Here are the links to today’s fractions work:
Triangles – Fractions 26th May
I will be available on Teams to support you and answer any questions you may have.
Here are the links to today’s fractions work:
Triangles – Fractions 26th May
I will be available on Teams to support you and answer any questions you may have.
Presentation – Measuring Kilograms and Grams
Glasgow Science Centre- 10am, How to make ice- cream
250ml cream
250ml milk
sugar, salt, ice cubes
2 ziplock bags (one large, one small
flavouring, chocolate chips
bowl, jug, spoon
Here is the relationship circle template for today’s health and wellbeing task as explained in Teams:
Here is the link to The Great Languages Challenge for you to complete. I am going to be trying it out with my family too!
Let me know how you get on by replying in Teams!
Here are the spelling words for this week, along with a reminded of the activities you can do to practise them.
Use what you have just heard me reading in our live session to complete one of our literature circle activities from here:
Share your completed task on Teams.
Here are today’s numeracy worksheets. I will be on Teams to answer your questions and offer support 🙂
Here are the spelling words for this week:
Full instructions are on Teams 🙂
Here is the mindfulness story from our Relax Kids.
Try this out and then share your own mindfulness script on Teams (full instructions on our Teams page).