done each one.

The use of Teams went really well last week, thank you. I have tidied up “Files” and, I think, made it easier to use and find things. Please let me know if you have any issues with it.

Keep your personal projects going- you still have the folder to post them into – please check out the work Thomas, Ethan and Zoey have already put in there.

Topic – Read Ethan’s “Broons” story and Thomas’s “Oor Wullie” and “Broons” stories. Challenge: can you do better? Think about interesting ways to present these stories. Please post any ideas you have so we can discuss them. What about making a film? Do you have Windows Media Player on your computer? If not please try to download and install it. Is there any other way we could film it? I have created a dedicated folder for this work in “Files” as well.

Has anyone finished their work on measure yet? If not, finish money first and then move onto measure. I think all 4 parts of TJay 2a Chapter 13 (a,b,c and d) are useful. This will help support your work on decimals to 3 places.

  TJay 1b TJay 2a TJay 2b
Money Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 7
Measure Chapter 15 Chapter 13a,b,c and d Chapter 13

P6s, please think of a class novel for P7 and let me know.

Education City: You all appear to still have quite a lot of unfinished activities so I will wait until I publish some more.

Logan S is growing vegetables as a health project. Ethan has also now started growing strawberries. Anyone else?

Keep your daily diary going, recording what you are doing, what exercise you do, what you eat and how you feel.

Continue to practise your French using the resources from the link below: https://powerlanguage.courses/forfamilies/french/

For those of you that have finished the above French resource here is another one for you

Don’t forget to do the day’s activities on BBC “Bitesize”.

And exercise with Joe (or his girlfriend!?)  https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/bp-joe-wicks-workout

Take care all of you.


P5 Tuesday 12th May

Good Morning everybody. Let’s get energized.Choose the Joe Wicks workout: https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or anything else you like.

Smart start –Newsround – https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/news/watch_newsround

Then write 3 sentences about what you learnt.Extension – If you finish check out the rest of the Newsround website it has some great stuff on there!

I will put chat on at about 9:55 to discuss learning.


Warm Up-Revise the bus stop method:Choose a level

Reinforcement Short-Division-3-digit-by-1-digit-Worksheet-1

OR HOT HOT HOT short division (this has decimals and in order to be accurate you need to put the decimal point in the answer section directly above the other decimal point.

Main Lesson LI to divide using mental methods SC I can halve (divide by 2)

First watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=MrFeSE0RWxQ&feature=emb_logo

Choose Spicy halving

or Spicier Halving 3 digit numbers

Remember to do these mentally – you can use jottings like the video if you need to.

Extension – play game(only if you have time) : http://www.snappymaths.com/division/halfto100/interactive/halfmult10/halfmult10.htm

After Break

Storytime – Listen to David Walliams . The link is live at 11am.Why not lie back and rest your eyes when you listen?https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/

Literacy – Spelling

Look at these exception words for P4 and P5 in the document. years-3-and-4-spelling-list. Start with the A words. Read each one then practice the ‘Look, Cover, Write, and Check’ method. Then move onto the B section. Keep going until you have 8 words you cannot spell. Use some of the following methods in this document to practise spelling the words:useful spelling ideas. You can return to this document whenever you want to practise your spelling.

After Lunch

Here is a link that Mrs Stewart would like you to go to to to fill in a questionnaire about school meals. It would be great if you did-it should not take long. https://www.esurveycreator.com/s/890ff1b

Art-Let’s Create:Family portraits

Create a piece of artwork entitled ‘Family’. This could be a drawing, a self-portrait, a sculpture or collage. If you want to you can copy another artist’s style. Which materials will you chose to use and why?

When your work is complete consider how you feel about your piece of artwork? What would you change?


This afternoon at some point can you do a chore or job in the house without being asked to do it? What a lovely surprise that would make! Make sure it is a job/chore that you are allowed to do!

Science – S.T.E.M – Why can’t some birds fly?Use this link :https://ed.ted.com/lessons/why-can-t-some-birds-fly-gillian-gibb. If you have an account you can then work through the other sections.

Before you go-If you want to improve your singing then this site with Gareth Malone is for you: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaLGHvdHfRMfkl2yQNMOmp4eJCHxBAI6m

Also if you have been enjoying the TED TALKS videos and would like to choose your own to look at use this link:https://ed.ted.com/lessons?content_type=animations+talks&student_level=1&direction=desc&sort=publish-date&mc_cid=e91b8a71f3&mc_eid=5754ba87ba


P5/6 Monday 11th May

Hello all!

I am going to copy each day’s “Daily Plan” ( I have changed the name from “Read Me First”) document from Team’s “Files” into the blog as some of you have been having difficulties accessing it. I hope this helps. However it seems as though I can not put in some materials into the blog that I can into Teams. I don’t think that your issues have been about accessing Teams, more about downloading stuff? I don’t think I am going to show this part of the message after this week.

Spelling activity: choose a list of Fry’s words that is appropriate for yourself. Create a Word document with a table of 2 columns and 25 rows. Write your chosen 25 words in the first column. Using a dictionary, on-line or book, put a definition of the word in the second column next to it. I have created an example to support you if you are not sure how to do this. I have created a dedicated folder in “Files” for this work. Please include your name as part of the file name to differentiate it from the others. Thomas and Ethan thank you for the work you have done. Please try to do another set of more challenging words. I have also created the first in a series of “HotPotatoes” activities, generated from the spelling work Thomas, Ethan and Gemma had produced. Please try it and tell me what you think. Some of you have already tried to experiment with making your own “HotPotatoes” quizzes. Here is a link https://hotpot.uvic.ca/ to where you can download the program and here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3pMWXqeqdo is a tutorial on how to use one of the applications in it. I think we could also use it for maths

The use of Teams went really well last week, thank you. I have tidied up “Files” and, I think, made it easier to use and find things. Please let me know if you have any issues with it.

Keep your personal projects going- you still have the folder to post them into – please check out the work Thomas, Ethan and Zoey have already put in there.

Topic – Read Ethan’s “Broons” story and Thomas’s “Oor Wullie” and “Broons” stories. Challenge: can you do better? Think about interesting ways to present these stories. Please post any ideas you have so we can discuss them. What about making a film? Do you have Windows Media Player on your computer? If not please try to download and install it. Is there any other way we could film it? I have created a dedicated folder for this work in “Files” as well.

Has anyone finished their work on measure yet? If not, finish money first and then move onto measure. This will help progress your work on decimals to 3 places.

  TJay 1b TJay 2a TJay 2b
Money Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 7
Measure Chapter 15 Chapter 13a Chapter 13

P6s, please think of a class novel for P7 and let me know.

Education City: You all appear to still have quite a lot of unfinished activities so I will wait until I publish some more.

Logan S is growing vegetables as a health project. Ethan has also now started growing strawberries. Anyone else?

Keep your daily diary going, recording what you are doing, what exercise you do, what you eat and how you feel.

Continue to practise your French using the resources from the link below: https://powerlanguage.courses/forfamilies/french/

Don’t forget to do the day’s activities on BBC “Bitesize”.

And exercise with Joe (or his girlfriend!?)  https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/bp-joe-wicks-workout

Take care all of you.


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