There is a letter in your child’s book bag about our Families Connect programme, please read this and get in touch by Friday if you would like to take part.

Sessions will run on the following dates from 1pm-3pm

  • Thursday 14th March
  • Thursday 21st March
  • Thursday 28th March
  • Thursday 4th April
  • Thursday 25th April
  • Thursday 2nd May
  • Thursday 9th May
  • Thursday 16th May

We would love to invite parents, grandparents, aunties or uncles to take part in this with their child. Childcare will be provided for any younger siblings of participants.

Sessions will focus on health and wellbeing, literacy and numeracy. The first hour of each session will consist of parents/carers enjoying a cup of tea and looking through resources, the children will join us for the second hour where we will have a snack and carry out the activity. You will then get to take the resources home with you to enjoy again and again.

Parents and carers who took part in the last session have said:

“I feel happier to interact with school”

“I enjoyed every minute”

“Families Connect has been really good and I feel others would benefit from it”

“Very helpful with bringing emotions and school subjects together and doing it at home”

“I think my friends would enjoy doing all the activities”


We look forward to hearing from you!

Families Connect


There is a letter in your child’s book bag about our Families Connect programme, please read this and return by Friday if you would like to take part.

Sessions will run on the following dates from 1pm-3pm

  • Thursday 14th March
  • Thursday 21st March
  • Thursday 28th March
  • Thursday 4th April
  • Thursday 25th April
  • Thursday 2nd May
  • Thursday 9th May
  • Thursday 16th May

We would love to invite parents, grandparents, aunties or uncles to take part in this with their child. Childcare will be provided for any younger siblings of participants.

Sessions will focus on health and wellbeing, literacy and numeracy. The first hour of each session will consist of parents/carers enjoying a cup of tea and looking through resources, the children will join us for the second hour where we will have a snack and carry out the activity. You will then get to take the resources home with you to enjoy again and again.

Parents and carers who took part in the last session have said:

“I feel happier to interact with school”

“I enjoyed every minute”

“Families Connect has been really good and I feel others would benefit from it”

“Very helpful with bringing emotions and school subjects together and doing it at home”

“I think my friends would enjoy doing all the activities”


We look forward to hearing from you!

P1 and P2/1 Highlights of the Week

This week we have been learning about the Loch Ness Monster. We read the story ‘No Such Thing as Nessie!’ by Chani McBain and Kristeen Harris Jones.

Sophie- It is about a little boy who wanted to find Nessie.

Brendan- His sister Sarah was not very nice. She didn’t believe in Nessie.

Lucy- She was laughing and made him feel miserable.

Arthur- He found Nessie in the end.

We are very glad that it was a happy ending and didn’t know that Nessie liked shortbread!

We decided to do our own Nessie hunt. We went on the live Nessie Webcam and saw….

Rihanna-  I saw a green thing in the water. It looked like it had a green neck and spots.

Aayan- I saw something flying across the water.

Scarlet- I saw a net.

After our Nessie hunt we were still not sure if there was a real life Nessie. We had a debate and in the end we decided that Nessie was real and not a myth.

We made Nessie Puppets. Lucy added lots of detail including spots and a fantastic tartan hat.

Maison made a fabulous Nessie and described him using  three adjectives. He even wrote a sentence using a connective. Wow!!!!

In gym we are practicing bouncing and catching a ball.

Calvin- It was easy because I made my hands into a basket.

Skye- We have also been learning new games. I liked ‘Clear the Garden’

Sophie- I liked shark Attack. You had to swim to the islands without getting caught by the sharks.

Lexie- I liked the game ‘Frozen Beanbags’ We had to balance really carefully to keep the beanbag on our head.

Our sound this week has been u from Inky’s Vowel House. We made u for umbrellas to remind us of the letter shape. We can now read and write lots more words with u as the middle sound.

In numeracy Elkie had fun being the teacher and was leading our learning.

I think we will need to watch our jobs Mrs Stevenson, she was a bit too good!

Well done Elkie for being so confident!

Mark- We had to put the numbers from smallest to biggest.

This week Mrs Wood was very proud of Lewis for working so hard on writing his common words. Well done Lewis ….two thumbs up!!!

Homework Star of the Week – Sophie

Sophie shared her fantastic homework with the class. She shared that she was born in the year of the snake, that this is the year of the pig and had made a beautiful valentine card.


P1 and P2/1 Weekly Update!

Primary 1 and Primary 2/1 have had another busy week in school.

Primary 1 got a surprise with their classroom getting a mini makeover!

Scarlet – I like the new drawing area.

Lucy – I liked that the tables have been moved.

Tadas and Charlie enjoyed sharing a dinosaur non fiction book in the new library area.

Aayan commented ‘I am enjoying my new book and I love that I can read it.’

This week we have been writing all about what we can and can’t do…..yet! We read the story of Giraffes can’t Dance by one of our favourite authors Giles Andrea.  The boys and girls have been working hard to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops and draw detailed pictures.

Calvin and Lucy did a great job!

Our sound focus this week have been the letter ‘g’. We made glittery golden g’s by gluing and sticking. Don’t they look gggggggg great!

As part of our Scotland learning, we found out about Scotland’s national flower, the Thistle. We looked at pictures and used describing words to say what we saw. We used pastels to blend the colours together to create a our own thistles.

Brendan said – I liked drawing the spiky flowers and I really liked making the spikes.

We learned a bit more about Scotland today from being part of an audience with the Scottish Opera. It was fantastic!

Kayleigh – I liked the opera, especially the songs. I was very proud of Ryan.

Maison – I liked the fighting scenes.

Scarlet – I liked when they showed off the baby Prince Charlie at the end.

A great big thank you to Ethan’s Granny who kindly planted a French Marigold for the class. We are going to take turns to water and care for it in the classroom. We are going on a name for our plant next week.


A special mention needs to go to Lucy and Grandma this week, who presented the class with an outstanding piece of homework. Lucy made a book for the class library called ‘Biff, Chip, Kipper, Mum and Dad – Halloween’ based on her class reading book, Fancy Dress. Well done Lucy and Grandma we really enjoyed reading it.


Nurturing the Birds!

The Den Gang have been worried about birds being hungry in this cold weather as they have been discussing how tricky it must be for birds to find food as the ground is frozen and there are no berries left on the bushes. To help the birds, they decided to make bird feeders.

Here are the instructions we followed if you would like to make your own bird feeder at home: https://www.rspb.org.uk/fun-and-learning/for-kids/games-and-activities/activities/make-a-speedy-bird-cake


Busy Bloggers this Week!

We have been working hard in gym to improve our throwing and catching skills. We played clear the garden, practiced our under and over arm throwing and worked in small teams.

Lucy- It was easy, I could throw the beanbag really far.

Brendan- I liked catching. I was proud because I got to demonstrate my skills for my friends.

Tadas- I liked playing clear the garden, I liked throwing the pretend beanbag weeds.

Aayan – I liked balancing the beanbag on my head. It was tricky and easy. Bending up and down was super tricky.

We have been using our imagination in writing. We were pretending that we were in a secret hiding place or a place that we really like to be. Some of us were in our beds sleeping, some friends were on a beach and one friend was even in a pyramid!

Lucy – being in a pyramid would be very cool!

We have been working hard to make sure we hit all our targets in writing.  We are using the symbols to remind us what we need to do to be successful. This week Sophie and Lexie did a fantastic job at making sure they remembered all of their targets. Super work, well done!

Lexie- I am happy because I got everything pink.

Sophie- It was exciting to get lots of pink.

Have a read at their amazing work.

This week our sound has been ‘h’ for happy harry the horse. We have completed lots of fun activities. We are working hard to think about where we hear the sounds. We had fun with Mrs Fleming jumping into the hoops for each sound.

As part of our Scotland topic we wanted to make our own Scotland flags.  We worked in teams using collage to complete our flags.


We are getting better at our number talks and are even practising our own.

Lexie- I like when my idea gets written on the board.

Ethan and Tyler made their own number talk using the dot patterns. They made 10!!! Well done boys we are very impressed!


Scottish Fun in Primary One!

We have been learning all about Scotland this week. Tomorrow we have a special Burns Day assembly and we have worked really hard to learn a Scottish song called ‘Coulters Candy’.

Ethan- It has been difficult, there are lots of Scottish words and they are a bit tricky.                                                                                                                                    Mrs Stevenson learned some words too, she thought they were really hard to say but she didn’t give up!

We all want to say a BIG thank you to Mrs Buntin who helped us by playing the piano.

We were invited to be a quality audience for P3. We watched them dancing a Scottish dance.

Lucy- They had to do lots of turns, clapping and skipping.

We read the story of ‘Hamish the Highland Cow’ by Natalie Russell.

Roman was able to retell the whole story to the class.

Today we were visited by the dental team.

Scarlet- We were getting our teeth checked by the dental team.

Kayleigh- They were counting how many teeth we had.

Calvin- It was kind of weird …..we had to wear sunglasses….inside!!!!

Finlay- They had a mirror to see if our teeth were clean or not. They needed the mirror to see to the back.

Lexie- We all got stickers. I really like the colours on mine.

We have been learning number patterns of 5.                                                        Aayan- We were really good  and we found lots and lots of patterns.

We learned all about the add sign + .                                                                         Harrison was able to make it with his fingers.

We had an exciting morning today. When we came into school we got a big surprise. Our cloakroom has changed! Thank you Tom for all your hard word it looks fab!

Ashley- I like it because we have more room.

Brendan- It looks very colourful.

There will be more exciting changes coming soon….so watch this space.

A fffffffabulous week in Primary 1 and Primary 2/1

It’s been another busy old week down in Primary 1 and Primary 2/1.

We have been learning the f sound and been using it to build lots of different words. We have been practising forming the letter using various materials we have found in the classroom, like play doh, buttons and even beans.

We have been working together to build a plan for our work on seasons. We are learning all about Winter. We know lots of things already and have made a map of what we would like to learn next.

Lewis had the great idea of making some winter art. We learned about hot and cold colours and talked about how they made us feel. We used lots of cold colours to paint the landscape and then added bare trees and snow to complete our lovely pictures.

Lucy – I really liked doing my painting because it looked really good at the end.

Kayleigh – I liked using all the different cold colours.

Brendan – I enjoyed tearing the paper to make the snow because I LOVE snow!

Today the British Transport Police visited our school. They talked to us all about their job and how they can help to keep us safe in the community. It was really interesting.

Finlay learned that it was important not to go on the train tracks.

Ethan reported back that if you drop something on the tracks only the police can get it back for you.

Ashley said that if you got lost you can always ask a police officer to help you.

Kayleigh explained that part of the job of the police is to arrest people who steal things. Stealing is bad.

Brendan said that it was important never to touch electricity because we could get electrocuted.

Sophie told us all about the little film clip about staying safe with our parents.

We learned lots of new information.

Den Show and Tell

We are looking forward to taking part in ‘Show and Tell’ in The Den on Thursday. Pupils will be bringing in photos, toys or books from home to share with The Den Gang who will listen and ask questions.

Keep your eyes peeled later in the week for photos of what we brought in!

Happy New Year from P1 and P2/1!

Maison- We all wish you a Happy New Year.

Roman, Brendan and Rihanna got off to a great start and did some good work when we learned about writing the digits for this year.  We thought 2019 was a very big number with 4 digits!

We have been trying really hard to be ‘excellent illustrators’ we are making our pictures detailed, colourful and neat.

Skye- I hope you like our pictures.

Mrs Cochrane and Mrs Stevenson shared the story ‘Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish’ by Michael Foreman.

The children were really good at recalling the main events of the story.

Brendan- A greedy man cut down all the trees and made factories that puffed out lots of smoke. All to reach a pretty and shiny star.

Lexie- All the little animals and flowers disappeared.

Tyler- The world was untidy, messy , dark and stinky!

Ethan- Dinosaurs and the man saved the planet by sharing.

Lucy- They planted flowers and trees.

We decided to look after our special world at Deans Primary School.  The first thing we did was go on a litter audit of our school grounds.

We found lots of rubbish!

Sophie- I was shocked.

Elkie- I was really angry.

Sarah-Louise- I was very, very angry.

Scarlet- I was sad.

We found that the biggest problem was at the front of our school.

Aayan was really grumpy and Maison was shocked and couldn’t believe his eyes.

Even the trees and bushes had rubbish in them. We don’t think ‘Pot Noodles’ grow in trees! We are going to take action and be ‘litter Police’ to help look after our school environment. Even the smallest changes can make a big difference.  We sat down with the teachers and made a big plan together. We talked about what we wanted to do and what we wanted to learn about this term. Here are some of our ideas so far.

Aayan suggested that we should make signs and learn about how littering affects animals.

Mark- Wants to design real life litter heroes.

Kullyn and Kayleigh had the great idea of doing a litter pick.

Brendan- Wants to learn how we can keep our playground healthy and how to make bug hotels.

Lucy- Wants to learn where the rubbish goes.

Elkie suggested that we need to look after our paper and use it well. She would also like to learn the colours of recycling.

We found some planters and thought we might be like the dinosaurs and plant some flowers.                                                                                                                  Lexie- That will make our playground look nice and tidy and bees will come and make honey.

This week we have learned the ‘e’ sound and made e for Elmo.

We had a team challenge to see how many e’s we could write in 1 minute.  We then picked our favourite e from the other team. We were very proud of ourselves.

We had a go at making a giant e using our bodies and working as a team.

It was an eeeeeenergetic challenge and we think we did an eeeeeeeexcellent job.

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