Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 11.06.20

Good Morning Everyone!

Happy Thursday boys and girls, I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s Wellbeing Wednesday tasks and you are ready for a fun Thursday. Keep working through your packs (hopefully you have now received your new pack) and checking here for any additional activities.

Let’s start of the day with a song. Do you remember this one, it’s an oldie but a goodie… teach your adult the moves..


Today we are going to choose a non-fiction text from Oxford Owls. Can you tell your adult what the difference between fiction and non-fiction is? To access Oxford Owls follow the link and use the following details.

https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/      username deans12    password mrsstevenson   

Access the book ‘What’s in the Woods?’

Before reading can you make a list of all the living things you might find in the wood? Then with the help of an adult, read through the book, make sure you talk about the pictures and use them to help you decode any tricky words in the text. Use the questions at the back of the book for discussion with your adult.

Whilst we’re on the topic of woods and wilderness…today’s random act of wildness is..

This sounds fantastic, who doesn’t love to have a picnic outside! Although some of those birds can be a bit greedy so watch out – best to make up a nice snack of seeds for them too, see how many different birds you can attract to your garden.

Why not write a picnic list of all your favourite treats, try to include some healthy snacks too! Ask an adult to help you prepare your picnic and go and enjoy.  Whilst enjoying your picnic what birds can you spot?  You could even make your own binoculars for a bit of bird watching. Here are some ideas for inspiration.. super easy and I’m sure everyone has plenty of toilet rolls laying around.

I would love to see any pictures you take of your picnic or of any birds you happen to spot!


Today I would like you to practise a writing the wh sound using a join between the two letters. Have a go in your jotters, don’t forget to use a sharp pencil and to rest your letters on the line, making sure the tall letters reach high.  Green for growth and tickle pink your work after!

Whilst we are focusing on handwriting. Below is a copy of the nursery rhyme Jack and Jill, if you have any fancy paper, practise your handwriting by copying out the poem in your very very best handwriting and draw a lovely picture to illustrate it. Again, it would love to see any of your work!

Numeracy and Maths

Let’s warm up with a song to help us with our daily ten…

Find the difference…. this is another way of saying take away. Find the difference between 5 and 10, we always know that when subtracting the biggest number goes first! So the calculation would be 10-5 = 5

So here are your daily ten for today. (write out the calculation making sure the symbols go in the correct place!)

  1. Find the difference between 7 and 9.
  2. Find the difference between  20 and 10
  3. Find the difference between 4 and 6
  4. Find the difference between 10 and 2
  5. Find the difference between 6 and 9
  6. Find the difference between 3 and 10
  7. Find the difference between 12 and 2
  8. Find the difference between 11 and 1
  9. Find the difference between 15 and 0
  10. Find the difference between 3 and 13

Can you remember all the different words for take away? Make a list of all the ones you can remember.

Story Time

Grab your milk or water bottle and have a listen to this story, ‘The Very Lonely Firefly’  by Eric Carle

I’ve always been really interested in fireflies and their glowing bodies, when I was in New Zealand I got to visit some caves with thousands of glow worms, it was so amazing! Here is a little clip – totally amazing and fascinating!

What can you find out about fireflies…

Can you make your own fact file about fire flies?

Or how about having a go at making something which glows in the dark? So cool, especially on these summer nights.

13 Super Cool Glow in the Dark Activities Kids Will Love

Finally, have a go at drawing your own fire flies in a jar.

I hope you have enjoyed all of the home learning activities for today. Have a great weekend boys and Girls, Mrs Lockhart will be posting activities tomorrow for you. Stay safe, I miss you all.

Mrs Stevenson


Deans Den- Thursday 11th June

Good morning all and I hope you are safe and well. I miss our time together and have been thinking about the learning we used to enjoy. One of our favourite activities was to have some quiet time watching Auntie Mable and Pippin on their adventures. I have attached the episode where they explore where soap comes from.

It is important to wash our hands to make sure we get rid of any germs. Here is a song to the baby shark tune to help you remember, enjoy!!



Happy Tuesday Primary 1/2! 09.06.20

Good Morning Everyone!

Happy Tuesday! I hope everybody had a great Monday and you are ready for all of Tuesday’s home learning tasks.


This week we have been reading ‘Painting the loft’ to access the book log into oxford Owls e-books, https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/       username deans12   password   mrsstevenson

For today’s task you can either choose an activity from your guided reading home learning pack or complete the activity below.

Find the missing word.

Read the sentence and can you think about what word fits in, you can use the online book to help you.

  1. The children __________ to see Gran.
  2. “We can _______ some _______ “said Gran.
  3. “I have a ______ in the roof “________ Gran.
  4. They ________ up ____ steps.
  5. Gran ____ some cans of _______.

Finally, for a bit of fun have a go at reading and shouting out the common words at your screen.

There are 25 words included above. Did any of you struggle with any of them? Why not choose the ones that were super tricky, write them out and practise reading and writing them. You don’t have to use paper and a pencil, there are lots of different ways you can practise – chalk on the pavement outside, using flowers to spell out the word or even use lego. Can you think of any inventive ways?


Yesterday I introduced the new sound wh, here is a little clip to remind you all about the new sound.

I have added another game to our home learning section of Education city called ‘White Whiskers’ , this game will help you practise reading wh words.

Have a go at the consolidation task for wh below. Crack the code to work out what the wh word is.

Good luck – I hope you can crack the code!

Numeracy and Maths

Here are your daily ten for today. Remember to think about which tool/strategy you are using to help you solve the calculation.

  1. 20 – 20 =
  2. 15 – 0 =
  3. 10 – 4 =
  4. 15 -1 =
  5. 20 – 0 =
  6. 12- 2 =
  7. 10 – 5 =
  8. 5 – 3 =
  9. 14 – 4 =
  10. 6 – 4 =

Number Talks

Below are a selection of dot patterns, your job is to simply say how you see them, just like we would do in class. How many different ways can you make the target number? Don’t forget to use all the correct symbols in the proper place.


I have added another addition and subtraction game to help consolidate these skills – it’s called ‘How we Roll’. 

The Wildlife Trust has set up a challenge called 30 Wild Days, follow the link  – https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/wildness  to check it out. It has lots of ideas for super activities you can take part in outdoors to help/build awareness of wildlife in your local area.  Why not join in with A Random Act of Wildness – here is the activity for today.

If you are struggling with how to draw a flower, here is a little guided drawing tutorial to help you…

It’s bye for now boys and girls, I hope you enjoyed all of today’s tasks. Tomorrow will be Wellbeing Wednesday so I will be back on the blog on Thursday. Stay safe and have fun!

Mrs Stevenson

Deans Den- Tuesday 9th June

Good Morning!! I hope you are all safe and well. Yesterday was World Ocean Day, so I thought we could look at the different ways we could look after the ocean and the many creatures who live there. Ask a grown up to show you the powerpoint about ways of looking after the ocean and then maybe you could draw a detailed picture of you and your family helping to save the Ocean!!

What Can You See World Oceans Day PowerPoint

I have attached a craft activity which you might like to try, Mrs Morrison is going to try this at home!! Enjoy and I will check in with you all on Thursday.

Plastic Bottle LED Tea Light Candle Holder Craft Instructions


It’s Monday! Primary 1/2 08.06.20

Good Morning Everyone! 

Good Morning Boys and Girls, I hope that you all had a fabulous weekend, are safe, happy and healthy, and of course ready for another week of home learning tasks. Hopefully your new packs will be ready soon, we are having a few technical issues!!


Let’s start off the week by moving our bodies. I have been trying really hard to do more exercise, whether it’s walking my dogs, going on a bike ride with my little boy or even a run. It really is a great way to help lift your mood and help you feel great!

Let’s join in with Joe Wicks for half an hour of movement. Can you convince an adult to join in with you? Follow the link to his Youtube channel.



Let’s have a Monday Morning assembly with the Fischy Music crew, follow the link to the Youtube channel and join in. It is also known that singing out loud can help put you in a good mood, so let’s go. Maybe you will recognise some of the songs from the one’s which we practise in class.


Last week we looked at two different types of book, fiction  and  non-fiction. Today we are going to read another fiction book. Log into Oxford Owls ebooks – https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/                 username – deans12       password   mrsstevenson

We are going to have a go at reading ‘Painting the Loft’ 

Before reading, explore the front and back cover, make a prediction about what you think may happen in the story and look through the pictures of the book to discuss what is happening on each page.

With the help of an adult, read through the story remembering to using strategies to help you read any words which you find challenging. Can you remember the strategies we have used in class?

  • Use the picture for a clue
  • Read around the word
  • Look at the individual sounds in the word
  • Can you see a word in a word

As you read through the book, copy down any words which you are finding challenging. Why not make your own word wall to practise reading those tricky words?

There are 2 online games to go with this story – game one focuses on making a rhyming pair and game two focuses on labelling a picture. Good luck and have fun!

Finally,  have a go at the Educationcity game ‘Match me if you can’


The new sound for this week is ‘wh’

wh is a red sound, we make this sound using our lips. Have a look in the mirror as you say the sound, look at your lips and what they do.

Here is Geraldine to help us.

Can you name all the wh words in the pictures below?

Have a go at spelling these words. Have an adult read them out to you. Listen carefully to the sounds you hear and draw some pictures to go with your words.

wh -ee -l         wh -i -s -k       wh-i-s-p-er     wh-i-ch    wh -e- n



In  class we did a little bit of work on learning the colours of the rainbow in French. Have a listen to the following song, some of the colours are pronounced very similar to how we would say them in English.

Now have a go at colouring in the French rainbow colours sheet, I have attached it below also there is a copy in your last home learning packet.

french rainbow colours

Numeracy and Maths

Here are your daily ten for today. For this week, let’s have another focus on subtraction. Can you remember the strategies we can use to help us?

  • Draw a picture
  • Use concrete materials (cubes/rubbers/pencils)
  • Use a number line
  • Use our fingers

Make sure you place the symbols in the correct place if you are writing out the whole calculation. This week we are going to challenge ourselves by working with slightly larger numbers.

  1.  10 – 4 =
  2.  13 -1 =
  3. 7 – 4 =
  4. 14 -3 =
  5. 20-10 =
  6. 15-5 =
  7. 10 -2=
  8. 17 -0 =
  9. 10 -5=
  10. 14-14 =

Today I thought I would set you some challenge cards to use outside. I would love to see some pictures of your work.

Good luck with all of your home learning tasks for today. I will be back on the blog tomorrow, enjoy the rest of your day.

Mrs Stevenson








Deans Den- Friday 5th June

Happy World Environment Day!! Today, we are going to explore why it is important to look after the environment around us. Watch the clip and then you could draw the different ways you could help to save the planet. Have fun and I will check in with you all next week.

P.1/2 Friday 5/6/20

Good Morning P.1/2

I hope you are all well this Friday morning and ready for another day of learning! Here is some more classical music to start our day.

Track 2 at 3.21 seconds is a big favourite for me.


2D & 3D shape

Now to continue our shape work. We have been looking at 2D shapes (they are the flat shapes) and 3D shapes (they are the solid shapes).

Let’s take a little quiz to see how many shapes we can recall.


Now choose a different picture (from last week) and complete a colour the shape worksheet.

Colour by 3D Shapes


Let’s remind ourselves about Christian artefacts  – that means objects you would find in a church. Have another look at the following powerpoint about some things you would find in a church. Look, in particular, at slides 4,5 & 6.

p.1.2-christian-churches-powerpoint_short vers

Now complete the worksheet below.

Christian artefacts p.1.2

Story time

Here is another one of my favourite stories to finish up with. If you like dragons you will enjoy this story too. Maybe you could draw a dragon just like the one in the story.


Have a lovely week-end. Will be in touch next Friday.


Deans Den – Thursday 4th June

Good morning all and Happy Thursday!! Remember to ask a grown up to collect your learning packs from school this week, there is also a Deans Den Summer activity booklet for you to complete.

As the weather is not going to be that good over over the next couple of days, why not try some baking. In this week’s episode of Big Cook, Little Cook, the chefs prepare a Princess Pie after reading the story of The Princess and the Pea. Enjoy!!


Happy Thursday Primary 1/2 04.06.20

Good Morning Everyone!

Happy Thursday girls and boys, I hope everyone enjoyed yesterday’s Wellbeing Wednesday! We’re coming to the end of another busy week of home learning with the summer holidays fast approaching!

Let’s start off our day with a little yoga to calm our minds, stretch our bodies and get ready to learn.


Today I thought we could have a focus on a non -fiction text. Can you remember what the difference between fiction and non-fiction is? Have a look through the suggested book on oxford owls e-books and see if you can share the differences you notice with an adult. Visit –  https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/       username  deans12   password mrsstevenson

The non-fiction text we will be looking at today is called ‘Fun at Night’ 

Before reading have a think about what this book is going to help us learn about, can you make a prediction?  Can you think of anything you can do which is fun at night? Discuss this with an adult.

With the help of an adult read through the book, it is especially important to use and talk about the pictures before reading the sentence,  searching for any tricky words or words you don’t know the meaning of? Can you use your word attack strategies to read the word? Once you and your adult have read through the book together, there are some questions for you below. Can you remember the answers or do you have to scan through the book to find the right page with the answer?

  1. Why do all these animals have big eyes?
  2. What does a fox hunt?
  3. Why do some small bugs light up at night?
  4. What can you normally see at dusk?
  5. What do bats like to feed on?
  6. On what page can we learn about ‘The dragon’?
  7. On what page can we learn about dusk?

Finally, a fun book to have a listen to is  Night Monkey, Day Monkey by my favourite author, Julia Donaldson – Grab your milk or water and get comfy!

What differences between the day and night do you notice from the story?

Why don’t you have a go at drawing your own nighttime/daytime picture? Or you could use the picture below to draw and label some pictures, sorting into daytime or nighttime.


Today we are going to have a go at using our imaginations to write a story. Think about all the things that a good writer does and share these with an adult.

I have chosen a picture for you to look at, this is from one of my favourite cartoons when I was little, it is called ‘Trap Door’. A trap door is a mysterious door fitted onto the ground. I wonder what is under there? Can you use your five senses to help you imagine what could be beneath the door?

There was a strange sound coming from under the trap door. Slowly the door creaked open and .…………

Make sure you are writing in full sentences –

  • Capital letters
  • Full stop at the end
  • Letters resting on the line
  • Use your sounds to help you spell the trickier words

Good luck… be as imaginative as you can be! I’d really love to read some of your stories, so if an adult can send any pictures of work into the school email address that would be amazing!  wldeans-ps@westlothian.org.uk

Numeracy and Maths

Daily Ten

Here are your daily ten questions for today.

  1. What day was yesterday?
  2. What month comes after June?
  3. How many Wednesdays are there in June?
  4. How many sides does a square have?
  5. How many sides does a rectangle have?
  6. Double 6
  7. Double 8
  8. 9 – 3 =
  9. 7 – 5=
  10. 10 -1=

Today I would like you to practise your number bonds for ten using a pack of cards and an adult to play with you. Here is the game….


I have attached a number bonds worksheet for you to use outside to help you practise making ten in different ways. How many different natural materials can you find to make the addition calculation?


Good luck with all of your home learning tasks for today. Mrs Lockhart will be posting on the blog tomorrow and I will see you all back here on Monday. Have a fabulous weekend.

Mrs Stevenson

Happy Tuesday Primary 1/2 02.06.20

Good Morning Everyone!

It’s Tuesday!! Hope you all managed to enjoy Monday’s sunshine and all the home learning tasks provided. Here are your activities for Tuesday, new packs will be available this week but try and finish off as much as you can from the last pack.


Access this week’s text – No Tricks, Gran  through Oxford Owls e-books –  oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page

Username – deans12    password   mrsstevenson

Re- read the story out loud with the help of an adult. Can you identify 6 tricky words from the text. Use the roll, read and find sheet to play the game with an adult.

roll read and find sheet  

You can choose an activity from your guided reading home learning pack or can complete the activity below.

Jumbled sentences – read the words from the story and put them into the correct order. Remember where the capital letter and full stop go, that will help you out and don’t forget to read your finished sentence to check it makes sense.

  1.  stop. Gran had to come
  2. hurt had Gran arm. her But
  3. big  a Gran box. had  
  4.  Dad “Gran” said groan. a with 
  5. was spook. a not 

Finally, have a go at https://www.turtlediary.com/game/sentence-unscramble-first-grade.html   where you have to unscramble the sentences. Good luck!


Today we are going to learn another new sound – ‘y’

Here is the jolly jingle for y

How many words can you think of which contain the y sound? Have a look around your house, what can you find?

Here is Geraldine to help you think of some..

Have a go at practising writing this letter.. this slide below will help you.

Why not grab some chalk and go outside and practise writing this letter on the ground or what can you find around your garden to make the letter?

Once you have practised forming the letter correctly, have a go at spelling these words…

y -u  – m           y- u -ck       y-e -s      y- e – t        y- e- ll                  y- e -ll -o -w

Draw a picture to go with each of the new y words.

Finally, I have added  ‘Yellow Yo-yo’ to our home learning section of Education city. Good Luck!


Numeracy and Maths

Daily Ten – We’re continuing to revise topics we have already covered in school, this week.

  1. What day was yesterday?
  2. Can you name the 4 seasons?
  3. How many Saturdays are there in June?
  4.  Double 2
  5. Double 4
  6. 3 + ____ = 10
  7. 8 + ____ = 10
  8. 4 + ____ = 10
  9.  5 + ____=10
  10. 10+ ____ =10

Today I would like you to have a go at drawing your own rekenrek to display your knowledge of double numbers.

Here is a little example to help you.

You could even have a go at making your own rekenrek – using a pipe cleaner and some beads.


There are lots of fun activities through Glasgow science centre this week as they celebrate #BigBiodiversityWeek with World Environment Day being celebrated on June 5th (Friday) Every day at 10am they have a new biodiversity themed video. Why not log onto their Youtube channel GSC at home. Yesterday they were looking at food chains-  have a little watch!

Here is a little video to help explain  a little further what a food chain is.

Can you have a go at making your own very simple food chain?

I’ve added a Learn It on Educationcity called Food Chain Safari – have a go..

I hope you have enjoyed today’s tasks. Tomorrow is Well being Wednesday so I will be back on Thursday for some more home learning ideas.

Mrs Stevenson



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