Deans Den- Tuesday 2nd June

Hope you are all well and ready for another week of fun learning!! Ask your grown up to collect your learning packs from school later this week and you should find a Deans Dens booklet as well!!

We are now in June and officially it’s summer time!! I hope the sun continues to shine!! Thinking about nature, I wonder what we can expect to see in Scotland during this time of year. Ask a grown up to read the powerpoint I have attached and maybe the next time you go on a walk, have a look around and see the wonderful nature that surrounds you!



Monday 1st June Primary 1/2

Good Morning Boys and Girls!

Good morning boys and Girls, I hope you are ready for another week of home learning. Hopefully you all enjoyed the weather over the weekend and maybe got to finally meet up with some friends or family.

Let’s start off with a Monday morning assembly from the crew at Fischy Music. I have attached the link for last week’s assembly but, with the help of an adult you can follow the link to find this weeks’ (week 11).


Follow the link to access oxford owls e-books –                The  is username  deans12         password mrsstevenson

‘No Tricks, Gran’

Before reading have a think about a few questions.

  • What is your prediction for the story?
  • Who do you think will be the main characters in the story?
  • What do we already know about Gran?
  • What do you think has happened to Gran’s arm?

With the help of an adult, have a read through the story. Before you start think about all the things a good reader does, can you share them with an adult?

Once you have read the book have a go at the play activities 1 and 2.

You can choose an activity from your home learning guided reading grid or perhaps why not draw a scene from the story and add in some more speech bubbles. Think about what the characters in the background might be saying or thinking in each picture.

Finally, log onto Educationcity and I have added a game called ‘The Pet Shop’ where you have to listen to a sentence then put the words in order.


Our new sound this week is ‘j’. Here is a short clip to help introduce the sound to you.

Can you think of any other words which start with the j sound?

Here are some slides, can you identify the j word?

j can be a tricky letter to make sure it is facing the correct direction. Have a look at the slide below and see how quickly you can identify each letter. Think about how different each of them look. Try not to get tricked out!

Have a go at writing these J words. Have an adult read them out to you, can you hear each of the sounds to help you write the word? Draw a picture to go with each word you spell.

j – a -m            j – a – r          j – ee – p       j – e – t           j – u – m – p

j- u – g         j –  u – n – k

Finally, I have added a new game to Educationcity called ‘Jumping Jelly’. Good luck and have fun!

Numeracy and Maths

Daily Ten

We are going to keep a focus on revising topics we have covered so far this year.

  1. Double 3
  2. Double 2
  3.  What day was yesterday?
  4. What month are we in at the moment?
  5. How many days are in this month?
  6.  10 – ___ = 7
  7. 10 – ___= 5
  8. 10 – ___= 10
  9. 5+6 =
  10. 4+5 =

Number Talks 

Have another go at recognising what number is being represented on the rekenrek. You can write them down or shout them out. see if you can do it without counting… Good luck.

Dot Patterns

Here is another dot pattern number talk for you to have a go with.

Finally, I have set up another challenge on Sumdog, revising the properties of 2D shapes. Have fun!

Health and Well-being

When someone helps me, I feel………? 

Can you finish the sentence? It’s nice when someone helps you or shows that they care. I’m challenging you to do one thing a day, that helps someone. Maybe it’s make your brother’s bed or fetch your sister a snack, maybe it’s even just giving someone a compliment. Showing kindness and compassion towards others is so important especially in the world just now! Here are some examples below, some you will be unable to do just now but don’t worry even one little act of kindness can brighten someones day.

Have a great day everyone! I’ll see you tomorrow on the blog.

Mrs Stevenson

Deans Den – Friday 29th May

Good Morning!! I hope you are all safe and well and have enjoyed learning this week. On Fridays, we explore different recipes to enjoy, have you made any with your grown ups? In today’s episode of Big Cook, Little Cook the chefs prepare a dish called ‘Dotty Hairstyles’ for Harriet the Hairdresser! I wonder what ingredients they will need?! Enjoy!


Friday 29.5.20

Good Morning P.1/2

I hope you are all well this Friday morning and ready for another day of learning! I thought we could try another way to start our day and listen to some classical music to inspire us!



2D & 3D shape

Now to continue our shape work. We have been looking at 2D shapes (they are the flat shapes) and everyday 3D shapes (they are the solid shapes).

Let’s remind ourselves about shapes by looking at the following powerpoint.

2D and 3D year-1-properties-of-shape-warmup-powerpoint_ver_2

Now complete the worksheet, colouring in all the shapes the correct colour.

Colour by 3D Shapes

Spot as many 3D shapes from around the house as you can find, label them with their shape name and take a photograph. Send it into school using our email. It will be interesting to see all the different 3D objects.


Let’s remind ourselves about Christian artifacts. That is objects you would find in a church. Look at the following powerpoint about some things you would find in a church. You will need a little help to read all the text.

p.1.2 christian-churches-powerpoint_ver_1

Choose three of your favourite items and draw them. Remember to name the items. Explain what they are and what they are used for to a member of your family.

Story time

Here is another one of my favourite stories to finish up with.

Have a lovely week-end.

Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 28.5.20

Good Morning Everyone!

Good morning boys and girls, I hope you all enjoyed yesterday’s Wellbeing Wednesday activities and managed to spend some time outside in the sunshine. Keep working through your home learning packs and here are some additional activities for today.

Before we start… remember this…have a little dance to start off your day the right way!


This week we are reading ‘Everyone Got Wet‘ on the Oxford owls website –      username deans12    password mrsstevenson

Re read the book again with the help of an adult and you can choose either another activity from your home learning guided reading grid or you can choose to complete the activity below.

This is a great activity for those of you who like to draw. I would like you to have another go at creating a story map  for Everyone Got Wet. Once you have re read the story, think about the main events which happened. Now draw them out in order. We have completed an activity like this before for Little Red Riding Hood, in class.  Here is a story map for the story of The Gruffalo, for some inspiration.

I hope you enjoy this activity, remember to colour in your pictures and you can use your finished picture to help you retell the story in your own words. Have a go at reading it out to an adult.

Finally, I have added a game called ‘Kuko Run‘ to our class home learning section of Education city. You have to read the sentence and find the missing word. Good luck.


This week we introduced the new sound th. It can be a bit of a tricky one and you have to think carefully about where the sound is coming from. Watch the following clip to help you recall this sound and use it to make some words.

Next, have a go at putting these words into the correct order to make the sentence make sense. First read all the words and think what the sentence should say. Use the words to write out your sentence. Always read over your sentence when you have finished to check it makes sense.




Finally, I have added another game to Educationcity called ‘Three Paths‘ to help you practise reading and recognising this new sound.

Numeracy and Maths

Daily Ten

Here are your daily ten for today, again we are focusing on topics covered so far this year.

  1. What day is tomorrow?
  2. What season comes after summer?
  3. How many Tuesdays are there in May?
  4. How many Sundays are there in May?
  5. Double 4
  6. Double 3
  7. 2 + ____ = 10
  8. 6 + ____= 10
  9. 9 + ____ =10
  10. 10 + ___ =10

Number talks

We looked at using a rekenrek on Tuesday. Here is another game to play using a rekenrek. Can you say what number is being shown on the rekenrek without counting? You can either write it down or shout it out!

Dot patterns – here are today’s dot patterns. Just like we have worked on in class through our number talks. How do you see the dots? How many ways can you write a calculation to go with the dot patterns. Don’t forget to use the – += in the correct place.

Story Time/Art

Grab a drink of milk or your water bottle and let’s pretend we’re in class. I’m really enjoying stories by the author Eric Carle, I especially love all the illustrations. Here is another of my favourites.

The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle

In this story the little seed travels through all the seasons. Can you design a seasons poster showing what happens in each season? Here are a few ideas which I love, but you can come up with your own!

I hope you have enjoyed all of this week’s learning tasks. Remember you can email any photos of work you have done into the school –

Mrs Lockhart will be here tomorrow posting some more activities for you and I will be back on Monday. Have an amazing weekend and stay safe in the sun!

Mrs Stevenson



Deans Den- Thursday 28th May

Good Morning!! I hope you are all safe and well and enjoying the beautiful weather. Have you remembered some of the sun safety rules? I think whilst the weather is good,  we should continue to explore the outdoors. Mrs Morrison has been busy planting flowers in her garden!! I have attached instructions on how to make a twig necklace, ask your grown up to help you.


Here is a story all about Nature, enjoy!!


Terrific Tuesday Primary 1/2 26.5.20

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope everyone managed to get outside and enjoy some glorious sunshine yesterday, hopefully that is the return of the sun for the time being! Let’s move on with some home learning for Tuesday, remember to keep working through  the tasks in your home learning packs too.


Yesterday we introduced the book ‘Everyone Got Wet’ on oxford Owls – you can access the book by following this link and logging in….

user name deans12      password    mrsstevenson

Re-read the book with the help of an adult. You can then either choose to complete an activity from your home learning guided reading grid or you can complete the activity below.

Find the missing word from the story. 

  1. Dad ____________________ at the water butt.
  2. Dad mended _______ water butt. He ______ a patch on it.
  3. The water butt burst.  All _______ water _________ out.
  4. Dad ________ wet.
  5. Mum put the hose on the _________.  The _______ of the _______ came off. 
  6. Mum got _________ wet.

Good luck, remember you can scan through the book to help you find the sentence you need or can you challenge yourself to fill gap without looking?

Finally, I have added another reading game to our home learning section of Educationcity, it’s called – ‘On Cue’ – have fun and remember to listen carefully and read each of the options to complete the sentence.



Yesterday we explored new sound th.  Just for fun I have added the ‘Alpha blocks – Thing‘ below to remind you of words containing this sound!

How quickly can you say the sound, remember the trick to tell the difference between th and f, don’t get tricked out by this sound! Can you explain the difference between these two sounds to an adult?

Today have a go at writing the sound using the join between the letters t and h. Below is an example to help you. Remember to self assess your work with ‘green for growth’ and ‘tickled pink’.

Finally, have a go at this code breaker activity.  Find the numbers which go alongside the letters to build a th word. Don’t forget to draw the picture to go with the word.

 Numeracy and Maths

Daily Ten

Here is a mixture of questions covering topics which we have focused on this year so far.

  1. What day will tomorrow be?
  2. What season are we in at the moment?
  3. Can you name a shape with 3 sides?
  4. What is double 10?
  5. What is double 6?
  6. 7 – 4 =
  7. 6 + 3 =
  8. what number comes after 27?
  9. What number comes before 13?
  10. How many days are in May?       


Number Talks 

Today let’s use a rekenrek to help us think about number.

Have a go at A, B and C. How do you see the beads? Remember we look at only the beads on the left. Can you write a number calculation to show how you see the beads on the top and bottom of the rekenrek?

Follow the link to an online rekenrek. You can play around with the beads to make different numbers.

Finally, here is a fun game to remind you of how to use a rekenrek. You have 3 seconds to shout out how many beads you can see… can you do it without counting. You can write the number down or simply shout it at the screen!


Have a watch… Glasgow science centre have their own youtube channel full of fun and interesting experiments. Have an adult follow their facebook page to find out what experiments they are conducting this week.

Making Bubbles

I know that My little boy loves blowing bubbles and running after them to pop them. Have a go at making your own bubble mixture and wand and go outside and enjoy blowing some bubbles.. simple pleasures!!

That’s it for today boys and Girls, remember tomorrow is Well being Wednesday so I will be back on the blog on Thursday with some more home learning ideas.

Mrs Stevenson

Deans Den – Tuesday 26th May

Good morning!! I hope you are all safe and well and enjoying the beautiful weather. It is lovely to see the sun, but we must remember to be safe whilst playing outdoors. I have attached a powerpoint telling the different ways to stay safe in the sun. Ask a grown up to read it to you and afterwards, I would like you to draw picture of you and family keeping safe in the sun.

T-T-20666-Sun-Safety-Powerpoint_ver_2 (1)

Here is a story of Guy and his dog, Norman learning the different sun safety rules!

Have a lovely day!!

Happy Monday Primary 1/2 25.5.20

Good Morning Everyone!

Good Morning boys and girls, I hope everyone had a lovely relaxing weekend and are ready for all of this week’s home learning tasks.

Let’s start the week as we mean to go on…Let’s get moving! This is one of my favourite songs..

At 11am today the crew at Fischy Music are running another live assembly. Use Youtube ( with the help of an adult) to join in and maybe you will recognise some of the songs we sing in assembly or class. Below is a link to help you find it.


Follow the link to the Oxford Owls ebooks page –       and log in using   username  –  deans12      password – mrsstevenson

This week’s book is  ‘Everyone Got Wet’

Before reading the book, here are some questions to ponder.

  1. Can you predict what the book will be about? 
  2. What do you think is happening on the front cover?
  3. Who will be the main characters in the story?
  4. Where is the story set?
  5. What do you think the big green container on the cover is for?
  6. Is everyone wet? why not?

With the help of an adult, read the story out loud. Remember all the things which a good reader does.

  • Follow the words with our fingers
  • Use the pictures for clues
  • Looks for words or sounds which we recognise
  • Knows what to do if we get stuck at a word

Once you have finished reading the book you can have a go at the online play activities which go alongside the book. Good luck and have fun.

Finally, have a go at phonics bloom – yes/no yeti game    Read the sentences and answer yes or no to the questions.



The new sound this week is  th – there are lots of th activity worksheets in your packs to help you learn all about this sound. Don’t forget to use them in addition to any activities I add on here.

I always call this the cheeky clown sound because you have to stick your tongue out a little to make the sound!

Here is the jolly jingle to go with the sound.

Can you think of any th words? Look around you, are there any objects which contain this sound?

Here is Geraldine, to give you a hand…

We need to be really careful not to get tricked out by this sound. It sounds very similar to f… but can you tell the difference?

Have a go at saying both these sounds out loud using the picture below. Try and feel the ‘cooling’ and think about where you feel it, on your lips or your teeth.

Now have a go at writing some words containing this sound. Have an adult read them out to you. Listen carefully.

th – i -ck          th – i – n       th -a -n -k       t -ee- th       t -oo -th

p – a – th        b – a – th       cl – o – th        w- i – th

Numeracy and Maths


I added the link below for you to have a watch of Natwest’s Money Sense Monday,  we were on holiday last Monday but the theme was Needs and Wants.

MoneySense Mondays – 18th May

⭐Join special guests Michael Vaughan and daughter Jemima on Monday 18th May.In our next MoneySense Mondays lessons, ages 5-8 will look at the different between needs vs. wants and ages 8-12 will learn about raising money for charity. Each lesson has been specially created to suit Key Stages 1 and 2 and will be hosted by an experienced teacher and a NatWest Community Banker.Lesson 1: 10-10.30amLevel: Key Stage 1, ages 5-8Topic: Needs and wantsLesson 2: 10.30-11amLevel: Key Stage 2, ages 8-12Topic: Raising money for charity⭐ (Michael and Jemima will be joining for lesson 2)Lessons will consist of a 10-minute introduction and around 13 minutes of activities with a 7 minute Q&A at the end.If these times don’t suit your home school timetable, the videos will be available after the lessons finish on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.Teacher host: James AylottJames is a former Headteacher and Maths Leader from Essex. He's the founder of popular maths resource Number Stacks ( host: Trudi Zimmer, Community Banker from SomersetCatch up on previous lessons:11th May:Key stage 1, ages 5-8 – Keeping money safeKey stage 2, ages 8-12 – Keeping money safe (fraud & scams) May:Key stage 1, ages 5-8 – Saving moneyKey stage 2, ages 8-12 – Ways to pay for things April:Key stage 1, ages 5-8 – Notes and coinsKey stage 2, ages 8-12 – Budgeting'd love you to share what your children have learned on social media and help us spread the word to other parents. #MyMoneySense #MoneySenseMondaysWhat is MoneySense?MoneySense is a financial education programme, provided for free by NatWest, that aims to help 5-18 year-olds towards a better financial future. It uses the key money moments in a young person’s life – starting to save their pocket money, opening a bank account or getting their first mobile phone – to make learning about money feel relatable. Find more resources for parents on our website: and educationally robustMoneySense is proud to have been awarded the Financial Education Quality Mark by Young Money. The programme is based on the Financial Education Planning Framework and has been created with input from practising teachers to support the curriculum.

Posted by NatWest on Monday, May 18, 2020

Daily Ten

Here are your daily ten for today. There is a mixture of different questions for you this week, covering topics from throughout the year so far.

  1. What is ten more than 40
  2.  What is ten less than 20
  3. 5 + 5 =
  4. 6 + 6 =
  5. 10 –  ? = 3
  6. 10 – ? = 8
  7.  5 – 4 =
  8. 8 – 2 =
  9. What day comes after Tuesday?
  10. What day comes before Monday?

Health and Well being

We have been focusing on Friendships and how to be a good friend to others.  I want you to have a look at the statements below and chat about them with an adult.

Do you agree with all of these statements?

Can you make your own list of what makes a good friend?

Finally, just for fun…

Have a great day boys and girls, I will be back tomorrow with some more home learning ideas.

Mrs Stevenson


P.1/2 Friday 22.05.20

Good Morning P.1/2

I hope you are all well this Friday morning and ready for another day of learning! I thought we could try another way to start our day and learn some new dance moves! Enjoy!

2D shape

Now to continue our shape work. We have been looking at 2D shapes (they are the flat shapes). We can spot these flat shapes in 3D shapes (they are the solid shapes).

Look at the following powerpoint.


Now complete the worksheet. It is a 3D search booklet.



We are going to visit a different Christian ceremony that I’m sure you know about. It is a wedding –when two people marry in a church. Look at the powerpoint below.

all-about-christian-weddings-powerpoint_ver_2 shorten

Now draw a picture of a wedding. Try to draw all the main people in it. Maybe you could label it with their names e.g. bride, groom, bridesmaids, minister etc.

Story time

Here is another one of my favourite stories to finish up with. You will like it, especially if you have a dog!

Have a lovely week-end. Will be in touch next Friday.

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