Here is the fractions work for today ๐
Circles – Fractions 22nd April
Squares – Fractions 22nd April
Triangles – Fractions 22nd April
Support available on Teams as always.
Here is the fractions work for today ๐
Circles – Fractions 22nd April
Squares – Fractions 22nd April
Triangles – Fractions 22nd April
Support available on Teams as always.
Attached are the spelling words for today ๐
Here is the story for today’s health and wellbeing task.
Healthy Me – Peer Pressure Story
I’m looking forward to seeing your friendship recipes on Teams.
VCOP pyramid poster (like the ones we have in class) to help with ‘Free-Writing Friday’ ๐
I have attached an example of the type of letter I would like you to write for today’s writing activity.
Full instructions on Teams. Have fun ๐
Here is the French worksheet for P4 as described on Teams.
Here is the link to your probability assessment for today P4 ๐
Let me know how you get on via our P4 Teams page.
An example of how to create classification keys, now try to make your own!!
What a great week we have had!
We continued learning different skills in gymnastics. This week the children were supporting one another while learning how to safely do handstands, cartwheels and forward rolls.
We continued discussing our number strategies in number talks. The children were given the challenge to come up with different strategies to make or get to a variety of 3-digit numbers. We have also been using number strategies to helps us with our multiplication. Repeated addition is a popular choice!
We were used a holistic approach this week in time. We were using real life situations and story telling to practice telling the time. We even explored using the 24hr method of telling the time. The children were great at this!
We have been investigating the routes that the Viking took from Scandinavia during the great invasion. The children labelled maps of the United kingdom and Scadinavia to show where the Viking homelands were and where they invaded.ย
We also identified different societal roles within the Viking community. Ask them all about it. The class were asked what role they would prefer in this community and of course the majority wanted to be a karl, this means free!
We finished this week working on our informal letter writing skills. The children wanted to write a letter to thank Fiona at Morrisons in Carmondean for a fantastic tour during our last participation Friday. We used paragraphs to space out the different sections of our letter.
I can’t wait for next week!